
当我们遇到麻烦时,有人会伸出援手,但也有人不仅袖手旁观(watch indifferently without lending a hand),还会“说风凉话”。

“说风凉话”,中文俗语,意思是“站在事件之外说些不负责任的讽刺性的话”,常常用于对不站在对方立场上思考和讲话的人的反驳。可以翻译为“make irresponsible and carping comments”或“make sarcastic comments ”。


tā zhuān mén zhǎo kòng zi shuō fēng liáng huà


He uses every opportunity to make irresponsible and sarcastic comments.

wèi shén me dà jiā zǒng rèn wéi wǒ zài shuō fēng liáng huà


Why does everyone always think I'm being sarcastic?

“一拍即合”,汉语成语,意思是一打拍子就合上了曲子的节奏;比喻一相遇即十分合适、融洽,也比喻因情意相投,一下子就说到一起或结合在一起。与英文俗语“hit it off”意思相近,表示“form an immediate, positive connection with someone;quickly become good friends with someone”。


wǒ jiù zhī dào nǐ hé hǎi lì huì yī pāi jí hé,nǐ men yǒu tài duō gòng tóng diǎn le


I just knew you and Haley would hit it off—you two have so much in common.

wǒ hěn gāo xìng nǐ hé wǒ fù qīn yī pāi jí hé。tā bìng bù shì gè róng yì xiāng chǔ de rén


I'm so glad that you hit it off with my father. He isn't always the easiest person to get to know.
