


信号也是进程间通信的一种手段,之前在《PostgreSQL 15源码浅析(1)—— postgres中的1号数据库》介绍了通过管道完成向psql客户端进程传递BKI命令的进程间通信方式,同样,信号是另一种进程间传递信息的方式,相对传统的共享内存和消息队列方式,信号要简单的多。



我们最常用的一个就是 9) SIGKILL ,kill -9 <pid>,我想这个大家应该都用过。实际上,Linux内核支持64种不同的信号,这些信号种的大部分都有了预先定义好的意义,但是都支持自定义动作,并且还提供了类似SIGUSR1这样由应用程序来定义的信号。

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同样在C./C 中也可以使用类似方法,使用kill函数,传入进程号pid和信号值sig,即可以向指定进程发送特定的信号。

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  1. 捕获信号,并忽略它,常用于在某些处理过程中不希望被终端打断的场景,如某些初始化过程。
  2. 不做任何捕获操作,使用信号的默认行为,信号的默认行为大部分是要终止进程。
  3. 捕获信号,并重新赋予被捕获信号新的使命。这里点题了。"信号1的使命"。


再推荐一本书吧,有兴趣转行的同学可以看看《Linux C程序设计大全》,是一本贼厚的蓝皮书,也是我入行时的第一本工具书。



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  1. 重新启动数据库服务,这是网吧管理员的做法,除非是一些参数要求重启服务,否则不需要这么干;
  2. 使用超级用户执行 select pg_reload_conf(); 留个坑,后续补充这个函数的执行流程;
  3. bash下执行 kill -HUP <pid> 或 kill -1 <pid>,这个就是今天要撸的代码;
  4. 使用pg_ctl工具执行 pg_ctl reload 这个命令实际上就是触发了SIGHUP信号;


通过select distinct(context) from pg_settings;命令列出所有配置的类型(共7种)。

postgres@/tmp:postgres> select distinct(context) from pg_settings; ------------------- | context | |-------------------| | postmaster | | superuser-backend | | user | | internal | | backend | | sighup | | superuser | ------------------- SELECT 7 Time: 0.005s


/* * Certain options can only be set at certain times. The rules are * like this: * * INTERNAL options cannot be set by the user at all, but only through * internal processes ("server_version" is an example). These are GUC * variables only so they can be shown by SHOW, etc. * * POSTMASTER options can only be set when the postmaster starts, * either from the configuration File or the command line. * * SIGHUP options can only be set at postmaster startup or by changing * the configuration file and sending the HUP signal to the postmaster * or a backend process. (Notice that the Signal receipt will not be * evaluated immediately. The postmaster and the backend check it at a * certain point in their main loop. It's safer to wait than to read a * file asynchronously.) * * BACKEND and SU_BACKEND options can only be set at postmaster startup, * from the configuration file, or by client request in the connection * startup packet (e.g., from libpq's PGOPTIONS variable). SU_BACKEND * options can be set from the startup packet only when the user is a * superuser. Furthermore, an already-started backend will ignore changes * to such an option in the configuration file. The idea is that these * options are fixed for a given backend once it's started, but they can * vary across backends. * * SUSET options can be set at postmaster startup, with the SIGHUP * mechanism, or from the startup packet or SQL if you're a superuser. * * USERSET options can be set by anyone any time. */ typedef enum { PGC_INTERNAL, PGC_POSTMASTER, PGC_SIGHUP, PGC_SU_BACKEND, PGC_BACKEND, PGC_SUSET, PGC_USERSET } GucContext;


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看一下这些配置在PostgreSQL 15中的分布情况:

postgres@/tmp:postgres> select context,count(*) from pg_settings group by context; ------------------- ------- | context | count | |------------------- -------| | postmaster | 55 | | superuser-backend | 4 | | user | 136 | | internal | 20 | | backend | 2 | | sighup | 92 | | superuser | 44 | ------------------- ------- SELECT 7 Time: 0.006s postgres@/tmp:postgres>



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/* * Postmaster main entry point */ void PostmasterMain(int argc, char *argv[])


pqsignal_pm(SIGHUP, SIGHUP_handler); /* reread config file and have * children do same */ pqsignal_pm(SIGINT, pmdie); /* send SIGTERM and shut down */ pqsignal_pm(SIGQUIT, pmdie); /* send SIGQUIT and die */ pqsignal_pm(SIGTERM, pmdie); /* wait for children and shut down */ pqsignal_pm(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); /* ignored */ pqsignal_pm(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* ignored */ pqsignal_pm(SIGUSR1, sigusr1_handler); /* message from child process */ pqsignal_pm(SIGUSR2, dummy_handler); /* unused, reserve for children */ pqsignal_pm(SIGCHLD, reaper); /* handle child termination */

其中pqsignal_pm(SIGHUP, SIGHUP_handler);注册了对新SIGHUP的处理函数SIGHUP_handler,



ereport(LOG,(errmsg("received SIGHUP, reloading configuration files"))); ProcessConfigFile(PGC_SIGHUP); SignalChildren(SIGHUP); if (StartupPID != 0) signal_child(StartupPID, SIGHUP); if (BgWriterPID != 0) signal_child(BgWriterPID, SIGHUP); if (CheckpointerPID != 0) signal_child(CheckpointerPID, SIGHUP); if (WalWriterPID != 0) signal_child(WalWriterPID, SIGHUP); if (WalReceiverPID != 0) signal_child(WalReceiverPID, SIGHUP); if (AutoVacPID != 0) signal_child(AutoVacPID, SIGHUP); if (PgArchPID != 0) signal_child(PgArchPID, SIGHUP); if (SysLoggerPID != 0) signal_child(SysLoggerPID, SIGHUP); /* Reload authentication config files too */ if (!load_hba()) ereport(LOG, /* translator: %s is a configuration file */ (errmsg("%s was not reloaded", "pg_hba.conf"))); if (!load_ident()) ereport(LOG, (errmsg("%s was not reloaded", "pg_ident.conf")));

  1. 处理配置文件加载ProcessConfigFile。
  2. 将捕获信号传递给子进程signal_child,子进程kill(-pid, signal);
  3. 加载hba配置文件load_hba();
  4. 加载ident配置文件load_ident();


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子进程的处理需要注意的是,收到HUP信号后,并不是立即进入处理流程,而是设置重载标志,在下一次loop forever中检查标志,如果为true则调用配置文件重新加载的流程。

  1. 设置标记ConfigReloadPending

/* * Simple signal handler for triggering a configuration reload. * * Normally, this handler would be used for SIGHUP. The idea is that code * which uses it would arrange to check the ConfigReloadPending flag at * convenient places inside main loops, or else call HandleMainLoopInterrupts. */ void SignalHandlerForConfigReload(SIGNAL_ARGS) { int save_errno = errno; ConfigReloadPending = true; SetLatch(MyLatch); errno = save_errno; }

  1. 读取标记ConfigReloadPending,是否需要重新加载配置文件

/* * Interrupt handler for main loops of WAL writer process. */ static void HandleWalWriterInterrupts(void) { if (ProcSignalBarrierPending) ProcessProcSignalBarrier(); if (ConfigReloadPending) { ConfigReloadPending = false; ProcessConfigFile(PGC_SIGHUP); } if (ShutdownRequestPending) { /* * Force reporting remaining WAL statistics at process exit. * * Since pgstat_report_wal is invoked with 'force' is false in main * loop to avoid overloading the cumulative stats system, there may * exist unreported stats counters for the WAL writer. */ pgstat_report_wal(true); proc_exit(0); } /* Perform logging of memory contexts of this process */ if (LogMemoryContextPending) ProcessLogMemoryContextInterrupt(); }



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if (guc_name_compare(opt_name, "include_dir") == 0) { /* * An include_dir directive isn't a variable and should be * processed immediately. */ if (!ParseConfigDirectory(opt_value, config_file, ConfigFileLineno - 1, depth 1, elevel, head_p, tail_p)) …… } else if (guc_name_compare(opt_name, "include_if_exists") == 0) { /* * An include_if_exists directive isn't a variable and should be * processed immediately. */ if (!ParseConfigFile(opt_value, false, config_file, ConfigFileLineno - 1, depth 1, elevel, head_p, tail_p)) …… } else if (guc_name_compare(opt_name, "include") == 0) { /* * An include directive isn't a variable and should be processed * immediately. */ if (!ParseConfigFile(opt_value, true, config_file, ConfigFileLineno - 1, depth 1, elevel, head_p, tail_p)) …… } else { …… }


/* * Reject too-deep include nesting depth. This is just a safety check to * avoid dumping core due to stack overflow if an include file loops back * to itself. The maximum nesting depth is pretty arbitrary. */ if (depth > 10) { ereport(elevel, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("could not open configuration file \"%s\": maximum nesting depth exceeded", config_file))); record_config_file_error("nesting depth exceeded", calling_file, calling_lineno, head_p, tail_p); return false; }


/* * Actual lookup of variables is done through this single, sorted array. */ static struct config_Generic **guc_variables;


/* * Generic fields applicable to all types of variables * * The short description should be less than 80 chars in length. Some * applications may use the long description as well, and will append * it to the short description. (separated by a newline or '. ') * * Note that sourcefile/sourceline are kept here, and not pushed into stacked * values, although in principle they belong with some stacked value if the * active value is session- or transaction-local. This is to avoid bloating * stack entries. We know they are only relevant when source == PGC_S_FILE. */ struct config_generic { /* constant fields, must be set correctly in initial value: */ const char *name; /* name of variable - MUST BE FIRST */ GucContext context; /* context required to set the variable */ enum config_group group; /* to help organize variables by function */ const char *short_desc; /* short desc. of this variable's purpose */ const char *long_desc; /* long desc. of this variable's purpose */ int flags; /* flag bits, see guc.h */ /* variable fields, initialized at runtime: */ enum config_type vartype; /* type of variable (set only at startup) */ int status; /* status bits, see below */ GucSource source; /* source of the current actual value */ GucSource reset_source; /* source of the reset_value */ GucContext scontext; /* context that set the current value */ GucContext reset_scontext; /* context that set the reset value */ GucStack *stack; /* stacked prior values */ void *extra; /* "extra" pointer for current actual value */ char *last_reported; /* if variable is GUC_REPORT, value last sent * to client (NULL if not yet sent) */ char *sourcefile; /* file current setting is from (NULL if not * set in config file) */ int sourceline; /* line in source file */ };



ereport(elevel,(errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_TRANSACTION_STATE), errmsg("cannot set parameters during a parallel operation"))); case PGC_INTERNAL: if (context != PGC_INTERNAL) { ereport(elevel, (errcode(ERRCODE_CANT_CHANGE_RUNTIME_PARAM), errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be changed", name))); return 0; } break; else if (context != PGC_POSTMASTER) { ereport(elevel, (errcode(ERRCODE_CANT_CHANGE_RUNTIME_PARAM), errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be changed without restarting the server", name))); return 0; } case PGC_SIGHUP: if (context != PGC_SIGHUP && context != PGC_POSTMASTER) { ereport(elevel, (errcode(ERRCODE_CANT_CHANGE_RUNTIME_PARAM), errmsg("parameter \"%s\" cannot be changed now", name))); return 0; } /* * Hmm, the idea of the SIGHUP context is "ought to be global, but * can be changed after postmaster start". But there's nothing * that prevents a crafty administrator from sending SIGHUP * signals to individual backends only. */ break; case PGC_SU_BACKEND: if (context == PGC_BACKEND) { /* * Check whether the current user has been granted privilege * to set this GUC. */ AclResult aclresult; aclresult = pg_parameter_aclcheck(name, GetUserId(), ACL_SET); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) { /* No granted privilege */ ereport(elevel, (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE), errmsg("permission denied to set parameter \"%s\"", name))); return 0; } }



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