定语从句(by 焦糖英语)


定语从句在初中阶段初三上学期开始接触, 孩子们普遍会觉得比较难。中考搞定限制性定语从句就差不多了, 真正考查更多的还是that/which/who/whom/whose, 关系代词as以及关系副词考查较少甚至不考, 大多考题会扎堆考引导词或主谓一致或作文定从亮点句上。上了高一, 大多教材也会安排定从, 着重讲关系副词/介词 关系代词、非限制性定从等。比如北师大新版教材, 定从Ⅰ~Ⅲ, 从关系代词到介词 关系代词。看着是最难从句, 但若拉好线"先行词→引导词→定语从句", 认真摸清楚个中套路, 就不会觉得难了, 还可以辨析清楚定从与其他句子的区别。



句子在复合句中充当定语成分, 则称之为定语从句。从词性延伸到成分来看, 我们可以从词性形容词着手, 形容词的作用主要是用于修饰名词或代词, 那么对应到成分定语, 定语的作用也是如此, 但要注意定语从句还可以修饰主句, 所以综合来说, 定语从句的作用主要是修饰名词、代词或整个句子。而在英语语法中, 用来引导定语从句的词, 我们称之为引导词或关系词, 定语从句所修饰的名词或代词或整个句子, 我们称之为先行词

Guangzhou is a place which most people want to visit. 广州是一个大多数人都想要参观的地方。

(先行词→a place, 引导词/关系词→which, 定语从句→most people want to visit)



修饰名词或代词, 引导词为介词 关系代词或关系代词或关系副词(可用that), 无逗号隔开, 翻译通常翻译为"......的", 修饰意义较强, 联系相对紧密。

Tom is a boy that everyone likes. Tom是一位大家都喜欢的男孩。


修饰名词或代词或整个句子, 引导词为介词 关系代词或关系代词或关系副词(不能用that), 有逗号隔开, 翻译可独立翻译从句, 作补充说明, 联系相对没那么紧密。

Tom is a boy, who everyone likes. Tom是个男孩, 大家都喜欢。


1.but相当于"关系代词that/which/who...not", 通常放在否定句, 构成"双重否定表肯定"。

There is not a cat but likes fish. 没有不吃鱼的猫。

2.more 先行词(名词) than, 此时的than相当于关系代词, 后可接定语从句, 翻译为"比......更多......"。

Tom found more apples than he expected. Tom找到了比他预料的更多的苹果。


(1)一般情况下限制性定语从句紧跟先行词, 但也会出现先行词与定语从句中间有其他修饰词或短语, 这类题经常在考题挖坑, 需要根据定语从句大意判断真正的先行词, 进而准确匹配对应引导词或写对定从里的谓语动词形式。

Tom is a boy with bright eyes who is clever. Tom是一位聪明的有着明亮双眼的男孩。

(2)有时候会出现多个相同或不同的定语从句修饰同一个先行词的情况, 这时候称之为多重定语从句, 注意第二个定从及之后的定从都不能省略引导词

Tom likes a place which he lives in and that is called Guangzhou. Tom喜欢他住的叫做广州的地方。


四、引导词(关系词)→作用: 连接、代替、作成分



连接主句和定语从句, 在定语从句中代替先行词, 在定从主要充当主语、宾语、表语、定语


(1)指人(that, who, whom, whose, as), 注意"whose 名词"相当于"the 名词 of 先行词指人"→"某人的......"。

Linda is a girl that/who likes apples. Linda是一位喜欢苹果的女孩。(that/who连接主从句, 引导定从, 代替先行词a girl, 在定从中充当主语)

Linda is the girl that/whom Tom likes. Linda是Tom喜欢的那位女孩。(that/whom连接主从句, 引导定从, 代替先行词the girl, 在定从中充当宾语)

Linda is not the same girl as she was. Linda不再是以前那个女孩了。(as连接主从句, 引导定从, 代替先行词the same girl, 在定从中充当表语)

Linda is a girl whose shirt is white. Linda是白色衬衫的那位女孩。(whose先行词连接主从句, 引导定从, 代替先行词the girl's, 在定从中充当定语)

(2)指物(that, which, whose, as), 注意"whose 名词"相当于"the 名词 of 先行词指物"→"某物的......"。

Kitty is the cat that/which likes fighting. Kitty就是那只很喜欢打架的猫。(that/which连接主从句, 引导定从, 代替先行词the cat, 在定从中充当主语)

Kitty is the cat that/which Tom likes. Kitty就是那只Tom喜欢的猫。(that/which连接主从句, 引导定从, 代替先行词the cat, 在定从中充当宾语)

It is not the same cat as it was. 它不再是之前那只猫了。(as连接主从句, 引导定从, 代替先行词the same cat, 在定从中充当表语)

Kitty is the cat whose color is white. Kitty就是那只颜色是白色的猫。(whose连接主从句, 引导定从, 代替先行词the cat's, 在定从中充当定语)

3.关系代词省略情况(限制性定从存在省略关系代词的情况, 但非限制性定从的关系代词都不可省略。)关系代词在定从里作宾语或表语时, 可以省略。注意: 这里的宾语若为介宾结构即介词后的宾语, 并且介词在引导词前时, 关系代词不能省略。

(1)He was the teacher (that/who) Tom wanted to thank. 他就是Tom想要感谢的那位老师。(that/who在定从中作动词后宾语, 可省略)

(2)Kitty is the cat (that/which) Tom wants to keep. Kitty就是Tom想要养的猫。(that/which在定从中作动词后宾语, 可省略)

(3)Mike is not the handsome boy (that/who) he was. Mike不再是之前那个帅气的男孩了。(that/who在定从中作表语, 可省略)

(4)Guangzhou is the place (that/which) Tom wants to live in. 广州就是Tom想要居住的地方。(that/which在定从中作介词后宾语, 并且介词在定从后, 可省略)

(5)Guangzhou is the place in which Tom wants to live. 广州就是Tom想要居住的地方。(which在定从中作介词后宾语, 但介词在which前, 不能省略which)



who在初中阶段主要考查作主语成分, 高中阶段who即可作主语又可作宾语(若为"定从介词 引导词"即引导词前有介词→介宾结构, 此时只能用whom); whom只作宾语成分。

He is the man who/whom Tom is talking with. 他就是Tom正在交谈的那个男人。(who/whom连接主从句, 引导定从, 代替先行词the man, 在定从中作宾语)

He is the man with whom Tom is talking. (将上句定从的with挪到先行词前, 此时只能用whomwhom连接主从句, 引导定从, 代替先行词the man, 在定从中作宾语)


①as引导限制性定从时, 常用结构为"... the same/as/such/so 先行词 as 定从"。

A. Tom is not the same boy as he was. Tom不再是以前那个男孩了。

B. Tom wants to take as many apples as he can. Tom想要尽可能带走很多苹果。

C. The shopper don't have such many apples as Tom wants. 店家没有Tom想要的那么多苹果。

D. Tom doesn't have so much money as Linda needs. Tom没有Linda需要的那么多钱。

②as引导非限制性定从时, 更像是插入语(考试常将这类放在固定表达/写作亮点等考查), 位置比较灵活, 可以在主句前、中、后, 常翻译为"正如"

A. As we all know/As is known to us/As is well-known 众所周知

B. As was expected/As we expect 正如我们所预料的那样

(3)"the same 先行词 as 定从"与"the same 先行词 that 定从"

①the same 先行词 as 定从→同类不同物

Tom bought the same bike as Linda bought. Tom买了一辆和Linda买的自行车一样的自行车。(Tom买的和Linda买的为同类自行车, 共两辆自行车, 不是同一辆自行车)

②the same 先行词 that 定从→同类同物

Tom found the same bike that Linda lost. Tom找到了Linda丢失的那一辆自行车。(Tom找到的和Linda丢的为同一辆自行车)

(4)只能用that(考试常考)→"代高序双特, 这那不重复"

当先行词是不定词little, few, everything, nothing等时, 用that。

Tom would like to do everything that he can finish for Linda. Tom愿意为Linda做一切他能完成的事情。

当先行词被最级或数词修饰时, 用that。

A. Kitty is the best cat that Tom has ever seen.Kitty是Tom见过的最好的一只猫。

B. Tom was the first student that arrived at their school.Tom是到达他们学校的第一个学生。

当先行词既有人又有物时(), 用that。

Tom likes things and people that are in Guangzhou. Tom喜欢在广州的人和事物。

当先行词被the only, the same, the very等修饰时(), 用that。(注意the only one of 人时用who)

Linda is the very girl that Tom likes. Linda恰好是Tom喜欢的那个女孩。

当主句以here, there开头时(这那), 用that。

Here is Guangzhou that Tom wants to live in. 这里就是Tom想要居住的广州。

当主句是who或which开头时(不重复原则), 用that。

A. Who is the girl that is talking with Tom? 正在和Tom交谈的那个女孩是谁?

B. Which is the cat that you like best? 哪只猫是你最喜欢的?


非限制性定从指物时, 用which。

We won the football match, which was an exciting thing. 我们赢了足球比赛, 这是一件令人感到兴奋的事情。

先行词指物, 引导词在定从中作介词后宾语, 并且介词位于引导词前时, 用which。

Kitty is the cat about which Tom is talking with Linda. Kitty就是Tom正在和Linda谈论的那只猫。

当先行词是that指物时, 用which。

Tom borrowed that which Linda bought yesterday. Tom借了Linda昨天买的那东西。


非限制性定从指人, 引导词在定从作主语时, 用who。

Mike always thinks Tom, who is very clever, can solve many problems. Mike总认为Tom, 他是非常聪明的, 可以解决很多问题。

当先行词是one, ones, those等指人时, 用who。

They are those who are ready to help others. 他们就是那些乐于助人的人。

当两个定语从句里已经用了that指人, 下一个指人的定从用who。

Tom that was in a white shirt was the student who got the first place. 穿着白色衬衫的Tom就是获得了第一名的那个学生。



连接主句和定语从句, 在定语从句中代替先行词, 在定从主要充当状语



The Mid-Autumn Festival is the day when people eat moon cakes. 中秋节是人们吃月饼的日子。(when连接主从句, 引导定从, 代替先行词the day, 在定从中充当时间状语)


Guangzhou is the place where Tom works. 广州就是Tom工作的那个地方。(where连接主从句, 引导定从, 代替先行词the place, 在定从中充当地点状语)


He wants to know the reason why Tom was late for work yesterday. 他想知道Tom昨天上班迟到的原因。(why连接主从句, 引导定从, 代替先行词the reason, 在定从中充当原因状语)

(三)介词 关系代词

1.先行词指物, 用介词 which;先行词指人, 用介词 whom。不管指人指物, that前都不能用介词。

(1)The football match in which we defeated them was exciting.(√)

(2)The football match in that we defeated them was exciting.(×)

2.介词 关系代词≈关系副词

(1)时间介词(on/in/at/during) which相当于when

October 1st is National Day on which/when we are very happy. 10月1日是我们都非常开心的国庆节。

(2)地点介词(in/at/to...) which相当于where

Guangzhou is the place in which/where Mike worked before. 广州就是Mike之前工作过的地方。

(3)for which相当于why

Tom explained the reason for which/where he was late for work. Tom解释了昨天上班迟到的原因。


关系代词前的介词通常来源于习惯搭配, 此时可以把介词提到引导词前, 注意习惯搭配除了定从谓语动词习惯搭配外, 还有先行词习惯搭配以及根据具体定从意思匹配的习惯搭配。若定从出现固定搭配, 不能把固定搭配的介词提到引导词前。

(1)习惯搭配: 去掉搭配里的介词, 原来搭配的基本大意不改变。

look at 看→定从动词习惯搭配(去掉at, look还是看的意思)

Kitty is the cat (which/that) Tom is looking at. = Kitty is the cat at which Tom is looking.Kitty就是Tom正在看的猫。(习惯搭配的介词可拆开提前)

on 具体某一天→定从先行词习惯搭配

April 4th is the day on which/when people make fun of others. 4月1日是大家捉弄其他人的日子。(on 具体某一天→根据先行词the day匹配介词on)


This is the umbrella with which Tom often goes out. 这就是Tom经常出门携带的那把伞。

(2)固定搭配: 去掉搭配里的介词, 原来搭配的基本大意改变。

take care of 照顾→固定搭配(去掉of, take care为小心的意思, 原来固定搭配的基本大意已变)

Kitty is the cat (which/that)Tom takes good care of. Kitty就是Tom照顾很好的猫。(√)

Kitty is the cat of which Tom takes good care. Kitty就是Tom照顾很好的猫。(x) (固定搭配的介词不能拆开提前)

4.介词 关系代词 动词不定式→省略式定从(使语言更加简洁形象)

Linda is looking for the place in which she can have lunch. → Linda is looking for the place in which to have lunch. Linda正在找一个她可以吃午饭的地方。(注意主句主语和定从动词不定式的逻辑主语要一致才能省略)




定语从句的谓语动词要根据主语变化形式, 在数、人称、时态、语态等保持一致。 常考查引导词代替先行词在定从中作主语时, 定从的谓语动词要根据先行词进行对应变化。当先行词是不可数名词或可数名词单数或作为一个整体或其他第三人称单数主语时, 谓语动词要用单数形式(动词第三人称单数形式);当先行词是可数名词复数或其他非三单人称主语时, 谓语动词要用复数形式(原形)。1.Tom is one of the students who take umbrellas to school. Tom是众多带伞去学校的学生之一。(此时先行词为可数名词复数students, 定从谓语动词take用原形take)

2.Tom is the only one of the students who takes umbrellas to school. Tom是众多学生中唯一一个带伞去学校的。(此时先行词为可数名词单数the only one, 特指唯一一个, 定从谓语动词take用三单形式takes)

3.Kitty, which is a white cat, is kept by Tom. Kitty, 一只白色的猫, 是被Tom养着的。(此时先行词为三单主语Kitty, 定从谓语动词用is)

4.As is well-known, the earth moves around the sun. 众所周知, 地球围绕太阳转。(此时先行词为后面整个主句, 作为一个整体, 定从谓语动词用is)

5.Tom often goes for a walk after supper, which makes him comfortable. Tom经常在晚饭后散步, 这让他感觉很舒坦。(此时先行词为前面整个主句, 作为一个整体, 定从谓语动词make用三单形式makes)



such/so...as...引导定语从句, such/so...that...引导结果状语从句。

(1)Kitty is such a cute cat as Tom likes best. Kitty是一只如此可爱的Tom最喜欢的猫。(定语从句, as在定从中作宾语成分)

(2)Kitty is such a cute cat that Tom often buys much food for it. Kitty是一只如此可爱的猫以致于Tom经常为它买很多食物。(结果状语从句, that在状从中不作成分)


(1)Tom wants to know the place where Mike lives. Tom想知道Mike住的地方。(定语从句, where连接主从句, 代替先行词the place, 在定从中作地点状语成分)

(2)Tom wants to know where Mike lives. Tom想知道Mike住在哪里。(宾语从句, where连接主从句, know where 宾从→动宾结构, where引导的宾从在整个主句中作为宾语成分 )


(1)The news that Tom heard just now made him happy. Tom刚才听到的那个消息使得他很开心。(定语从句, that连接主从句, 代替先行词the news, 在定从中作宾语成分)

(2)The news that Tom got the first place in his class made him happy. Tom拿下班级第一名这个消息使得他很开心。(同位语从句, that仅起连接主从作用, 不作成分)


(1)He is Tom that often helps Linda with her math. 他就是经常在数学方面帮助Linda的Tom。(定语从句, that连接主从句, 代替先行词Tom, 在定从中作主语成分, 不能删去)

(2)It is Tom that often helps Linda with her math. 确实是Tom经常在数学方面帮助Linda。(强调句基本句型:It is/was...that..., 去掉"It is和that"后不影响句子结构及意思, 强调主语Tom)


学语法是为了更好掌握语言, 说现实点也是为了中高考好看点, 当然兴趣也可使然。可以拣自己感兴趣的地方或需要弄明白的地方看看哈。定从涉及到的部分内容, 想深入了解可以看之前发布的文章。至于强调句/同位语从句/主谓一致也可等后边开了文章再了解下~





名词、代词、形容词等词性英语十大词性(缩写 音标 解释 举例 思维导图)

PS:本文是焦糖英语的原创内容, 若有所获, 欢迎关注焦糖英语。

