近日,中共中央办公厅印发了关于持续解决困扰基层的形式主义问题、为基层松绑减负的通知。通知指出,今年我国发展面临的风险挑战上升,再叠加疫情影响,做好经济社会发展工作难度更大,要充分调动广大党员、干部的积极性主动性创造性。The General Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has issued a circular stressing consistent efforts to eliminate "formalities for formalities' sake" and avoid placing unnecessary burdens on primary-level authorities. There are more difficulties in promoting social and economic development this year, the circular said, noting that the country faces mounting risks and challenges, as well as the impact brought by the COVID-19 epidemic. It highlights the need to improve the Party's conduct and boost the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of Party members and officials.








Party committees and governments at all levels should implement the policies and decisions made by the CPC Central Committee, seek truth from facts, and resolutely guard against the practice of formalities for formalities' sake and bureaucratism.



We should solve prominent issues that are strongly concerned about by people in poverty-stricken areas and that undermine the people's interests and target the practice of formalities for formalities' sake and bureaucratism in poverty alleviation.




reduce burdens on community-level officials

八项规定eight-point frugality code

工作作风work style

