

What would happen if we nuked the Sun?如果我们用核武器攻击太阳会发生什么?

评论翻译Bill CaffreySend “a” nuke? That’s like throwing a grain of sand in the ocean and expecting to see some significant result. Send all our nukes (every one on the planet) and it’d be like throwing a stone the size of, say a cigarette lighter flint, into Lake Michigan.The sun is a thermonuclear furnace of immense size and mass. It runs by fusion of atomic materials like a hydrogen bomb. Our puny H-bombs are a fraction of its output every second. Our smaller, fission devices (A-Bombs) aren’t even a millisecond of the sun’s output.The reason is something called relative scale. Here’s a photo of a scale model of our solar system.Any more questions?扔核武器?这就像往海里扔了一粒沙子,然后期待看到一些重要的结果。把我们所有的核武器(地球上的每一个)都扔过去,就像把一个打火机大小的石头扔进密歇根湖一样。太阳是一个巨大的热核熔炉。它通过原子材料的聚变来运转,就像氢弹一样。我们的氢弹只是它每秒输出量的一小部分。我们更小的裂变装置(原子弹)的辐射量甚至不到太阳辐射量的一毫秒。原因在于所谓的相对尺度。这是一张我们太阳系的比例模型的照片。还有什么问题吗?Bill CravensThe scale of things in the Cosmos never ceases to astonish me. There are stars that make our Sun look dinky. And our Sun is 99% of the mass of our system.宇宙万物的规模总是让我惊讶不已。有些恒星系让我们的太阳看起来很渺小。太阳的质量是整个系统的99%Wyatt PeakJust one small correction - the biggest bomb we ever made released as much energy as one second of sunlight striking Earth - the actual output of the sun in one second is about a billion times larger.这里提供一个小的修正:我们制造的最大的炸弹释放的能量相当于太阳光照射地球的一秒,而太阳在一秒内的实际输出大约是这个数的十亿倍。Scott Danzig9 orders of magnitude isn’t really a small correction.9个数量级并不是一个小的修正。Wyatt PeakTo be honest I was pretty surprised to learn that Earth absorbs a billionth of the sun’s energy, it's many orders of magnitude higher than I would have guessed.That said, I take your point.说实话,当我得知地球吸收了太阳十亿分之一的能量时,我非常惊讶,这比我想象的要高很多个数量级。不过我同意你的观点。Jon YongThe Sun’s energy goes out in all directions from it.The Earth is really far away, and really small (small in comparison).So the best way to picture it intuitively is that the Sun’s radiating light goes off in every direction, and only a very tiny bit of it hits the Earth.太阳的能量向四面八方发散。地球真的很远,而且真的很小(相比之下很小)。所以最直观的描述方法就是太阳的辐射光向各个方向发散,只有很小的一部分照射到地球上。Alan ShepherdKinda makes you feel tiny, right?会让你觉得自己很渺小,对吧?Steven CarterYou should check out some of those universe size comparison videos. By the end of the video you begin to realize that we as a species honestly don't matter in the grand scheme of things. We really are just some infinitely tiny speck. It's humbling really.你应该看看那些宇宙大小比较的视频。在视频的最后,你会开始意识到,我们作为一个物种,真的不重要。我们真的只是一个无限小的微粒。这是羞辱。Ivan JelenićAlso, the sun is actually nuking itself all the time. The sun is actually a nuclear reaction happening all the time. So if you add a tiny tiny tiny nuclear explosion from a bomb, it would be insignificant, and it would already be doing the same thing the sun is doing.此外,太阳实际上一直在核攻击自己。太阳实际上是一个一直在发生的核反应堆。所以如果你加上一个非常非常非常小的核弹爆炸,那就微不足道了,它已经在做和太阳一样的事情了。Karen FowlerI find a good way of thinking about how big the Sun is, is to consider that the Sun is losing 4 tons of mass per second, has been doing so for billions of years, and will continue to do so for another couple billion years before anything really noticeable happens.我找到了一个很好的思考太阳有多大的方法,那就是考虑太阳正在以每秒4吨的速度失去质量,这样的情况已经持续了数十亿年,而且还将继续持续几十亿年直到真正显著的事情发生。Bill CaffreyThe mind boggles when we try to grasp how insignificant we are in the cosmos. Our tiny blue marble pales in comparison to the size of the sun (Sol). And yet…Our sun is nothing remarkable or enormous. Not in the scale of the universe’s stars. At some point the mind just cannot grasp how enormous some planets and stars really are.当我们试图理解我们在宇宙中是多么的微不足道时,我们的大脑会感到惊讶。我们小小的蓝色大理石与太阳(太阳)的大小相比相形见绌。然而,……我们的太阳并不是什么了不起的、巨大的东西。在宇宙恒星的规模下不是的。在某种程度上,我们的大脑无法理解某些行星和恒星究竟有多么巨大。Oscar Antonio Moreno PerezIn reality our sun is actually quite Big, at least compared to the rest of the 99% of stars our sin is both really big and really shiny, is just that that 1% is composed of true monsters which are on a weight clases of their own, but those stars are the exception not the rule事实上,我们的太阳实际上相当大,至少与其余99%的恒星相比,我们的太阳既大又亮,只是那1%是由真正的怪物组成的,它们有自己的重量等级,但那些恒星是例外,而不是常规。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处JasperkipsWell, in the frxwork of chaos theory, dropping a grain of sand in the ocean can have disastrous consequences.在混沌理论的框架下,在海洋中丢一粒沙子会带来灾难性的后果。Curt WeinsteinOh, so that’s why we have global warming. As a kid, I tossed sand into the ocean. Sorry, didn't know that would happen. PS Read the poem about that guy who was hesitant about eating a peach. Ignore the part where he shoots himself in the head.哦,所以这就是全球变暖的原因。小时候,我往海里扔沙子。对不起,我不知道会这样。编辑:读过一首诗,是关于那个犹豫要不要吃桃子的人,忽略他朝自己脑袋开枪的部分。Carey WayneUgh i bet when i peed in the ocean i upset the current and water temperature我敢打赌,我在海里撒尿的时候,肯定弄乱了洋流和水温。Ted ArmitageThen we’d better stop the billions of grains of sand that get washed back and forth by the tides and those nasty Sahara storms which can dump huge amounts of sand everywhere. And don’t get me started on all those dangerous rivers.Meanwhile, I’m working out exactly where on the sun I need to drop my bomb.那我们最好阻止数以十亿计的沙粒被潮汐和可恶的撒哈拉风暴来回冲刷,这些风暴会把大量的沙粒倾倒到各处。别让我提及那些危险的河流。与此同时,我正在计算我要在太阳上的确切位置投放炸弹。Anul KantiStill a long way from building death star. But knowing us, I know we'll get there sooner than we think.要造死星还有很长的路要走。但以我对我们的了解,我知道我们会比想象中更快到达那里。Jonathan HallOkay, now…what if we threw an Earth-sized ball of pure hydrogen into the Sun?好吧,现在如果我们仍一团地球大小的纯氢气到太阳里会怎样?原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Bill CaffreyAmusing question. Short answer: Not a whole lot would happen.Without getting too deeply into the mathematics, let me ask you at what speed this blob of H2 is moving towards the sun? Let’s just use 40 Km/sec. Earth normally orbits the sun at around 30 Km/sec so 40 is a reasonable number. That’s roughly 89,500 mph. For convenience round it up to 90,000 mph.So our ball of H2 has to travel 92,960,000 (92.96 million miles) moving at 90,000 mph. From 1 AU (earth’s orbit) it’ll take 1,032 hours to reach the sun — about 43 days, not counting an acceleration due to gravitational pull. But will it reach the sun at all?有趣的问题。简短的回答是:不会发生太多事情。无需太深入的数学,我来问一下氢气团以什么速度向太阳移动?我们假设40千米/秒。正常情况下,地球绕太阳公转的速度约为30公里/秒,所以40是一个合理的数字。大约是89500英里每小时。为了方便起见,时速可达9万英里。所以氢气团要以每小时9万英里的速度飞驰9296万英里从1个天文单位(地球轨道)出发,需要1032个小时才能到达太阳,这还不包括引力带来的加速度,大约需要43天。但它最终会到达太阳吗?原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处For the entire 43 days it will be bombarded by the solar wind. The solar wind is made of charged particles - electrons and protons - being emitted from the sun. There is the fast solar wind which travels around 400 km/s and the fast solar wind which travels about 800 km/s. Temperatures of these winds range between 800,000°K to 1,400,000°K. That solar wind will impact our earth-sized gas ball and without a magnetosphere to protect it, the wind will strip tens of millions of particles per second, every day for 43 days. But the closer we get to the sun, the denser (and likely hotter) the solar wind will be. This will accelerate the loss of mass from the solar wind. If your gas ball makes it to the sun it will be substantially smaller than when it started.在整整43天里,它将受到太阳风的轰击。太阳风是由来自太阳的带电粒子(电子和质子)组成的。有速度约为400公里/秒的太阳风,也有速度约为800公里/秒的太阳风。这些风的温度在80万到140万摄氏度之间。太阳风会撞击地球大小的氢气球,如果没有磁层的保护,太阳风会在43天内每天每秒剥离数千万个粒子。我们离太阳越近,太阳风的密度就越大(也可能更热)。这将加速太阳风造成的质量损失。如果你的氢气球到达太阳,它会比它开始时小得多。The the sun is about 1.3 million times bigger than the earth. Even if the reduced gas ball gets close to the sun, I think gravitational forces are going to pull it apart like a ball of yarn well before it gets super-heated.My best guess is — not much will happen.The sun would barely notice it had been fed about 260 billion cubic miles of Hydrogen. In terms of “adding fuel to the fire” I think it’d be like comparing all the fuel emitted by the fuel injector nozzles of a NASCAR engine for 1 second to the amount of fuel the engine used for the entire race.Volume of sun: 339,116 trillion cubic miles(!!)Volume of Earth: 260 billion cubic miles太阳大约比地球大130万倍。即使减少的氢气球接近太阳,我认为引力会在它变得超级热之前把它像纱线球一样分开。我的最佳猜测是——不会发生太多事情。太阳几乎不会注意到它已经得到了大约2600亿立方英里的氢气。太阳的体积:339116万亿立方英里地球体积:2600亿立方英里
