---Authored by Soren Rosier ---Translated by Wits Tu((锐智多谋·Wisdom)

Many people have trouble with reading. Reading well takes time, patience, and practice! The most important thing to figure out is the purpose of your reading: looking at instructions to build furniture and studying a textbook are not the same thing! Once you’ve figured out your purpose, you can choose to focus on what are known as intensive reading techniques that stress things like vocabulary and speed, or instead on extensive techniques that will help you engage with the meaning of a text in a deeper way.很多人阅读都会遇到问题。熟练阅读需要时间、耐心和训练。阅读时最重要的是弄清阅读的目的:搭建家具要看组装说明,它同阅读课本大相径庭。一旦你弄清阅读的目的,你就会选择注意力去注重类似词汇和速度的精读阅读技法。 反过来,泛读的阅读技法会帮你去关注一个篇章的深度含义。


Method3 Reading Extensively泛读1

Try extensive reading if you’re looking for understanding. Extensive reading works when you’re trying to determine the meaning of what you’re reading. This technique focuses on the overall picture. It’s best for things like studying a textbook, reading a newspaper article for information, or reading a book for school.



Take notes on your reading. If you want to read to understand something on a deeper level, like studying a textbook, it helps to read more actively. Keep a notebook out and make notes on important things you notice as you read.

For instance, you can make bullet points to summarize every time you come to a major idea.

If there are key terms or dates in whatever you’re reading, make a note of those as well.

If there are parts you don’t understand, write down the questions you have and come back to them later.






Annotate your reading. If you’re able to write in or mark up whatever it is you’re reading, this can also help increase your understanding. For instance, you can underline or highlight important passages. You could also try things like circling key terms and writing notes in the margins.




Review what you’re reading by summarizing it. Every so often, stop and write a few sentences in your notes to summarize what you’ve read so far. Putting the main ideas into your own words and writing them out is a way of checking that you understand what you’re reading. Going back over the material also helps you remember what you’ve read.

If you have trouble summarizing or remembering any part of what you’ve read, go back over it again.

You can also try writing out a summary in an outline form, rather than full sentences.





Identify key words and concepts. When you encounter a word or concept that seems essential to a text's meaning, make a note of it. If you are reading a textbook, these might even be set apart in bold print, or in a separate vocabulary section. You can write the words or concepts down to study them later, or even make a set of flash cards.

If you come across a word or concept that seems important but is not clearly defined in the text, look up its meaning in a dictionary or encyclopedia (either online or print).

If you see certain words being used over and over again, that’s another sign that they’re important for what you’re reading and worth looking up.





Method 4 Staying Focused and Motivated 保持专注和积极性1

Read with a friend. Getting through a text can be easier and more fun when you’re not doing it alone. For instance, you can try reading the same section of a text as your partner, then talking about it to make sure you both understood the main ideas.

To improve reading aloud you can even pair yourself with someone you feel is a better reader. While your partner is reading, listen to your their pronunciation, speed, and rhythm. Take a turn yourself, then ask for feedback.




Choose the right reading environment. If you really want to concentrate on your reading, step away from television, music, phones, computers, and chatty people. These distractions make it hard to focus, dragging out reading and causing frustration.

Try reading in a quiet, well-lit place with a desk and comfortable chair, if you can.





Use a pointer while reading if you have trouble focusing on the page. Take a bookmark, ruler, or small piece of paper and set it on the page you want to read. Slide it down so you can only read one line of text, then move it down to read the next line, and so on. Doing this can make reading feel more manageable.



Read something you’re interested in, if you have a choice. It’s no surprise that you’ll be more motivated to read a text that you genuinely care about. If you’re given the chance to select books or other things to read for yourself, seek out topics you are interested in.



Track your progress. Keep records, like a list of books or articles you’ve gone through, and how many minutes you read each day. Seeing how much you’ve accomplished over time can encourage you to keep making progress.


