

Hi 我是小池,春节过后大家上班的上班,我也准备开学了,这节好像刷的一下就过完了,这时候很多人会感到失落,面对工作生活提不起精神,这种状态可以说就是“节后综合症”了。要怎么彻底和假期say goodbye,开始新生活呢,一下是一些有用的小建议~








Post-vacation syndrome/ blues

Post-holiday syndrome/ blues



When you get back from a fun vacation, it’s hard to just drop everything and go back to your daily life without feeling a little down. But you don’t have to let the holiday blues get you down. Here’s how to survive the blues and get back on track for the new year.


Get down

1. Get someone down: 让某人难过

2. Get something down: 记下来(words, things, details) He was followed by a group of reporters trying to get down every word he said. 一群记者跟着他,努力把他的话一字不漏地记下来。

Get back on track: track轨道 Continuing as planned or expected, typically after a problem or distraction. 回归正轨

Expect some letdown. It’s normal to feel a little bummed that the holidays are over, but you don’t have to let those feelings consume you. You need to expect some letdown.


Let down: disappointment 失望(名词)let someone down 令某人失望

Bummed(out):Sad or discouraged. 沮丧灰心I feel so bummed. I think I need a nice hot bath. 我好难过,好想洗个热水澡。


Make plans. Give yourself something to look forward to so that you feel better about leaving the holidays behind.



Make healthy choices. Even if you feel like you are just going through the motions, make a conscious effort to eat well and get a little exercise during this period. It will do your body and your mind a world of good and keep you from spiraling downward.


Go through the motions:走过场,做个样子 To do something without much thought or interest. 兴味索然,不加思考地做某件事I've done this job for so long that I just go through the motions every day. 这份工作我已经做了很久了,每天就做个样子,草草了事。

Spiral downward急剧下降


Go public. After all of the socializing of the holidays, it’s common to want to hide out when you feel the holiday blues approaching. But staying connected with family and friends will help you move on from the holidays and once again enjoy your day-to-day life.


Hide out躲起来 hideout 作名词指藏身处,hide 作名词时指兽皮


Seek help. If the holiday blues have really got you down, do not be afraid to seek help, either from your inner circle of loved ones or from a health care professional. While it may have a cutesy name, the post-holiday blues is a very real condition, and you don’t have to go through it alone. Call your mom, your best friend, or your doctor and let them know how you are feeling. Sometimes, just knowing someone is there to listen can go a long way to improving your mood.


go a long way to/ towards: 有利于 To be helpful in achieving some goal

Don't do anything rash—patience will go a long way towards bringing you allies in this situation. 别草率行事,耐心等待就会有人来帮你的。



美化编辑 | 小泳

封面图片 | 宇儿

审核校对 | 张津

