[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第8话

08.Piggy in the Middle 中间的小猪

Narrator(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。

Narrator: George is playing with his ball in the garden. 乔治在花园里玩扔球。

Peppa wants to play, too. 佩奇也想一起玩儿。

Peppa Pig: George, you're doing it all wrong! 乔治,你这样玩是错的!

This is how to catch a ball. 要这样才可以接到球。

Not like this. 而不是像这样。

That's what you do. 要像这样知道吗。

Narrator: What a cheeky little one, pig Peppa is. 佩奇可真是头顽皮的小猪。

George! Come back! You little piggy! 乔治 快回来 你这小家伙!


Narrator: Maybe Peppa is teasing George just a bit too much. 也许佩奇逗乔治逗得有点过分了。【tease [tiːz] 逗弄 戏弄 取笑】

Mummy Pig: Peppa, have you been teasing George? 佩奇,你是不是在逗乔治玩呢?

Peppa Pig: Not really, Mummy, I was teaching him how to catch. 不是的妈妈,我在教他接球呢。

Mummy Pig: Really? Oh, Well, I know a game that will teach George how to catch. 真的吗?哦 有个游戏可以教乔治怎么玩。

It's called ''Piggy-in-the-Middle''. 叫做小猪在中间。

Peppa, you take the ball and stand over there and George, you stand over there. 佩奇,你拿着球,站在那个地方,乔治,你站在那边。

Good! You have to throw the ball to each other and I have to try and catch it. 好 你们把球互相扔向对方,而我来尝试接住它。

I'm the piggy in the middle. 我就是中间的小猪。

Peppa Pig: Mummy is the piggy in the middle. 妈妈是中间的那头小猪。

Catch, George! 接住了 乔治!

Mummy Pig: Oh! Missed it! 哦!错过了!

Narrator: George has caught the ball. 乔治他接住了球。

Peppa Pig and Mummy Pig: Hurray! 好耶!

Mummy Pig: Well done, George. 做的好乔治。

Now you throw the ball to Peppa. 现在你把球扔给佩奇。

Oop! Try again. 哦 再试一遍。

Oh! Try again. 哦 再试一遍吧。

Narrator: George can't throw the ball past Mummy Pig. 乔治没办法把球扔给佩奇。

Peppa Pig: Come on, George. 来吧乔治

Give the ball to me. 快把球扔给我。


Mummy Pig: Oop!

Peppa Pig: Silly George. I can do that, too.犯规了乔治,我也可以这么做。


Peppa Pig:Oh! 哦

Narrator: Peppa wants to copy George but she's too big and has got stuck. 佩奇想学乔治但是她太大了被卡住了。【stuck [stʌk] adj. 卡住 陷入】

Mummy Pig: I've got the ball. 我拿到球了,

Peppa, now it's your turn to be piggy. 佩奇,现在你来做中间的小猪。

George! Catch! 乔治,接住了!

Peppa Pig and Mummy Pig: Hurray! 好耶!

Peppa Pig: Caught it! George, you're the piggy!接到了!乔治你来做中间的小猪

George! Catch. 乔治 接住了!

Mummy Pig: Catch the ball, George. 接住球 乔治!

Peppa Pig: Catch, George. 接住 乔治

Mummy Pig: George, catch. 乔治 接住

Peppa Pig: Here's the ball George. 看 球过来了 乔治


George : Weeeeeeeeeee Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Mummy Pig: Oh, dear! Peppa, you shouldn't tease George like that. 哦天哪!佩奇你不该这样逗乔治玩。

Peppa Pig: Sorry, George! 对不起乔治!

Daddy Pig: What's all the noise? 这是什么声音啊?

Peppa Pig: Daddy, George is too little to play ''Piggy in the Middle''. 爸爸,乔治太小了没法做中间的小猪。

Daddy Pig: Oh, I'm sure he's big enough. 哦 我觉得他足够大了。

Peppa Pig: No, he isn't, Daddy, Watch. 不是的爸爸,你看好了。


Daddy Pig: Catch it, George. 接住 乔治

Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig: Hurray! 好耶!

Peppa Pig: That's not fair! 这真不公平!

Daddy Pig: Yes, it is. I just gave George a helping hand. 很公平,我只不过是帮了乔治一下而已。

Peppa Pig:Mummy, can I have a helping hand? 妈妈,你能不能也帮我一下呢?

Mummy Pig: Of course you can, Peppa. 当然可以了佩奇。


Peppa Pig: To me! George! 扔给我 乔治

Catch, George. 接住了 乔治

Narrator: Peppa loves catching the ball. 佩奇喜欢玩接球。

George loves catching the ball. 乔治也喜欢玩接球。

Everyone loves catching the ball. 大家都喜欢玩接球。

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第08集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal



I'm the piggy in the middle.


I just gave George a helping hand.


1. Cheeky

佩奇学着乔治玩球又老是接不住球的样子,旁白说What a cheeky little one, pig Peppa is. 佩奇猪真是一个顽皮的小家伙啊。


所以如果孩子有那么一点点顽皮,又让你啼笑皆非的时候,你就可以说You are a cheeky little one. 或者What a cheeky little one!

2. Tease

佩奇把乔治的球抢了,不还给他,旁白说Maybe Peppa is teasing George just a bit too much. 也许佩奇跟乔治开玩笑开得有点过头了。


猪妈妈看到了佩奇抢球的这一幕,就问佩奇Peppa, have you been teasing George? 你是在捉弄乔治吗?

3. Past

乔治扔球,一直扔不过猪妈妈,旁白说George can not throw the ball past Mummy pig.乔治没能把球扔过猪妈妈。


Past the mill, 走过了磨坊。


Peppa and George love catching the ball.

-The End-
