新托福口语部分总共有6题(6 tasks),总时间约为15分钟。可以分为两个部分:独立回答题、综合性表述。其中独立回答题包括了Task 1 和Task 2.

Task 1 : 准备15秒,回答45秒。问题会被朗读出来,同时出现在屏幕上。这道题要求根据题目表达自己的观点并解释原因。经常出现的考查内容有:




Describe your Favorite movie. 最喜欢的电影

When it comes to my favorite movie, I would like to mention Harry Potter. It is based on the best seller Harry Potter and authored by J.K. Rollin, a British novelist. The reasons why I love it are based on the following aspects. First of all, although the main character Harry Potter in this interesting movie was determined to learn the magic and faced a lot of barriers during this process, he still kept spreading justice and fighting against the evil. An important lesson that I learned is that we should never give up and the final success will come right after the last try. Furthermore, what the movie may enlighten us is that we ought to value friendship, cherish our loved ones. In addition, I could appreciate the film arts and improve my English language from this movie. That is why I think Harry Potter is the movie I love most.

Describe your favorite book. 最喜欢的书

When it comes to my favorite book, I would like to mention a book called the Old Man and the Sea which is written by Ernest Hemingway, one of the greatest American writers. The reasons why I love it are based on the following aspects. First of all, although the old fisherman Diego [di'eɪɡo] came across lots of difficulties on the sea in fishing, he was optimistic and still held the hope. An important lesson that I learned is that we should never give up and the final success will come right after the last try. Furthermore, what the book may enlighten us is that there is no stronger thing ever than a strong human belief. In addition, I could learn writing skills and improve my English language from this book. That is why I think the Old Man and the Sea is the book I love most.

My favorite music / song 我最喜欢的音乐/歌曲

When it comes to my favorite music/ song, I would like to mention folk music (the song My country and I ). The reasons why I love it are based on the following aspects. First of all, I always feel relaxed and refreshed after listening to it. Undoubtedly the cheerful and pleasant tune can bring strength back to me, and help to promote my study efficiency. Furthermore, as music is a worldwide language, without any translation, by listening to the music; we can share our emotions with different people around the world. In addition, enjoying listening to folk music/ the song, I could appreciate the singing arts and have a sense of national pride. That is why I think My country and I is the song I love most. (That’s why I love folk music most.)

My favourite sport 最爱的运动

When it comes to my favorite sport, I would like to mention playing basketball, which is popular in my country.The reasons why I love it are based on the following aspects. First of all, I always feel relaxed and refreshed after playing basketball. Undoubtedly, the physical exercise can bring strength to back me, and help to promote my study efficiency. Furthermore, as one of the outdoor activities playing basketball offers me not only more fresh air but also the chance to embrace the nature. In addition, I may get to know a lot of new friends and learn how to cooperate with each other in one group. That is why I think playing basketball is the sport I love most.

favorite / Most Famous City in China 最喜欢/著名的城市(自己从未去但最想去的城市)

When it comes to my favorite city, I would like to mention Beijing which is the capital of China. The reasons why I love it are based on the following aspects. First of all, Beijing has a long history and has preserved many ancient buildings which are the living textbooks for young people to learn the nationa’s past. Furthermore, people who go to Beijing will not miss visiting the Great Wall which is listed in the world culture heritage. As the old Chinese saying goes, “He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man”, it stands for a kind of spirit which means diligence, independence, and tolerance. In addition, as the capital city, it attracts people and technology from different countries over the world, so we can see the modern development as well as ancient history of China there. That is why I think Beijing is the city I love most.

The person you admire most最崇敬的人

When it comes to the person I admire most, I would like to mention my mother, a respectable middle school teacher. First of all, she is a talented person who not only has great achievements in her work, but also can cook delicious food for my dad and me. Furthermore, since she is well-educated, she can tolerate different opinions from varied people. In addition, the most beautiful thing about her is that she has a beautiful mind. Thrifty as she is in daily life, she saves the money and donates all of them to the people who may need them. All in all, my mother is the person whom I admire most due to her good personalities which I should learn from her the whole life.



The most impressive/popular/favorite/social celebration印象最深刻的庆祝活动

When it comes to the most impressive celebration, I would like to mention Spring Festival Eve, which is the family reunion time. The reasons why it is most impressive are based on the following aspects. First of all, at this time family members sit together to make dumplings, and toast to each other wishing everybody good luck and health in meal time. In fact, it is a happy and meaningful experience. Furthermore, after the feast, usually at midnight, children gather around to play fireworks, which should be the wonderful memory in my childhood. In addition, that night we usually stay up and make every light in our house on. We Chinese call it Shousui, which is also a way to miss and bless our ancestors. All in all, the celebration on Spring Festival Eve provides a chance for family member to get together and gather best wishes for the coming year.

The place that impresses me most给我印象最深刻的一个地方

When it comes to the most impressive place, I would like to mention my hometown Lanzhou, which lies in the Northwest part of China. First of all, I like my hometown because it has a splendid landscape. The Yellow River runs through the city and brings vigor and beauty to the city. Furthermore, the local food which I have been eating since I was born is delicious and records my wonderful memories. In addition, I love the people in my hometown, and they are hospitable, hard-working and simple. Those who appeared in my previous life here helped and taught me a lot. All in all, my hometown is like a warm harbour which always burns a light for it’s child to come back at any time.

The most difficult moment最困难的时刻

When it comes to the most difficult moment, I would like to mention the time when I just started to prepare for the IBT. First of all, as I'd never had a chance to talk in English for quite a long time, I could barely open my mouth and have confidence to talk with others in English. Furthermore, I knew less about the skills and strategies for answering the IBT test paper, which is totally different from my former English tests at school. In addition, I didn't have a specific plan on how to take my first action to prepare. At this time my friend Li Hua inspired me by saying that if I couldn't overcome the task, how could I get the chance to study in the States and make my dream come true. He suggested that I should divide my goal into several little parts, which are attainable. Also, he used to speak English with me in school. Day by day, the more I practiced, the more confidence I gained. All in all, the most difficult moment always brings challenge to our life and makes us become stronger.



A good teacher描述你心目中的好老师是什么样

A good teacher should have the following personalities. First of all, a good teacher is knowledgeable and professional. He can help his students to solve the problems in his teaching field. Furthermore, a good teacher is an effective communicator, who know the skills to communicate with his students and know what they know and what they need to learn. In addition, for most students, a good teacher is also a helper who can lift them to new heights. All in all, just like an old saying goes, " Give me a fish and I eat for a day, teach me to fish and I eat for a life time.". This must be a philosophy of every good teacher.

A good friend描述你心目中的好朋友是什么样

A good friend should have the following personalities. First of all, a trustworthy friend is someone whom I can rely on especially when I am in difficulty. Furthermore, a good friend must be someone who can give me some suggestions when I lose my heart. So he should be a good listener to support me and inspire me. In addition, a good friend is someone who is positive. Alhough one can not avoid meeting with the hardships in his life, he should be brave enough to face up with the worse situation and. All in all, as the old saying goes, “a friend in need is a friend indeed.”, a good friend should be reliable, supportivbe and positive.

A good Restaurant or Café描述你比较满意的一家餐厅或酒吧

A good restaurant or café should have the following features. First of all, the food there must be very delicious and nutritious. I like something pretty from appearance and tasty from inside. Furthermore, the service there must be very considerate, which means, the waiters and waitresses there must be very nice and patient. In addition, the atmosphere there must be very comfortable. The clean sofa, wonderful music and beautiful plates can make me feel at home and happy. All in all, a good restaurant or café should provide its customers the quality food, considerate service and comfortable atmosphere.

Volunteer 参加志愿者活动

If I’d ever had a chance to do something that I wish for, I would like to be a volunteer for the International Marathon held at my hometown Lanzhou City every year. The reasons are as follows. First of all, it is a great honor to be selected as a qulified member serving the sport event. What's more, I can put my English fully into use. Being an interpreter, I can not only provide our foreign people the convenience in life but also let them know more about China. Besides, I can develop my abilities of organizing, cooperating and adapting, which will be important for my future development. All in all, voluntary activity is a kind of practice of contribution and learning for me.

About learning English 如何学习英语

As we all know, nowadays English is playing a significant role in different fields. There is no doubt that I have made up my mind to have a good command of English. First of all, it is important to find good teachers who can teach us how to fish instead of giving us fish. Furthermore, we need to prepare some useful English learning materials which are suitable for our English langauge abilities. In addition, the more we prectise, the more fluent our English would be. We ought to do our best to find partners to speak English together, have regular time to learn English, and make chances to communicate with the native speakers. All in all, as the old saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” contant had work will help us to make our dream come true.

