1、春意未满 ,夏日作伴 ,愿事无所有 ,顺意经风来。

the spring is not full, summer companionship, I hope that everything will not happen, and the wind will come smoothly.


The sun is gorgeous and the breeze is fragrant. You and the four seasons are yearning.



the wind and the moon are good-looking, the world is also romantic; happy and full of meaning, everything can be expected.


The spring breeze is warm and the sunset is slow, but I just love the cars and horses in this world slowly.



Life is very short, but in the morning and evening and spring and autumn, what you want in your life is nothing but peace and freedom. There must always be some with the wind, some dreams, some long stay in the heart.



Life has been alive for a hundred years, and there are some minor troubles every day. The best way is to ignore, just wait for the autumn wind to pass by.
