


很多学生都问,为什么听talk show或者看英美剧时,总觉得外国人的表达要比自己好很多?而且,当需要说一些表达时,即使之前学过,还是常常在说的时候就汉翻英了……

有经验的同学会知道,口语地道与否也是雅思口语的重要评测点:在雅思口语的答题中,特别是part 3,如果可以加入适当的、地道的短语,就能在在lexical resources (词汇资源)部分拿到不错的分数。


今天我们推荐BBC News,因为其中很多的新闻内容在表达上并非全是新闻书面文体,也有很多轻松愉悦无脑的内容~




在媒体相关的雅思口语话题当中,如TV program, TV series, favourite film, favourite book etc.以下的表达是不是可以考虑加一些呐~

hit the milestone: 达到里程碑

e.g. This Crazy Stone hit 20 million milestone in box office in 2006, but actually it was filmed with very low budgets.

play the key role: 扮演重要角色

e.g. Jackie Chan played a key role in that film.


box office: 票房/ 售票处

e.g. The movie has taken very little at the box office, but it never affected me to dig it.

on the big screen: 在影院大屏幕上

e.g. There was never ever a movie like XXX which puts life stories of the disabled on the big screen.

inspire people to dig deep and find the courage to...: 鼓励人们深爱并找到勇气去...

e.g. JinXing's talk show has always inspired people to dig deep and find the


courage to criticise the unhealthy social trends.

smash records: 打破记录

e.g. This film not only gained good ratings but also smashed all box office records. A big success, isn't it?

incredibly meaningful: 非常有意义的

e.g. 用Incredibly来替换very用

can't wait to break in the schedule to see it: 迫不及待想打破日程安排去电影院看它

e.g. When I heard the new release of Batman was on, I couldn't wait to break in my schedule to see it!


blockbuster: 大片

e.g. The Hollywood blockbusters are not my thing really, some films without the business purpose can always resonate with my spirit.

there is an appetite at this time of the year for...: 现如今对于。。。人们有很大兴趣

e.g. There is an appetite at this time of year for the films with the cast of young idols, but they are really not my thing.

positive buzz: 积极的口碑

e.g. This TV drama has a positive buzz because the stories are basically uniform to what happened in history.

huge social media awareness: 很大的社交媒体的传播度

e.g. The movie is poorly crafted. I guess it's popular simply because it had huge social media awareness before it was released.

I haven't ever ... where ... before:

e.g. I haven't ever seen a movie where I couldn't stop crying and used a fistful of tissues before


superhero movie: 超级英雄电影

e.g. Superhero movies are basically featured by special effects.

predominantly: 主要地

e.g. The film is high-budget with a predominantly all-star cast.

win rave reviews: 赢得轰动热烈的好评

e.g. If memory serves, the motivation for me to buy this books is that it won rave reviews last year.



