

Producing, Accessing and Using Digital References


Offline or Online? To Store, Present and Process


Electronic information resources can be retrieved through offline media, intranet and internet. Some of the copies thus obtained can be edited and some cannot. In order that related versions can be found later by him- or herself and other researchers, a researcher would record the location of a copy of reference. Besides, as some copies might be updated and thus have different versions, a researcher also needs to specify the time he or she accessed them.


Information resource can also be used offline. And information needs to be copied to separate or movable medium. Thus, an independent copy is created. An independent copy needs to have access permission and it is often distributed by its producer. All copies are considered identical and authentic. When a copy is referenced, the information on copy right used when it is published and distributed is taken as referencing information. Therefore, if the copies are duplicated or hand-copied, the copyright information of the authentic copy duplicated or hand-copied needs to be taken as referencing information.


There are two kinds of online information resources: one needs access permission, such as library database. The other belongs to public domain, which does not need access permission. If a copy is opened on software online, it is in fact downloaded and duplicated. But if this download is not saved, the copy is temporary. The authentic copy is stored in the server. If it is saved, the copy becomes a separate copy. But it is not authentic. And the authentic copy of the information is still the one in the server. In referencing, server internal address, internet web address and DOI are used to identify the copy.


The authentic copies of a reference is always those to which the producer has the copyright. Thus, the uniqueness of the information produced by the producer can be determined. And the producer has the right to modify a copy. The products modified through editing has different version numbers to identify the evolution of their information over different time points. And thus they can be identified as legal successors to the authentic copies of the product.


A user can also edit the copies obtained through duplication. But the copies generated after editing cannot be regarded as the illegitimate successor of an authentic one.


So, the real substance of a reference should be a copy. And there are two questions here. First, the creation of a copy involves its creditability. The principal responsible party in duplicating a copy should be a publisher or a library etc. Because there can be erroneous information in the process of duplication, the authority of a principle responsible party can be regarded as the guarantee to the quality of a copy. When no producer is clearly stated in a copy, it should not be taken as an authentic one in use.


Secondly, the editability of a copy can be connected to the characteristics of a medium. A copy in paper or as a CD-ROM cannot be edited. Magnetic disc, erasable CD or DVD, or electronic document can be edited. Online data source cannot be edited by a visitor but can be edited by a producer or maintainer. So a visitor may access to different versions at different time points. A publisher might produce copies in paper, as CD-ROM, or accessible online.


In digital time, there is professional software for reading and producing texts. Because different software is used, the finalized documents can have different formats. The format type of an electronic document is the referencing information that should be recorded in a reference list entry. Sometimes, the information on specific software used should also be recorded because software needs to be regarded as immaterial medium, which should also be taken as a part of medium, just like electronic devices and other material media.


There are two types of information retrieval tools. One is the electronic retrieval tool for database management system. It is developed on the basis of the classification and cataloguing system in library studies. Information resources are classified and retrieved according to the fields such as specialized fields, year of publication and authorship. The other is search engine which includes those for general use and for specialized fields. This tool is developed from internet browser. When searching for texts, analysis and operation on the user side can be done with features in text linguistics, such as keyword, register and intertextuality, taken into consideration.


The referencing of literature or documentation in electronic formats include three parts of information. The first part is traditional referencing information, such as author, title, publisher, year and page.


The second part is information on document type, format or version, application software information, and type of medium, all put into a pair of square brackets behind the title.

哈佛参考文献标注体系中,数字信息资源的常用类型包括[e-book]、[e-journal]、[pdf]、[online]、[computer program]、[XX(游戏设备类型) game]、[email]、[blog]、[XX(社交媒体名称,Facebook, Twitter等等)]、[XX(移动APP名称,Flipboard等等)]。

In Harvard referencing system, the generally-used types of digital information resources include [e-book], [e-journal], [pdf], [online], [computer program], [XX (type of gaming device) game], [email], [blog], [XX (name of social media, Facebook and Twitter etc.)] and [XX (name of mobile app and Flipboard etc.)].


In Chinese national standards, this part behind title include two types of information separated with a slash “/”, namely [type of document/type of medium]. The types of medium for electronic resources include magnetic tape [MT], magnetic disc [DK], optical disc [CD-ROM], and online network [OL].

最后需要标注获得途径和访问日期。获得途径前用Available through (不是直接访问到文件的网址)或Available at(可以直接访问到文件的网址),后面加上URL,可以是数据库和互联网地址,也可以使用DOI。DOI可以列出DOI的专用网址或者存储DOI的互联网网址和数据库网址。

Finally, the way of access and the date of access needs to be recorded. “Available through” (a web address with which a document cannot be accessed directly) or “Available at” (a web address with which a document can be accessed directly) is used to introduce the information with URL added behind it. The URL can be the address of a database or an internet address. A DOI can also be used instead. Together with the DOI, the special website for DOI or the web address of the website on the internet or of the database where DOI is stored can be listed.

访问日期前加Accessed (on),用方括号“[]”。日期格式为DD M(用单词) YYYY,即[Accessed (on) DD Month YYYY]。

Accessed date is put inside a pair of square brackets “[]” with “Accessed (on)” in the front. The format of date is DD M (as word) YYYY, namely [Accessed (on) DD Month YYYY].

#翻译# #教育# #英语# #学术写作# #论文# #参考文献# #哈佛参考文献标注体系#
