
第1643天© 英语超级写作奶爸,4.4年双语日记记录女儿生活


中英合计:110.0万字 英文44.4万字,中文65.6万字





第1643天(4.4年) 2022年6月13日(一)

A Diary for My Yunduo'er ©

Day 1643, Jun 12, 2022 (Mon)




Outside the back gate of the cinema you simply left your bike where it was and waltzed away towards a large glass wall, without so much as a backward glance, where you peered down at the activity at the entrance to the cinema. Mummy walked over and gently pulled on your hair. You followed mummy away from the glass wall.


"Why did you stop wheeling your bike?" mummy asked in a reproachful tone. "Why are you pulling my hair?" you gave mummy a dirty look, obviously put off, instead of explaining yourself. Mummy soothed you and said, "You left your bike behind, and that shushu is not wearing a mask."


In a pizza eatery, with the food having been laid out on a table, you paused, darting a furtive glance up at mummy, instead of instantly pouncing on the food as usual. Mummy had no idea what had come over you. You simply didn't look yourself with your favorite pizza winking at you.


"Mummy," you came out clean less than one minute later, "I will be good in the future, park my bike properly and not stand by a shushu, but you shouldn't have pulled on my hair. It hurt." It was at this moment that mummy cottoned on to the situation: just now your mind must be racing, weighing up how to word what you intended to tell her.


Mummy apologized to you, and explained the reason why she pulled on your hair: you turned your back on her but that could be dangerous because first, you might be taken away by mean guys, and second, a shushu beside you was not wearing a mask.




without so much as 连..都没有

peer 费力的看

wheel 推着有轮子的东西

give a dirty look 瞪

reproachful 责备的

explain oneself 解释

soothe 安慰

eatery 小吃店

dart a furtive glance at 快速偷偷看

pounce 扑

not know what comes over sb 不知道某人怎么回事

look oneself 平常的状态

come out clean 和盘托出

cotton on to 明白

weigh up 权衡

turn one's back on 不理
