
The Ballon d’Or is just around the corner, meaning that much of the discourse in European football has turned to which footballer deserves the game’s greatest individual prize.


1. be around the corner:即将到来

2. discourse:n.讨论、演讲、说道; vi.讲述、著述

Messi won the Copa del Rey with Barcelona and the Copa America with Argentina before leaving Spain for Paris Saint-Germain in the summer. Cristiano became the all-time top scorer in the history of international football through his exploits with Portugal.



Benzema – arguably the most in-form player in European football right now – has been superb for Real Madrid and helped France beat La Roja to win the Nations League this past weekend.


1. in-form:外刊经常用这个词表示“竞技状态良好”

2. La Roja:西班牙语,指示替代西班牙队。补充:Azzurri——意大利语表示蓝色,这里指示替代意大利队(蓝衣军团)

Jorginho won both the Champions League with Chelsea and Euro 2020 with Italy, while Lewandowski has been ruthlessly consistent for the all-conquering Bayern Munich.


1. ruthlessly consistent:字面意思大家都懂,这里我意译成了“一直保持火热的进球状态”

2. all-conquering:征服一切的、战无不胜的

For Zinedine Zidane, his fellow Frenchman deserves the prize. “Karim is in a cloud,”


1.in the cloud:“在云端”这里我认为翻译成“正值巅峰”更好


“I would give him the Ballon d’Or. He deserves it. He’s an incredible player, and I had the great honour of training him. He knows how to do everything on the pitch. I hope he can be rewarded with this Ballon d’Or.”


