

Newspapers and Magazines

1. Which magazines and newspapers do you read? [Why?]

I'd like to keep myself informed about international politics and business.

The 《E‘conomist》 offers the best quality. I really like it. It gives through coverage of news from around the world, including places that are often overlooked in other sources. Also, it has a wry sense of humor. I find the captions of the photos to be quite enjoyable.

keep someone informed 使人被告之消息 coverage 新闻报导

overlook 忽略 忽视 wry 曲解的 荒谬的

sense of humor 幽默感 caption 照片说明


2. What kinds of article are you most interested in? [Why?]

I enjoy reading articles about international affairs, eco‘nomic a‘nalyses, technological developments, trends, food and travel.

I prefer neutral analysis, not just opinions from the left and right.

I am very interested in reading gossip and speculation.

international affairs 国际新闻 trends 潮流趋势

neutral analysis 中立的分析 gossip 绯闻 流言

speculation 炒作


3. Have you ever read a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language? [When/Why]

I learned German for two years at university and during this time we were supposed to read German(English) novels as part of the course, but I normally read the English(Chinese) translation as I felt that my German(English) was not at the appropriate level.

However I then realized the only way to get it to the appropriate level is to just read and practice. We should start with children's books and work our way up.

be supposed to 应该(做某事) appropriate level 适合的水平

work way up 努力向上


4. Do you think reading a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language is a good way to learn the language [Why/Why not?]

Yes. Buy the un‘abridged audio books or magazines to read and listen at the same time, so the audio components are advan’tageous to develop pronunciation skills. It is a very good and effective method to learn a second language.

unabridged 未删减的 完整的 audio components 音频部分

advantageous 有利的 有益的


1 Do you like reading?

l I’ve been an avid reader since I was old enough to hold a book in my hands. I’m still at it today.

l It’s a wonderful way to relieve stress and to relax.

l Well, not that much, just too lazy to pick up a book.

an avid reader 喜欢读书的人;废寝忘食的读者

relieve stress 减压

2. What kinds of books do you usually read?

l I used to be a big fan of science fiction books, especially ones that involved space or futuristic technology.

l I’ve lately been really into historical fiction and adventures.

l I like to read things according to the mood I am in, sometimes it’s all mushy stuff, sometimes just autobiography.

science fiction 科幻小说

futuristic technology 未来科技

historical fiction 历史小说

adventure 探险读物

autobiography 自传

mushy 让人感伤的

3. How many hours a day would you say you spend on reading?

I like reading online …

I spend …. on it.

4. Where do you usually read?

The best place to read is at home. Cafes are also nice places to read because they have a convivial atmosphere.

convivial atmosphere 欢乐友善的气氛

5. Do you think children like reading nowadays?

Frankly speaking, there are other attractions competing for children’s attention, like TV and video games…

6. What sorts of books do children like to read?

we can’t pigeonhole preferences based on age.

Some children read books aimed at sophisticated adults whilst a lot of adults like to read trashy romance novels.

pigeonhole 归类;归档 sophisticated 成熟的;有经验的

trashy 垃圾的


Part 2

考官给考生一张话题卡(Cue Card)。考生有1分钟准备时间,并可以做笔记(考官会给考生笔和纸)。之后考生要做1-2分钟的陈述。考生讲完后,考官会就考生的阐述内容提一两个相关问题,由考生做简要回答。


“一个咖啡厅或餐厅”,对于这个话题卡,考生们可以选择的素材很多。大家可以描述中餐馆如火锅店,拉面店,饺子馆。也可以描述西餐厅如咖啡厅,快餐店。但最后要注意多描述一些题目要求的“why you enjoyed eating in this restaurant”,最好能多说出一些个人的感觉。第三部分是围绕餐饮以及食品生产等问题展开的,也都是和我们日常生活中息息相关的话题。这里给大家提供的是一篇描述小胡同里的饺子馆的口语素材,这家饺子馆菜品美味,服务周到,但很少有人知道,颇有点酒香巷子深的感觉。


I often eat at a dumpling restaurant in a hutong near the Forbidden City. 我经常在紫禁城边上的一个胡同里的饺子馆吃饭。

It’s down a small street and is a real best-kept-secret. 在一条街的最尽头,是不为人知的好地方。

I don’t go there often because it’s right in the center of the Beijing and I live on the outskirts, so it’s pretty difficult to get there unless you’re already nearby. 我不经常去那,因为我住郊区而那个饭馆在市中心。

I’d say I go there every couple of weeks or so. 所以我得说我差不多几周才去一次。

Being a dumpling restaurant, they obviously serve dumplings! 作为一个饺子馆,他们自然提供的是饺子。

You get around twenty dumplings in each serving which is more than enough for me. 每份儿差不多20个饺子,对我来说足够了。

They don’t serve other types of food but they make up for it by making especially nice dumplings. 他们除了饺子不提供其他食物,但作为补偿,他们把饺子做到极致。

I like to dip them in vinegar and then eat them whole. When I took some friends there they said they were the best dumplings they’d ever tasted. 我喜欢把饺子蘸在醋里吃。每当我把朋友带过去吃的时候,他们都说这是他们吃到的最喜欢的饺子。

After a meal at this place you feel really full and satisfied. 在这儿吃过饭后你会觉得很饱很满足。

It’s guaranteed to stop you feeling hungry. 绝对能让你停止饥饿。

I also like it because it’s really cheap! 而且我喜欢它还因为它便宜。

It’s only a small restaurant and there’s no decoration apart from a few ornaments behind the counter, but that’s part of its charm: it’s a simple, friendly place.这就是个小饭馆,除了柜台后面的一点装饰物之外什么都没有。但这就是它精明的一点:简单,亲切的地方。

The neighborhood is great too: it’s historical and picturesque and there are always some interesting people walking around or riding their bicycles. 小区也很不错,历史悠久,风景如画,总是有一些有意思的人在附近散步或者骑自行车。

You can relax and enjoy your meal without feeling rushed as you can at larger places that play annoying music or are too crowded. 不像那些拥挤或者播放烦人音乐的地方,在这,你可以


Last great thing is that you always get your food served right away without having to wait, so you can walk right in and start eating. 另外一个不错的点就是:你可以马上得到你点的菜而不用等,所以你可以进门就吃到饭。



hutong 胡同 dip 蘸

It’s down 在……尽头 ornaments 装饰物

best-kept-secret 不为人知的秘密 historical 历史的

on the outskirts 在郊区 picturesque 风景如画的

make up 补偿 feeling rushed 感觉匆忙的

