练就“英语之外有英语”能力:peace out是什么?

“学”英语,当有人还处在见英语首先需要解决“中文意思是什么?”阶段的时候(Put English into Chinese),有人却已经处于问“英语意思是什么?”阶段了:这就是Put English into English能力。

Put English into English本身就是英语口语。

见到英语peace out,你的“第一反应”的语言是什么,Chinese or English?

1) “语言环境”:查英英字典 peace out


1. A slang term telling someone good-bye, used with a hand gesture in which you pound your chest with your fist twice, then give the peace sign.

2.peace out:goodbye.

I'm leaving guys. Peace out!

3. peace out:to go, to leave,to exit,to depart He peaced out an hour ago.

有了这些“英语语言环境”,你不需要“懂”中文就知道peace out什么意思了,而且,你还“把学过的英语用了起来”。


