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Why is when a bone shatters it can rebuild itself but when a tooth gets a hole in it it just keeps eating away at it?【译】为什么当骨头碎了,它可以自行修复,但当牙齿有了洞了,却只是慢慢被蚕食呢?【单词】bone [bohn][bəʊn] n. 骨骼;骨【单词】shatters 原型:shatter ['shat-er]['ʃætə] v. 粉碎;毁坏【单词】rebuild [ree-'bild][ˌriː'bɪld] v. 重建;恢复【单词】tooth [tooth][tuːθ] n. 牙齿;齿状物【单词】hole [hohl][həʊl] n. 洞;孔;穴;漏洞【短语】eat away 侵蚀;痛快地吃,尽情地吃

Skeletal bones are like a huge urban city that's filled with all manner of busybodies.【译】骨骼就像一个巨大的城市,到处都是爱管闲事的人。【单词】skeletal ['skel-i-tl]['skelətl] adj. 骨骼的【单词】huge [hyooj or, often, yooj][hjuːdʒ] adj. 巨大的;庞大的;极大的【单词】urban ['ur-buhn]['ɜːbən] adj. 城市的;都市的【单词】filled 原型:fill [fil][fɪl] vt. 装满;弥漫;填充【单词】manner ['man-er]['mænə] n. 方式【单词】busybodies 原型:busybody ['biz-ee-bod-ee]['bɪzibɒdi] n. 爱管闲事的人;好事的人

When something goes wrong, someone (cells) is there to fix things and they have a good supply of building material (nutrition and minerals) to do it.【译】当出现问题时,就会有人(细胞)在那里修理,他们有充足的建筑材料(营养和矿物质)来做。【单词】cells 原型:cell [sel][sel] n. 细胞【单词】fix [fiks][fɪks] v. 修理,处理,解决【单词】supply [suh-'plahy][sə'plaɪ] n. 供应;补给;贮备【单词】building 原型:build [bild][bɪld] v. 建造;开发【单词】nutrition [noo-'trish-uh n, nyoo-][nju'trɪʃn] n. 营养【单词】minerals 原型:mineral ['min-er-uhl, 'min-ruhl]['mɪnərəl] n. 矿物

Teeth are like a bunch of small villages at the outermost edge of the country.【译】牙齿就像国家最边缘的一堆小村庄。【单词】Teeth 原型:tooth [tooth][tuːθ] n. 牙齿;齿状物【单词】bunch [buhnch][bʌntʃ] n. 串;束;一群【单词】outermost ['ou-ter-mohst]['aʊtəməʊst] adj. 最外方的;离中心最远的【单词】edge [ej][edʒ] n. 边缘;边

Sure, people live there.【译】当然,人们住在那里。

But they aren't as well populated and supplied as their inner city friends.【译】但他们的居民数量和物资供给不如他们大城市里的朋友。【单词】populated 原型:populate ['pop-yuh-leyt]['pɒpjuleɪt] v. 构成人口;居住于【单词】inner ['in-er]['ɪnə] adj. 内心的;内部的;里面的

They can't do a lot and get by with what little they have.【译】他们做不了很多事,也不能用他们仅有的一点钱过日子。

Teeth are composed of calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals(mostly minerals).【译】牙齿由钙、磷和其他矿物质(主要是矿物质)组成。【单词】composed 原型:compose [kuhm-'pohz][kəm'pəʊz] v. 形成;组成【单词】calcium ['kal-see-uhm]['kælsiəm] n. 钙【单词】phosphorus ['fos-fer-uhs]['fɒsfərəs] n. 磷【单词】mostly ['mohst-lee]['məʊstli] adv. 主要地;通常

Bones contain calcium, phosphorus, sodium and other minerals, but mostly consist of the protein collagen.【译】骨骼中含有钙、磷、钠等矿物质,但主要由胶原蛋白组成。【单词】contain [kuhn-'teyn][kən'teɪn] vt. 容纳;包含【单词】sodium ['soh-dee-uhm]['səʊdiəm] n. 钠【单词】consist [kuhn-'sis][kən'sɪst] vi. 由 ... 组成;构成;在于;符合【单词】protein ['proh-teen, -tee-in]['prəʊtiːn] n. 蛋白质【单词】collagen ['kol-uh-juhn]['kɒlədʒən] n. 胶原

Collagen is a living, growing tissue that gives bones their a flexible framework that allows them to withstand pressure.【译】胶原蛋白是一种活的、不断生长的组织,它赋予骨骼一个灵活的框架,使骨骼能够承受压力。【单词】growing 原型:grow [groh][ɡrəʊ] v. 增加;生长;变成;逐渐开始【单词】tissue ['tish-oo]['tɪʃuː] n. (生物的)组织【单词】flexible ['flek-suh-buhl]['fleksəbl] adj. 柔韧的;灵活的;易弯曲的=【单词】framework ['freym-wurk]['freɪmwɜːk] n. 框架;体系;结构【单词】withstand [with-'stand, with-][wɪð'stænd] vt. 对抗;经得起;承受


Calcium fills in the space around that framework and makes the bone strong enough to support the body's weight.【译】钙填充了骨骼周围的空间,使骨骼足够强壮以支撑身体的重量。【单词】Calcium 原型:calcium ['kal-see-uhm]['kælsiəm] n. 钙【单词】weight [weyt][weɪt] n. 重量;体重

But bones are still not as strong as teeth.【译】但骨头仍然不如牙齿强壮。【用法】as...as 意为"和……一样",表示同级的比较。 其基本结构为:as adj./adv. as sth.;例如:This film is as interesting as that one. 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。

The hardest part of the human body , teeth mostly consist of a calcified tissue called dentine.【译】牙齿是人体最坚硬的部分,主要由一种叫做牙本质的钙化组织组成。【单词】calcified ['kal-suh-fahy]['kælsɪfaɪ] v. 钙化;(使)成石灰质【单词】dentine ['dentiːn] n. 象牙质;齿质

The tooth's dentine tissue is covered in enamel, that hard, shiny layer that you brush.【译】牙齿的牙本质组织覆盖着珐琅质,这是你刷牙时感觉到的坚硬、闪亮的一层。【单词】enamel [ih-'nam-uhl][ɪ'næml] n. 珐琅;瓷釉【单词】shiny ['shahy-nee]['ʃaɪni] adj. 闪亮的;发光的;擦亮的【单词】layer ['ley-er]['leɪə] n. 层【单词】brush [bruhsh][brʌʃ] vt. 刷;擦

The exterior of bones consists of periosteum, a dense, smooth, slippery membrane that lines the outer surface of most bones , except at the joints of long bones, which instead consist of slimy hyaline cartilage.【译】骨骼的外部由骨膜组成,骨膜是一种致密、平滑、光滑的膜,排列在大多数骨骼的外表面,但比较长的骨头的关节处除外,长骨的关节处由黏糊糊的透明软骨组成。【单词】exterior [ik-'steer-ee-er][ɪk'stɪəriə] n. 外部;外表【单词】periosteum [per-ee-'os-tee-uhm][ˌperɪ'ɒstɪəm] n. 骨膜【单词】dense [dens][dens] adj. 密集的;稠密的;浓密的【单词】smooth [smooth][smuːð] adj. 光滑的;平稳的【单词】slippery ['slip-uh-ree, 'slip-ree]['slɪpəri] adj. 滑的【单词】membrane ['mem-breyn]['membreɪn] n. 【C】薄膜;膜状物【单词】outer ['ou-ter]['aʊtə] adj. 外部的;外面的【单词】surface ['sur-fis]['sɜːfɪs] n. 表面;外表;平面【单词】except [ik-'sept][ɪk'sept] prep. 除了 ... 之外 conj. 除非;除了 ... 之外【单词】joints 原型:joint [joint][dʒɔɪnt] n. 关节;接头;接合处;接缝接【单词】slimy ['slahy-mee]['slaɪmi] adj. 黏滑的【单词】hyaline ['hahy-uh-lin, -lahyn]['haɪəlɪn] adj. 玻璃似的;透明的【单词】cartilage ['kahr-tl-ij, 'kahrt-lij]['kɑːtɪlɪdʒ] n. 软骨

Periosteum contains osteoblasts, or cells that can manufacture new bone growth and repair.【译】骨膜中含有成骨细胞,或者可以制造新骨生长和修复的细胞。【单词】osteoblasts ['os-tee-uh-blast][ɒs'tiːəʊblæsts] n. 成骨细胞【单词】manufacture [man-yuh-'fak-cher][ˌmænju'fæktʃə] v. (手工)制造【单词】repair [ri-'pair][rɪ'peə] v. 修理;修补【专有名词】Periosteum [per-ee-'os-tee-uhm][ˌperɪ'ɒstɪəm] n. 骨膜

Tooth enamel, unfortunately, doesn't have the same regenerative powers.【译】不幸的是,牙釉质没有同样的再生能力。【单词】unfortunately [uhn-'fawr-chuh-nit][ʌn'fɔːtʃənətli] adv. 不幸地;遗憾地【单词】regenerative [ri-'jen-er-uh-tiv, -uh-rey-tiv][rɪ'dʒenərətɪv] adj. 再生的;更新的;倾向于再生的

Unlike bones, teeth cannot heal themselves or grow back together if they are broken.【译】与骨头不同,如果牙齿折断了,它们就不能自行愈合或重新生长在一起。【单词】unlike [uhn-'lahyk][ˌʌn'laɪk] prep. 不像,与…不同【单词】heal [heel][hiːl] vt. 治愈;使恢复健康【单词】broken 原型:break [breyk][breɪk] v. 打碎;折断

TlDR: Basically there arent any pathways or cells in your body designated to regrow the damaged enamel or dentine, unlike your bones which have multiple pathways to deliver cells and various cells in the body to regrow or fuse bones, despite both being made of very similar base components they are still very different structurally.【译】简单地说:基本上在你的身体里没有任何途径或细胞被指定来再生受损的牙釉质或牙本质,不像你的骨骼有多种途径来输送细胞,身体里有各种细胞来再生或融合骨骼,尽管它们都是由非常相似的基本成分组成,但它们在结构上仍然非常不同。

【网络用语】TLDR是too long don't read的简写,可以理解为“简单地说,概括总结”

【单词】Basically 原型:basically 副词 ['bey-sik-lee]['beɪsɪkli] adv. 基本上;主要地【单词】pathways 原型:pathway ['path-wey, 'pahth-]['pɑːθweɪ] n. 路;径【单词】designated 原型:designate ['dez-ig-neyt]['dezɪɡneɪt] vt. 指定;标明;选派【单词】regrow [riːgreʊ] v. 再生长;重新生长【单词】damaged 原型:damage ['dam-ij]['dæmɪdʒ] vt. 损害;毁坏【单词】multiple ['muhl-tuh-puh l]['mʌltɪpl] adj. 多种多样的;许多的【单词】deliver [dih-'liv-er][dɪ'lɪvə] v. 递送;交付【单词】fuse [fyooz][fjuːz] v. 融合【单词】component [kuhm-'poh-nuhnt, kom-][kəm'pəʊnənt] n. 元件;组成部分;成分【单词】structurally ['struhk-cher-uhl]['strʌktʃərəli] adv. 在结构上(在构造上)

As a comment... bacteria is the whole reason for tooth decay... bones aren't completely saturated by bacteria like teeth are.【译】作为评论。。。细菌是蛀牙的全部原因。。。骨头不像牙齿那样被细菌完全浸透。【单词】comment ['kom-ent]['kɒment] n. 注释;评论;闲话【单词】bacteria 原型:bacterium [bak-'teer-ee-uhm][bæk'tɪəriəm] n. 细菌【单词】decay [dih-'key][dɪ'keɪ] n. 腐烂;腐败【单词】completely [kuhm-'pleet][kəm'pliːtli] adv. 完全地;十分地;全然【单词】saturated 原型:saturate ['sach-uh-reyt]['sætʃəreɪt] v. 使浸透;使充满;使饱和


To be super clear: Acidic waste produced by bacteria are the whole reason for tooth decay.【译】非常清楚的是:细菌产生的酸性废物是蛀牙的全部原因。【单词】acidic [uh-'sid-ik][ə'sɪdɪk] adj. 酸的;酸性的

【单词】super ['soo-per]['suːpə] adj. 超级的;极好的【单词】waste [weyst][weɪst] n. 废物
