
Desperate rats are brazenly searching for food during the coronavirus pandemic, CDC warns


餐馆已不是从前 ( 视频中敲诊板plexiglass围绕桌子)


They are furry and they are furious – and they may be the most desperate of diners to yearn for restaurants to unlock from shutdown.



Rats, it seems, haven't been satisfied with curbside pickup or delivery during the coronavirus pandemic.

美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,简称CDC)警告说,某些地区的啮齿动物数量正在急剧增加。餐馆的垃圾桶不再满溢,饥饿的动物们正在寻找新的食物来源。

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning that rodent populations – which rely on a banquet of scraps and waste in restaurant dumpsters – are spiking in certain areas. Restaurant trash bins are no longer overflowing, and the famished creatures are scrambling for new sources of food.


"Jurisdictions have closed or limited service at restaurants and other commercial establishments to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Community-wide closures have led to a decrease in food available to rodents, especially in dense commercial areas," the CDC said. "Some jurisdictions have reported an increase in rodent activity."


Environmental and health officials may witness an increase in service requests amid reports of "unusual or aggressive rodent behavior."

