what is love文字分解(WhatisLove什么是爱)(1)

What is love? Seriously, though, what is it? What is love? A verb? A noun? A universal truth? An ideal? A common thread of all religions? A cult? A neurological phenomenon? There's no shortage of answers.

爱是什么?说真的,它到底是什么?爱是什么呢? 一个动词? 一个名词? 普遍的真理? 一个理想概念? 宗教信仰的共同点? 一种狂热的崇拜?一种神经学现象? 这个问题可以有很多很多答案。

what is love文字分解(WhatisLove什么是爱)(2)

Some are all-encompassing. It conquers all. It's all you need. It's all there is. These are all comparisons, though, ways of defining it by contrast, by saying it's more important than all other things, but is it? Sure, love matters more than your standard turkey sandwich, but does it matter more than shelter? Or sanity? Or an exceptional turkey sandwich? No matter your answer, you're just ranking it, not defining it.

一些答案很共通。它凌驾于一切之上。它是你唯一渴望的东西。它就是爱。话虽如此,这些都是用类比的方法去诠释爱的,与世间万物相比,爱尤为重要。但真的是这样吗?当然,爱远比你的普通的火鸡三明治来得重要,但它是否敌得过居住的房子? 或者能否打败理智? 亦或是一份豪华火鸡三明治呢? 不论你的答案是什么,你只是进行了排名,而非定义它。

what is love文字分解(WhatisLove什么是爱)(3)

Another challenge to defining love is we often try to do so while falling into it or out of it. Would you trust someone who just won the lottery to accurately define the concept of currency? Or, I don't know, ask a guy to define bears while he's fending them off? Or is romance not like winning the lottery? Are break ups not like bear attacks? Bad comparisons? That's my point. I'm not thinking right because I'm in love, so ha!

定义爱的另一个难题就在于我们经常在自己坠入爱河时或在失去爱的时候 去定义爱,你会相信一个刚赢了的人能精确地定义金钱吗?或者,再问一位刚刚逃脱了狗熊追击的哥们,熊到底可不可怕? 再或者,浪漫是不是就像中一样? 被熊袭击跟失恋的感觉一样吗? 不恰当的比喻对吗?这就是我的意思,我无法理性地思考,因为我在谈恋爱,所以,哈哈!

what is love文字分解(WhatisLove什么是爱)(4)

Taking a step back, or taking a cold shower, whatever, love is potentially the most intensely thought about thing in all of human history. And despite centuries upon centuries of obsession, it still overwhelms us. Some say it's a feeling, a magical emotion, a feeling for someone like you've never felt before. But feelings are fluid, not very concrete foundation for a definition. Sometimes you hate the person you love.


what is love文字分解(WhatisLove什么是爱)(5)

But if love is a thing that we can define, then how can it mean opposite things for so many people? So, maybe love's just all in your head, a personal mystery winding through your neural pathways and lighting up pleasing, natural rewards in your nervous system. Perhaps these rewards are addictive. Perhaps love is a temporary or permanent addiction to a person, just like a person can be addicted to a drug. I don't mean to be edgy like some pop song. Evidence shows that chemicals in your brain stimulated by another person can make you develop a habit for that person.


what is love文字分解(WhatisLove什么是爱)(6)

what is love文字分解(WhatisLove什么是爱)(7)

If no two people are the same, no two people's love is the same either. So, in every loving relationship, there's a lot to talk about and partners should be open to that, or the relationship probably won't last. Love is always up for discussion and, sure, under construction. So, if we can't define it, that's a good sign. It means we're all still making it. Wait, I didn't mean, you know what I meant.


what is love文字分解(WhatisLove什么是爱)(8)







