








1. 她知道你有份参与盗窃她的物品

She knows you're responsible for helping to steal from her.


My apologies.

3. 能否让我回家与女儿团聚

will you let me go home to my daughter?

4. 砍下他的头

Off with his head.


1. majesty[ˈmædʒɪsti]:(n.)主权,统治权;陛下,王权;庄严,雄伟

2. steal from sb:从某人那里偷东西

3. trick [trɪk]:(1)n.恶作剧;戏法,把戏;计谋,诀窍;骗局

例句:That's a cute trick.这是个设计巧妙的骗局。

(2)v. 哄骗,欺骗

例句:He used the fake plans to trick her.他用假计划使她上当。



Her majesty says she knows you're responsible for helping to steal from her.

-是皇后 她骗...

The queen. She tricked--


That woman's name is Regina. There is only one queen-- The queen of hearts.


Yes, of course. My apologies. Now please...


Her majesty wishes to know how you got to this world. How did you come to wonderland?


If I tell you, will you let me go home to my daughter?


Off with his head.


No. I'm alive? I'm alive!


If you wish your body back, then answer. How did you get here?


The--the---the hat. My hat. We used my hat.


Where's the hat now?


She took it. Regina.


If all you require to travel to your homeland is this magic hat, then surely, you could make another.


I can't. A hat without magic is just a hat. It won't work.


Then there's your task. Get it to work.

