

There are more and more yesterdays and lesser and lesser tomorrows. This is life! The reason you think time of this year is flying faster than last year is that time is becoming much more important year by year. Don’t reluctantly embrace each other because of fear of loneliness. Don’t make do with life because of having no choices temporarily. There is always a journey of life that needs you to go across alone. Hope that you can be a ray of sunshine, which shines brightly and beautifully without sorrow.


句 詹伯侯



When you encounter a person and love him a little more, then in the end you will lose him. Afterwards, you will meet another person who loves you more than you do to him, which sooner or later makes you leave him. Until one day, you come across someone and you love each other. Finally you know that the entire search is also a process. Before you are at the remotest corners of the world, but now you are at my fingertips.



All my conceit comes from my self-abasedness. All the heroic spirit comes from my weakness in my heart. All the self-confidence in my words is owing to full of uncertainty in my heart. I pretend to be ruthless, but in fact I hate my deep love from the bottom of my heart. I think that the meaning of life lies in leading a wandering life around the world. But as a matter of fact, that thought just plays as an excuse to cover the truth that up to now I still haven’t found out a place I am willing to stay for a long time.


句 马良



I want you to remember who you are, despite the bad things that are happening to you. Because those bad things aren’t you. They are just things that happen to you. You need to accept that who you are and the things that happen to you, are not one and the same.


科琳·胡佛 《绝望》


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