
Step 1:Start a Food Diary


A food diary is an excellent fiirst step to losing.weight. Not only does it show you what you eat, it can also help you understand why you eat the way you do,which is often just as important when it comes to long-term weight management.(For example, if you find that you always hit the vending machine after your afternoon meeting, you may eat in response to stress.)


Simply pick up a spiral notebook that’s lying around the house and record everything you eat and drink for at least one week. The most important factor in keeping an effective food diary is to keep it honest. That includes recording "tastes" and samples as well as unexpected treats (like a "free" donut from the break room!).Many of us eat and drink without being truly conscious of it Keeping a food diary is the only way to get an accurate idea of what you take in to your body.



Step 3: Start Measuring Serving Sizes


The next step to losing weight without spending money is to control portions.In the previous step, you learned about serving size (the recommended single portion of a particular food or beverage). From now on, take a moment to look at the serving size on the nutrition label and measure out (or count out if the serving is a number, such as "three pieces") controlled portions of foods and beverages.

Try this experiment: Tomorrow morning at breakfast, pour your usual bowl of cereal without any measuring (Don't add milk yet!).Then, check the nutrition label for serving size and measure out that amount with a measuring cup. Pour that portion into another bowl. Compare the two portions side by side. You may be surprised at how much more than a recommended serving you are accustomed to eating.


For a few foods, such as meat, you can't really use a measuring cup, but you don't have to buy a scale to control your portions of those foods. Picturing the size of everyday items can help you to estimate serving size. (For example, a serving of meat is about the size of a deck of cards.)


It may seem daunting at first to measure your food, but doing so really is the only way to get a true concept of what normal servings look like. Intime, when you have adjusted to seeing what standard servings really are, you will be able to "eyeball" a serving without measuring your food.


And here’s a bonus for budget-watchers一when you use smaller portions,everything you buy will last longer. That box of cereal in the example will be around days longer than it would have been if you’d continued eating oversized servings. So, controlling portions can save you major cash!



Step 4: Sign Up for a Free Calorie Count Membership


Your next step to lose weight without spending money is to sign up for a membership at’s Calorie Count. Calorie Count is a free service that allows you to calculate your daily caloric needs, track your calorie intake, search the calorie count of foods, browse for nutritional information, and much more.


After you answer a few questions about yourself, you will be provided a number of calories you should eat each day if you want to lose weight at a healthy rate. The "eat meter"and "burn meter" bath allow you to track your calorie use and your calorie burn.


Here’s how it works: Let's use a half-cup ofi 2% milk as an example of a food !want to track. First, I visit Calorie Count and log into my account. Then, I will either browse the category of Dairy and Egg Products until I locate milk, or I will simply type "milk" in the search box. Using search I quickly find the entry for reduced-fat milk. Since I measured my portion, I select a half-cup from the drop down menu as my serving size. Then, i click the "Add to Food Log" button.


Since using Calorie Count means there is record of what I have eaten,keeping my food diary becomes "automatic" and I have an accurate idea of how many calories I am consuming. Calorie Count subtracts these calories from my "Eat Meter" and I instantly see how many calories I have used throughout the day and my remaining "balance".

下面是它的工作原理:把半杯含量为2%的牛奶当做我想追踪的样品食物。首先,我登录卡路里计算系统并且进人我的账户。然后,我随便翻阅乳品和蛋制品 的种类直到选择牛奶,或者我会直接打出“milk”单词在搜索栏,快速地搜索出牛奶。计算出我的分量后,我从数量递减菜单中选半杯作为我的食量,然后点击 添加到食物日志的按钮。

Simply log your food and beverages with Calorie Count, stay within your calorie goals, and get some activity in on the "burn meter',一you are virtually guaranteed to lose weight.



Step 5: Cut Liquid Calories


Cutting liquid calories from your diet is one of the easiest and most "painless" ways to lose weight, Once you start keeping a food diary, measuring servings, and tracking your caloric intake, you may be surprised at the number of calories you consume in the form of beverages. The good news is you may not need to cut as many food calories once you realize how many liquid calories you can cut


And since we all want to lose weight without spending money, consider this:Buying fewer beverages can save you a lot of cash over time (especially if those beverages are coffee drinks or wine!).




