“读懂”英语没有?America's way of fueling itself

在“互联网 ”为时代特征的今天的英语“教学”(if any at all),我喜欢也习惯在课堂上跟学生分享和必须回答的一个常规性问题,就是:你今天在非英语语言环境下的英语学习究竟是为了培养和获得什么英语的“语言能力”呢?



这真的就是中国多年来所谓的英语教学(if any at all)最大的“悖论”,或者叫“以子之矛攻子之盾”:用汉语去学去理解去记忆只有在语言环境下才用得到的英语,一旦失去这些所谓“实用地道”的英语赖以生存的语言环境,学习有意义吗?




America's way of fueling itself.

On October 25, 1983, the United States invaded Grenada, ostensibly to protect American nationals. During its over 240 years of history, the U.S. has waged numerous foreign wars to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. While profiteering, the U.S. has brought chaos and humanitarian disaster to the rest of the world.


1.America's way of fueling itself.

“会说”英语:Okay.I got you.If you fuel something like your car,you pump gas or oil into it si your car can run again

我“怎么知道”这么说英语的?“互联网 ”时代,查英英字典啊?

2.On October 25, 1983, the United States invaded Grenada

“会说”英语:Okay.I got you.If the United States invaded Grenada,it waged a foreign war into the country.

2.to protect American nationals

“会说”英语:Okay.I got you.When the USA protects its nationals,it protects an American cituzen who lives outside the United States.

