The drink is on the house是什么意思?

能用英语理解英语on the house吗?

我们学习英语如果你追求的是仅仅满足于“用中文懂得某句英语什么意思”,那么,The drink is on the house是指“这杯饮料老板/店家付钱,你免费饮用”。


in the community 是什么意思(Thedrinkis)(1)

相反,我习惯于用英语学英语,因为这种习惯既能把学过的英语用起来,又能同时训练自己的英语口语。换言之,The drink is on the house不仅仅是为了让你“用中文又学会一句英语”的,它本身就是自成一体的英语口语:

1. Okay.I got you.When you say:The drink is on the house,you mean:The drink is FREE for you because the bar will pay for you.

in the community 是什么意思(Thedrinkis)(2)

2. Okay.I got you.When you say:The drink is on the house,you mean:You don't have to pay for the drink.You can drink it at no cost.

3. On the house means Paid by the house

4.The house means the bar,or the owner of the bar.

用这些高中英语理解、记忆The drink is on the house是什么意思完全没有任何困难,完全没有再“借助”中文才能“理解”,才能“记”。

我也不知道你读到英语The drink is on the house时,你能否在这些学过的英语之间灵活自如的切换。如果没问题,你不就是具有很好的英语“运用能力”吗?英语“学以致用”说的不就是这回事吗?“英语学了是为了用”不也是说这个吗?

in the community 是什么意思(Thedrinkis)(3)

最怕的就是你离开了中文,下次再见到The drink is on the house时,你根本没有说出它的英语的能力,而是问:中文什么意思了?
