

The leaves of the tree turn gold in the fall. 树叶在秋天变成金黄色。


in summer/in the summer词条

当泛泛地提到春夏秋冬,而不具体指出某年的春夏秋冬时,一般是不用冠词的,但有时也可以遇到使用冠词的情况。这就是说,在这种情况下,in summer (spring, autumn, winter)与in the summer (spring, autumn, winter)是没有什么区别的。但是,在美国英语中使用fall(秋天)时,则必须使用冠词:in the fall

It is cold here in (the) winter.

He generally goes to the south of France in (the) winter.


It happened in the summer of 1937.

in the autumn of 1980


文中但是,在美国英语中使用fall(秋天)时,则必须使用冠词:in the fall这一说法是不准确的,我们看到了不同的实例。



in (the) fall在秋天

I visited Paris in the fall of 1998. 我在1998年秋天访问过巴黎。

He died last fall. 他在去年秋天死亡。(无介词时当副词使用)


in autumn和in the autumn都可以说。during the autumn里的the不可省去。Autumn has come等句子里不可加the。spring, summer, winter和fall也是这样



in (the) fall在秋天

in the fall of 1991 在1991年的秋天

fall winds秋风

I went to America last fall. 我去年秋天去了美国。

I’m going to Paris this fall. 今年秋天我打算去巴黎。


During the fall I spent almost every weekend raking leaves.

in (the) fall

There was a bad snowstorm late in the fall.

at the end (beginning) of fall

Their traffic continued through fall and winter into the following spring.


Fall is the season between summer and winter when the weather becomes cooler. 秋季;秋天


He was elected judge in the fall of 1991. 1991年秋他当选为法官。

The Supreme Court will not hear the case until next fall.




fall = autumn(美语)

in the fall of 2009 2009年的秋天

last fall去年秋天

fall weather秋季天气


fall: the season between summer and winter; the season when leaves fall from trees; autumn

She went off to college in the fall.

an unusually warm fall

in early/late fall

Several weeks of all remain before winter begins.

When fall came he planted grass.

