1. Snow tube 雪圈(封面图片、下图)
Shall we go snow tubing? Let’s pull the tubes up the hill. 去滑雪圈吧?咱们把雪圈拉到坡上去。Slide down, baby. 宝宝往下滑吧。【tube可做动词用。】
2. Toboggan 平底雪橇
Push hard with your poles to slide faster. 用你的棍使劲滑,滑快点。
4. Dog sleigh 狗拉雪橇
Are you scared by the huskies? If not, let's go on a dog sleigh. 害怕雪橇犬(哈士奇)么?要是不怕咱们坐狗拉雪橇去。【图为阿拉斯加犬,两种狗很像。】
5. Ice sculpture with lights 冰灯 Snow sculpture 雪雕
This sculpture looks very real. Do you know what it is? 这个雕塑真形象。你能认出是什么么?
6. Snow zorb 雪地太空球
Snow zorbing looks like a lot of fun. Do you dare to try it? 雪地太空球看起来很有意思。你敢试试么?【zorb可用作动词。】
7. Snow maze 雪迷宫
Do you think you can solve this snow maze? Let's give it a go. 你觉得你能玩通这个雪迷宫么?咱们试试去。
8. Snowball fight 打雪仗 Build a snowman 堆雪人
There is a lot of snow over there. We can build a snowman and also have a snowball fight with daddy. 那儿有好多雪。咱们可以堆个雪人,还可以跟爸爸打雪仗。
9. Polar animals 极地动物
Can you name the polar animals? Let me tell you, they are penguin, polar bear, seal and reindeer. 你知道这些极地动物叫什么么?我来告诉你,他们是企鹅、北极熊、海豹和驯鹿。
10. 冰雪嘉年华的概念来自西方,英文叫winter carnival。除上文所述,在西方的冰雪嘉年华里,merry go around(旋转木马)、hot chocolate stand(热巧克力摊位)也是重要组成部分。
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