a bit1.rather相当地;有点(用作状语),今天小编就来说说关于字母a开头的英语单词?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



a bit


I am a bit tired.我有点累了。

She calmed down a bit.她冷静一点了。

2.not at all;not in the least(用于否定句中)一点不

He didn't care a bit about the matter.他一点儿也没把这件事放在心上。

a bit of

a small piece or amount of少量的;少许的(常用于修饰不可数名词)

She gave me a bit of good advice.她给了我一些好的建议。

I know a bit of Spanish.我懂一点西班牙语。

a bit of a

to some degree有点;稍有

He is a bit of a thief.他有点贼头贼脑的。

The young man is a bit of a scholar.那个年轻人有点学者派头。

a couple of

1.two 二个

I'll come back in a couple of weeks.我两周后就回来。


Let's have a couple of drinks.我们喝几杯吧。

a great deal

a very large amount很多东西(情况、事情);很多

I have learned a great deal from you.我向你学到了许多东西。

It has rained a great deal recently.最近雨水很多。

a great/good deal of

much;a large amount of许多的;大量的

He spent a great deal of time in writing the book.他写这本书花了大量的时间。

a great/good many


They have known each other for a great many years.他们相识已经有许多年了。

a long way off

1.at a long distance相距很远

The town is a long way off.那个城市在很远的地方。

2.far in the future(在时间上)离现在远

Christmas is still a long way off.圣诞节还早着呢。

3.far from 远非

The novel is a long way off perfection.这部小说远非完美之作。

a lot

I feel a lot better today.我今天感到好多了。

a lot of

lots of;many or much大量的;许多的(后接可数名词或不可数名词)

He wasted a lot of time in those years.那些年他浪费了很多时间。

I bought a lot of valuable books in the secondhand bookstore.我在那家旧书店里买了许多很有价值的书。

a short cut

a quicker and more direct way近路;捷径

They took a short cut through the fields.他们走捷径穿过田野。

There is no short cut to success ex cept by diligence.成功没有捷径,唯在勤勉。

abandon oneself to

give oneself up completely to a feeling or desire放任;纵情;(感情)陷于;沉溺于

He abandoned himself to grief.他陷于悲伤之中。

Never abandon yourself to despair.切勿自暴自弃。

You mustn't abandon yourself to pleasures.你不该一味享乐。

abide by

1.be faithful to;obey; keep to;adhere to严守;遵守;坚持

If you join the club,you must abide by its rules.你参加这个俱乐部就得遵守其规章。

I expect him to abide by his decision to help us.我希望他能坚持他帮助我们的决定。

Both sides should strictly abide by the contract.双方应恪守本合同。

Californians and New Englanders abide by the same federal laws.加利福尼亚人和新英格兰人遵守同样的联邦法律。


Having made our decision, we must abide by it.我们既已作出决定,就应该照着办。

She will abide by her promise.她会履行诺言的。

3.suffer the consequences of承担…的后果

You two will have to abide by the inevitable.你们两个人不得不承受那无可幸免的事。

He said he'd abide by all possible consequences.他说他将承担一切可能的后果。

You must abide by the results of your mistakes.你必须承担由你的错误所造成的后果。

abound in/with

1.exist in plenty盛产;富于

The lake abounds in fish.湖里鱼很多。

The district abounds with mineral deposits.这地区的矿藏很丰富。

That region abounds with rain all the year round.那个地区终年多雨。

2.be full of充满着

The book abounds in printing mistakes.该书中印刷错误比比皆是。

abundant in

having a great quantity of;having more than enough大量的;丰富的

China covers a vast territory and is abundant in natural resources.中国地域辽阔,资源丰富。

The ocean floor near the continents is abundant in mineral and oil deposits.靠近大陆的海底矿藏和石油藏量丰富。

above all

1.especially; before everything else尤其

He loves music,and above all classical music.他喜欢音乐,尤其是古典音乐。

Never waste anything,but above all never waste time.任何东西都不可浪费,尤其不可浪费时间。

2.most important of all最重要的是

In choosing the curtains for a room, you should consider the weight,its pattern—but its colour above all.在挑选窗帘时,要考虑布料的质地、轻重、图案,但最重要的是颜色。

I should like to rent a house,modern,comfortable, above all in a quiet neighbourhood.我想租一幢现代化的舒适的房子,最重要的是环境要幽静。

above suspicion

beyond doubt无可置疑

His conduct is above suspicion.他的行为是无可置疑的。

abreast of

knowing all the time the most recent facts了解最新信息;跟上最新发展

We should be abreast of the time.我们应跟上时代的发展。

The reporter must keep abreast of new developments.记者必须跟上最新发展。

absent from

not present缺席;未到场

She was absent from the meeting yesterday.她昨天未出席会议。

accede to

1.give approval to(a request,agreement,an application,etc.)同意;批准;应允(要求、请求、申请等)

We are ready to accede to your request for further information.你们如果还需要资料,我们乐于随时提供。

She did not accede to my request.她不曾答应我的请求。

My application was acceded to.我的申请获得了批准。

2. follow sb. and take(a position); enter upon(an office)接任;就职

Last week she acceded to the mayor.上星期她就任市长。

The prince acceded to the throne.这位王子继承了王位。

3.join(a party, an agreement, a country,etc.)加入;参加(党派、协议、国家等)

They have acceded to the Party.他们入党了。

according as

in a manner that depends upon依照;根据(后接从句)

You may take an oral or written exam according as you prefer.你可根据你的喜爱进行口头或笔头考试。

One may succeed according as one has ideal and will power.人的成功全在于理想和意志。

according to

1.in accordance with根据

According to his uncle,the boy is a goodfornothing.据男孩的叔父说,他是个无用之人。

2.in agreement with;corresponding to依据;依照;与…相符(后接名词)

We must be prepared to modify our plans according to any new circumstances that may arise.我们务必准备根据可能出现的新情况改变计划。

absolve from

declare sb.free from(guilt,blame,duty)解除;赦免;开脱

He is absolved from the crime.他被赦免了。

The manager absolved him from an obligation.经理免除了他一项责任。

absorb into

take in吸收

Many intellectuals have been absorbed into the Party.许多知识分子被吸收入党了。

Animals absorb foods into their bodies.动物将食物吸收进体内。

absorbed in

giving all one's attention to沉湎于;全神贯注于

Time passes quickly when you are absorbed in reading a good book.当你沉醉于阅读一本好书时,时间会过得很快。

He was so absorbed in his work that he didn't see me.他全神贯注于工作之中,没有看到我。

abstain from

prevent oneself from doing sth.避免;避开

His family have always abstained from drinking.他一家人从来不喝酒。

The leader asked his workers to abstain from voting.那位领导人要求工人们放弃选举。

abstract from

take sth.out of sth.else;separate 提取;抽出;摘录…的要点

The article was abstracted from a longer book.这篇文章是一本厚书的提要。

Scientists can abstract precious medicines from some ordinary plants.科学家们可以从一些普通的植物中提取珍贵的药品。

It is known to all that metal can be abstracted from ore.众所周知,金属能从矿石中提炼出来。

The thief abstracted the purse from her pocket.这小偷从她的衣袋中偷走了钱包。

accept as

believe that(sb.or sth.) is(what he/she/it is claimed to be)承认;认可;同意

I accept this statement as truth.我认为这个论断是正确的。

The king accepted the man as his son.国王承认那人是他的儿子。

accord with

match;be in agreement with一致;符合

That does not accord with what you said yesterday.那件事和你昨天说的不一样。

What he did doesn't accord with what he said.他言行不一。

It also accords with the general law of development of things.这也符合事物发展的普遍规律。

account for

1.explain;give a reason for解释;说明…的原因

How do you account for the accident?你如何解释这次事故的原因?

We asked him to account for his conduct.我们要他对自己的行为加以解释。

2.give a statement to show how money or goods have been dealt with说明(钱等的)用途

You have to account for losing such a large sum of money.丢了这么一大笔钱,你务必解释清楚。

We must account for every cent we spent.我们花掉的每一分钱,都要有个交代。

3.be responsible for负责The librarian has to account for each book in his charge.图书管理员应对所管的每一本书负责。

You will have to account for the misprints in the article.你必须对文章中的印刷错误负责。

It will take him 20 years in prison to account for such a terrible crime.他犯有严重罪行,将在监狱中监禁20年。

4.occupy;amount to(数量)占;共计达

In that country,the production of raw materials accounts for a considerable proportion of the national economy.在那个国家,原材料生产在国民经济中占相当大的比重。

League members account for the majority of the students in the class.团员占这个班学生的大多数。

accuse of

blame;say that sb.is guilty of;charge sb.with breaking the law 谴责;控告

We accusea him of having broken his promise.我们指责他没有遵守诺言。

She accused her brother of stealing the jewels.她指控弟弟偷了珠宝。

He was accused of treason.他被指控有叛国罪。

Everybody knows he was wrongly accused of.谁都知道他受到诬告。

accustomed to

used to;being in the habit of习惯于(to 后面接名词、动名词或动词原形)

He is accustomed to working hard.他工作很努力,已经成习惯了。

She isn't accustomed to public speaking.她不太习惯在公开场合讲话。

She was not accustomed to leave home during the winter.她过去不习惯冬天离家。

acquaint with

1. make familiar with熟悉We acquainted him with our plan.我们将计划告诉了他。

You should acquaint yourself with the facts before making a decision.在作出一项决定之前要熟悉各种情况。

These books acquaint Chinese readers with the ancient cultures of these lands.这些书帮助中国读者了解这些地区的古代文化。

2.make sb.know认识;知道

I am not acquainted with the lady.我与这位女士不相识。

He quickly got acquainted with his new duties.他很快地熟悉了新工作。

acquit of

declare that sb.is not guilty of doing wrong宣告…无罪

They acquitted him of murder.他们宣布他没犯谋杀罪。

The young man was acquitted of the crime.那个年轻人被宣判无罪。

act as

1.do the work of;serve as当作;充当

A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person.一条经过训练的狗可以给盲人当向导。

This kind of tea act as an aid to digestion.这种茶助消化。

2.play the role of担任…的角色

One of his friends acted as the gobetween.他的一个朋友充当了中间人的角色。

act for

serve as an agent of;represent代理

He will act for the chairman on the matter.他将代理主席处理这件事情。

Since Mr.Wang fell ill,his son has been acting for him in all his affairs.因王先生生病,他的儿子一直代他处理一切事务。

act on/upon

1.exert influence on产生影响

The medicine acted on his fever at once.这种药很快使他退烧了。

2.follow;behave according to遵照(行事)

She acted on the doctor's advice.她遵医嘱行事。

You should act upon this letter at once,or it will be too late.你应该马上按这封信的意思去做,不然就会太晚了。

act up to

put into practice;behave in such a way that one's actions are in accord with(expectations,a promise,one's reputation,etc.)按照(期望、诺言、自己的声誉等)行事

What you say means very little unless you act up to it.你要是说而不做,你的话就没有多大意思了。

I hope you'll act up to the good advice they've given you.我希望你能按照他们给你出的好主意办。

adapt to

make suitable; become used to使适应

We must adapt ourselves to the changed conditions.我们必须使自己适应改变了的环境。

We must adapt our thinking to the new circumstances.我们必须使自己的思想适应新的情况。

It is difficult to adapt to sudden changes of temperature.要适应突然变化的气温是很难的。

add on

add as an extra or extras追加

Would you please add these names on to your list?请把这几个名字补加到你的名单里好吗?

Add the other items on at the bottom of the page.把别的项目加在这页的下端。

add to

make greater;increase增加

We can add another room to the house.这所房子我们还可以加盖一个房间。

Two added to five makes seven.2加5等于7。

This adds to their difficulties.这增加了他们的困难。

I don't want to add to your troubles.我不想给你增加麻烦。

add up

1.put together加起来

Add these figures up and see what the total is.把这些数字加起来,看看总数是多少。

The numbers wouldn't add up.这些数字加起来与总数不符。

2.assess; help估计;权衡;有所帮助

They added up all the advantages and disadvantages and tried to come to a decision.他们权衡了所有的利弊得失,试图做出决定。

Doing morning exercise every day will add up.天天做早操有益于健康。

3.make sense;present a reasonable picture有意义;合情合理His excuse just doesn't add up.他的借口简直没有道理。

Nothing he does seems to add up.他的所作所为似乎没有意义。

His story didn't add up.他的故事不合情理。

add up to

1.amount to;make a total of合计,总共

The money he spent added up to more than $ 1,000.他花的钱合计超过了1000美元。

The bills add up to exactly £1,000.这些账单加起来正好1000英镑。

Eight and ten add up to eighteen.8加10等于18。


The evidence all adds up to a case of murder.全部证据都表明这是一件谋杀案。

The rain,the mosquitoes and the crowded cabin all added up to a spoiled vacation.下雨、蚊子和拥挤的小屋,意味着这假期过得糟透了。

His long answer just adds up to a refusal.他的冗长的回答实际上意味着拒绝。

addicted to

1.very much interested in沉溺于;醉心于

Alice is addicted to music.爱丽丝酷爱音乐。

2.having increasing need of(esp.taking drugs)(吸毒等)成瘾

He became addicted to the drug.他吸毒成瘾。

address oneself to

1.work at; be busy with着手(致力于)做;忙于

It's time we addressed ourselves to the business in hand.是动手做我们手上事情的时候了。

2.speak to; talk to向…讲话

The president addressed himself to the public on TV.总统向公众发表电视讲话。

We addressed ourselves to the dean that we were eager to work in Tibet.我们对系主任说,我们盼着去西藏工作。

adhere to

1.stick to粘住

Wet clothes adhere to the skin.湿衣服会贴在身上。

2.follow steadily; be faithful to 坚持;忠实于

They adhered to the original plan of climbing the mountain in spite of the bad weather.尽管天气恶劣,他们还是坚持原先的登山计划。

The mass line must be adhered to.一定要坚持走群众路线。

He resolutely adhered to what he had said at the meeting; he had not changed his mind anyway.他坚持他在会上说过的话,一点也没改变主意。

adjust to

1.become used to 适应于

He can't adjust easily to the life in North China.他不容易适应中国北方的生活。

She will have to adjust herself to new conditions.她必须使自己适应新的环境。

2.change sth.to fit调整;调节

You can adjust the belt to the size you want.你可以根据自己的需要调整安全带。

admit of

leave room for容许;有…的余地;有…可能

This work admits of no delay.这件工作不得延误。

This admits of no excuse.这是不容辩解的。

This regulation does not admit of our doing that.按规定我们不能这样做。

Your problems did not really admit of any solution.你的问题真是没有解决的可能。

admit to

1.allow to enter许可入场(入会、入学等)

You have to pass the professional examinations to be admitted to the society.要加入这个学会你得经过专业考试。

2.tell the truth about; confess to 承认

She admitted to being easily annoyed.她承认自己易生气。

The young man admitted to stealing the money.那个年轻人承认偷了钱。

He admitted to taking these goods without paying for them.他承认他拿了这些东西没有付钱。

adopt as

take(sb.,esp.a child)into one's family as a relation收养

The family have adopted three children as their own.这个家庭已经收养了3个孩子。

advance on/upon

threaten by moving towards逼近;靠近

The enemy advanced on Rome,and at last conquered it.敌军向罗马城逼近,最后攻陷了它。

adverse to

1. unfavourable to对…不利

The judgement was adverse to the plaintiff.判决不利于原告。

2.contrary to与…相反

His opinion is adverse to mine.他的观点同我的相反。

advise about/on

give sb.advice about;give advice to 劝告;向…提意见

Doctors advise about many things other than medicine.除了用药之外,医生还劝告人们注意许多别的事情。

Experienced sailors will advise you about sailing in this weather.有经验的水手会对如何在这种天气行船给你提出忠告。

Have you advised on making our plan?你对我们制定计划提过什么建议吗?

advise of

give information or warning about 告诉;提醒

I'll advise you of her coming and going.我会告诉你她的行踪。

The company has advised the drivers of the thick mists on the mountains.公司提醒驾驶员注意山上的大雾。

afraid of

fearful of担心;害怕

He is afraid of hurting her feelings.他怕伤她的感情。

He was probably afraid of embarrassing me.他可能不愿使我难堪。

This young man is afraid of nothing.这个年轻人什么也不怕。

afraid to

worried;filled with apprehension 不敢;因害怕会有…结果而不敢做

He is very much afraid to go out alone at night.他很害怕晚上一个人出去。

after a fashion

a little;not very well勉强;马马虎虎

She can speak Russian after a fashion.她勉强能讲点俄语。

after all

1.everything being considered毕竟;总之

After all,he is your father.他毕竟是你的父亲。

Don't get discouraged by setbacks;we are new to the work after all.别因挫折而灰心,这工作对我们来说毕竟还是新的。

2.nevertheless;in spite of what has happened到底

He hasn't finished the work, but,after all,he is a very busy man.他还没有完成那项工作,但说到底他是一个很忙的人。

She failed after all.她到底还是失败了。

Bob thought he couldn't go to the party because he had too much homework,but he went after all.虽然鲍勃因有太多的家庭作业而认为不能参加聚会,但他终于还是去了。

again and again


I advised him again and again not to do it.我再三劝告他不要做那件事。

against a rainy day

in anticipation of,and as a provision for, some event that is expected to occur in the future未雨绸缪;以备不时之需

We must save up some money against a rainy day.我们必须积蓄一些钱以备不时之需。

against one's will

contrary to one's desires or wishes;unwillingly不情愿地;勉强地

He was married against his will.他违心地结了婚。

agree on/upon

1.have the same opinion about就…取得相同的意见

Musicians rarely agree on the way a piece of music should be played.对于一支曲子应该怎样演奏,音乐家们很少有相同的意见。

The two sides agreed on a cease fire.双方达成了停火协议。

2.decide on决定

We agreed on leaving there the next day.我们一致同意第 2天离开那里。

We've agreed on fighting the evil in society.我们决定同社会上的邪恶作斗争。

agree to

approve;say “yes”to;consent同意;赞同;接受(想法、计划、建议等)

Do you agree to my plan?你赞同我的计划吗?

The committee has agreed to his arrangement.委员会已同意了他的安排。

agree with

1.have the same opinion as;approve of同意

I can't agree with you on this matter.在这个问题上我不同意你的意见。

I don't agree with a single word that you have said.你刚才说的话,我一点也不赞成。

2.suit;be good for适合;适宜

The climate there does not agree with her.那里的气候对她不适宜。

Rich food doesn't agree with her.油腻的食品不合她的胃口。

3.coincide with;be the same as 相一致;相等

The bill does not agree with your estimate.账单与你原来的估计不符。

His explanation agrees with the facts.他的解释同事实是相符的。

4.approve of赞成

I don't agree with people drinking brandy all day long.我不赞成人们成天喝白兰地。

aim at

1.point or direct(gun,etc.) towards瞄准;对准

The marksman aimed at the centre of the target.射手瞄准了靶心。

2.make an effort towards;try to gain立志要;目的在于

He aimed at becoming a professor.他立志要当一名教授。

This dictionary aims at explaining the most common mistakes in word use.本词典旨在解释用词上最常见的错误。

aim for

have as the ultimate objective以…为最终目的

This year they are aiming for 250million yuan.今年他们的目标是2亿5千万元。

We aim for the completion of the task by the end of the year.我们的最终目的是到今年年底完成这项任务。

alert to

warn sb.about使警觉;提醒某人注意

We must alert the people to the dangers facing our country.我们必须提醒人民注意国家所面临的危险。

We must alert them to the need to solve these problems.我们必须提醒他们有必要解决这些问题。

alive to

1.knowing about感觉到

He is alive to the dangers of the work.他清楚地知道这件工作的危险性。

2.sensitive to对…敏感

He is alive to the consequences.他对这些结果很敏感。

all alone

1.by oneself;independently自己;独立地

He has completed the task all alow.他独立完成了这项任务。

2.being the only one;without others独自地;孤零零地

The small cabin stands on the hillside all alone.那房子孤零零地座落在山坡上。

She sat in her room reading all alone.她独自坐在房里看书。

all along

1. for the whole length of一路;沿途

We saw green hills and forests all along the way.沿途所见,皆是青青的小山和森林。

2.all the time;from the beginning一直;自始至终

The manager said he suspected the man of stealing the paper all along.经理说他一直都怀疑是那个人偷了文件。

You've been nice to me all along,and I appreciate it very much.您一贯对我好,我非常感激。

all at once

1. all of a sudden;suddenly;unexpectedly突然;出乎预料

All at once they found themselves surrounded by the enemy.他们突然发现自己被敌人包围了。

All at once she decided she wasn't going.She didn't explain why.她突然决定不去了,她没有讲明理由。

All at once we heard a shot and the soldier fell to the ground.突然我们听到枪声,接着士兵就倒下去了。

2.at the same time;together同时;一起

When he heard the news, he was happy and sad all at once and didn't know what to do.听到这消息,他悲喜交集,不知所措。

She couldn't tell them more about the accident.Everything just seemed to have happened all at once.她不可能向他们讲述更多的事情,一切都似乎是同时发生的。

3.without delay马上;即刻

We just can't decide such an important thing all at once.我们只是不能马上决定这样一件重要的事情。

all but

1.all except除…外;都

All but three of the girls have passed the examination.除了 3个女生,其余的学生都通过了考试。

The shipwrecked people were rescued all but one.船只失事,遇难者除一人以外全部得救。

2.almost;very nearly几乎

He was all but bankrupt and couldn't help us.他几乎破产了,不能帮助我们。

The girl was all but run over by the car.那女孩差点被那辆小汽车压过去。

all ears/eyes

attentive(by listening or looking closely)全神贯注地倾听(注视)

Now children,I want you to be all ears in class.孩子们,我要求你们在课堂上专心听讲。

all in


They were all in after a whole day's work.工作了一整天,他们都精疲力竭了。

When night comes, I am all in.夜幕来临,我精疲力竭。

He was all in at the end of the race.他跑到终点时已精疲力竭。

all in all

1.all things considered;as a whole就整体来说

All in all this is a good film.总的说来,这是一部很好的电影。

All in all,it was a pleasant cruise today.总之,今天的水上旅行是愉快的。

2.the main object of love and devotion最心爱的人;最珍重的物

The daughter was all in all to him.女儿是他的掌上明珠。

Music was his all in all.他最喜欢的就是音乐。

3.the most important or decisive matter最重要的东西

Money is all in all to her.金钱对她来说是最重要的。

Grammar is not all in all in learning a foreign language.在外语学习中,语法并不是头等重要的。

all of a sudden

quickly, without advance warning 突然

It started out to be a beautiful day.Then, all of a sudden,it became cloudy and began to rain.开始,天气晴朗。后来,突然多云而且开始下雨。

All of a sudden a man burst out of the building, and made off down the road.突然,一个人从大楼里冲出来,沿着大路逃跑。

all round

1.on all sldes;in every direction 在…周围;到处

It was foggy all round.四周都是浓雾。

From all round we heard the laughter of children.我们到处都听见孩子们的笑声。

2.wholly;on every side全部

You're good all round. I haven't any criticism.你全都很好,我对你没有任何批评意见。

all the more

to an even greater degree更;格外

He loved his wife and children,but he loved his country all the more.他爱妻子儿女,但是他更爱祖国。

I know you find the subject difficult, but that is all the more reason why yod should work hard at it.我知道你感到这门学科困难,但这就是你更加应该努力钻研它的理由。

all the same

1.of no difference一样地

It's all the same to me whether he comes or not.他来不来对我都无所谓。


A heavy snow was falling,but we got there in time all the same.当时正下大雪,但我们还是准时到了那里。

allow for

1.take into consideration;make concession for考虑到;体谅到;对…让步

You have to allow for the boy's age.你应该体谅到孩子的年龄。

Allowing for bad weather,we should set off at once.考虑到天气不好,我们应该马上动身。

The company will allow for extra expenditure next year.公司将考虑到明年的额外开支。

You'd better start earlier;you should allow for traffic delays.你们还是早些出发为好,要考虑到路上交通会有耽搁。

2.provide for;have room for;Permit供给;允许

We must allow an hour for the meeting.我们必须留出一小时来开会。

allow of

admit of giving the possiblility of 容许;容得;有…可能

The facts allow of no other explanation.事实不容曲解。

His weakened condition would not allow of his being sent to town.他身体虚弱,已不可能把他送进城了。

allude to

refer indirectly or directly to间接或直接地说到

We looked at each other wondering whom he was alluding to.我们互相看看,不知道他指的是谁。

He alluded to his difficulties with his motherinlaw.他向岳母婉转地说起他的困难。

along with together with与…一起

The girl went to the cinema along with her mother.那个女孩同母亲一起去看电影。

amazed at

surprised very much at吃惊

I was amazed at seeing him there.在那里看到他,使我感到吃惊。

amount to

1.make a total of总计

The total income amounts to $5,000.总收入合计5000美元。

2.signify;mean equal to表示;有重要性;等于

Her words amount to a refusal.她的话等于拒绝。

What he said amounted to very little.他说的话无关紧要。

His suggestion amounts to saying that there is still room for improvement in the work.他的建议意味着这件工作尚有改进的余地。

3.achieve success;develop into有成就;发展为

I don't think such a man can amount to much.我认为这样一个人不会有什么作为。

If he goes on like this,he will never amount to anything.如果他一味这样下去,将一事无成。

angry at/about

filled with anger at sth.对(某事)生气

The father was angry at what his son had done.父亲对儿子的所作所为非常恼火。

I was angry about missing the film at the cinema.没看成影院的那场电影,我很生气。

angry with filled with anger with sb.对(某人)生气

She won't be angry with me.她不会对我生气的。

answer back

reply rudely回嘴;顶嘴

Don't answer back like that.别那样顶嘴!

The child often answered his grandmother back.这孩子经常与祖母顶嘴。

answer for

1. be responsible for;take the responsibility for对…负责

You must answer for any missing articles after the party.你必须对聚会后遗失的任何物品负责。

Parents should answer for their children's behaviour.父母应对自己孩子的行为负责。

2.guarantee 保证;担保

I can answer for his honesty.我可以保证他是诚实的。

I will answer for the truth of his statements.我担保他说的话是真实的。

3.be punished or blamed for因…而受罚;因…而受责备

He will have to answer for his crimes.他必须因他的罪行而受到惩罚。

Someday you will answer for your foolish behaviour.总有一天你将因你的愚蠢行为而受到惩罚。

4.serve for起…作用

That night the table answered for a bed for me.那天晚上那张桌子成了我的床。

5.speak for代表…讲话

Stop answering for John,let him speak.不要替约翰说,让他自己讲。

I can't answer for the other members of the committee.我不能代表其他委员的意见。

answer to

1.correspond to;be in accordance with符合;相符;一致

We all hope that the result will answer to our expectation.我们都希望结果和我们预料的一样。

That answers precisely to our needs.那正符合我们的需要。

A man answering to the police description was arrested in London last night.那个与警察描述的特征相符的人,昨晚已在伦敦被捕。

2.be responsible to对…负责

You'll have to answer to me if any harm comes to these children.要是这些孩子受到什么伤害,我将唯你是问。

He said he was ready to answer to those who worked under his direction.他说他愿意对在他领导下工作的人负责。

3.respond to;reply to对…做出反应;听从

The illness doesn't answer to medical treatment.这病治疗无效。

Young people should answer to the nation's call to go where they are most needed.青年人应该听从国家号召,到最需要的地方去。

answer up to

1.respond to对…做出反应;响应

We answered up to the appeal quickly.我们迅速响应了这个呼吁。

At the roll call,the men answered up to their names.点名时,士兵们应答迅速。

2.have a ready reply to对…对答如流

The little boy answered up to all the questions except two.除了两个问题外,这个孩子对答如流。

anxious about

worrying about担心;担忧

He is anxious about his daughter being out so late at night.他为女儿晚上这么晚在外面而担心。

anxious for

desiring eagerly渴望

He is anxious for a better job.他渴望找到更好的工作。

anything but

by no means;certainly not决不;并非

The task was anything but easy.这工作决不容易。

Many large cities are anything but beautiful.许多大城市一点也不美。

She will do anything but that.她决不做那件事。

apart from


Apart from these two books,he has written some plays and film scripts,除了这两本书外,他还写了一些剧本和电影脚本。

2.independent of;without与…分开;离开

Jack stood apart from his father.杰克不同他父亲站在一起。

There can be no knowledge apart from practice.离开了实践,就没有知识。

3.except for;with the exception of撇开

Apart from that,all goes well.撇开那一点,一切顺利。

Your composition is good, apart from some spelling mistakes.你的作文写得很好,只是有几处拼写错误。

appeal to

1.ask for a reconsidered judgement上诉

He appealed to the Supreme Court.他向最高法院上诉。

2.attract;seem good to有感染力;有吸引力

Does this piece of music appeal to you?你喜欢这首乐曲吗?

Your argument appeals to us.你的论点使我们很感兴趣。

3.look for support in sth.求助于;诉诸于

They appealed to arms to settle the disturbance in the city.他们诉诸武力来解决这个城市的动乱。

The government appealed to the people for support.政府呼吁人们给予支持。

4.make an earnest request of向…提出恳求

They appealed to him to abandon the idea.他们请求他放弃这个想法。

The prisoner appealed to the judge for mercy.罪犯向法官恳求宽大处理。

apply for

make a formal request for sth.请求;申请(工作等)

Many people have applied for the job.许多人都申请这项工作。

The local government a applied for immediate relief.地方政府请求紧急救济。

apply oneself to devote oneself to; make oneself work hard at致力于;努力于

You must apply yourself to the job you have to do.你务必要努力干好你份内的工作。

He applied himself to the study of American literature.他专心研究美国文学。

apply to

1.make a formal request to sb. or an organization向某人或某机构提出请求

I shall apply to the manager for an increase in pay.我将请求经理给我增加工资。

She has applied to the American Consulate for visa.她已向美国领事馆申请签证。

2.be fit for;be suitable for适用于;适合

School regulations apply to every student.校规适用于每个学生。

3.bring or put into use实施;应用

We should apply theory to practice.我们应该把理论应用于实际。

approve of

1.agree to;give consent to允许

Father did not approve of his marriage to Mary.父亲不准他同玛丽结婚。

2.like;be in favour of赞成

We cordially approved of this project.我们衷心赞成这项研究计划。

I approve of what he said and what he did.对于他的言行我表示赞成。

approximate to

come very near to近似;接近

His account of what happened approximated to the truth though there were some small errors.虽然有些小的出入,他对这件事的叙述还是接近事实真相的。

The yearly output approximates to 600,000 tons.年产量接近 60万吨。

argue about/over

discuss;quarrel about争论;争辩

They are always arguing about unimportant matters.他们总是为一些小事争论不休。

My students argued over the ocrrectness of the answer.我的学生们互相争论着答案的正确性。

argue against

express an opinion against反驳

The next speaker will argue against this plan.下一个演讲者将会反驳这项计划。

argue away

1.argue continuously连续争论

They sometimes argue away for hours.他们有时一争论就是几小时。

2.dismiss with a plausible argument以似是而非的理由驳回;不考虑

He tried to argue the matter away.他想方设法要把这件事辩解过去。

You can't argue away this problem.你不能不考虑这个问题。

argue down

defeat sb.in an argument驳倒

The speaker was wellinformed,but I argued him down at last.演讲者博闻强记,但是我最终把他驳倒了。

They argued him down fiercely.他们经过激烈的辩论把他说得哑口无言。

argue for

debate in favour of;give reasons in support of为…争辩;支持;赞成

I'll try to argue the matter for you, but he's very obstinate.在这个问题上我会为你说话的,但他却是个固执的人。

It is necessary that we should argue the problem for them.我们有必要为他们辩论这件事。

argue out

talk about sth. thoroughly until a decision is reached深入地辩论某事,直到辩出结果

The committee argued the matter out,and at last agreed to take no action.委员会深入地研究了此事,最后决定不采取行动。

They intend to argue the whole problem out tomorrow night.他们打算在明天晚上把整个问题辩出个结果来。

argue out of

persuade sb. agamst doing sth. by showing reasons说服某人不要做某事

The parents argued their son out of leaving his present job.父母说服儿子不要放弃目前的工作。

He was argued out of his opposition.他被说服得不再反对了。

arise from/out of

result from由…而引起;由…而产生

The country's present difficulties arise from the shortage of petroleum.这个国家当前的困境是由石油短缺而造成的。

The trouble arose out of the policy of racial segregation.这场乱子是由种族隔离政策所引起的。

We argued her out of acting in haste.我们劝她不要匆忙行事。

arm in arm

(of two persons)walking side by side, with the arm of one round that of the other(二人)挽臂而行

They walked down the street arm in arm.他们挽着臂沿街走去。

armed with

supplied with以…武器;装备有

The soldiers were armed with guns and beyonets.士兵们都带着刺刀和枪。

The politician was armed with many facts and figures.这位政治家掌握了大量的事实和数据。

arrange for

make a plan about sth.for sb.安排;准备

I have arranged for the photographer to take some pictures of the ceremony.我已经安排摄影师为典礼拍些照片。

Who has arranged for the concert?谁组织了这次音乐会?

I've arranged for a car to pick them up at the station.我已安排了一辆车去车站接他们。

arrive at

1.reach a place,usually small到达(一般比较小的地方)

They arrived at the air port just before the plane took off.飞机临起飞前,他们才赶到了机场。

2.reach sth. such as a decision or conclusion达成、作出(决定、结论等)

After many hours'discussion, the committee arrived at the decision.经过许多小时的讨论,委员会作出了决定。

I wish they would arrive at some conclusion.我希望他们能得出某种结论。

as a matter of course naturally当然

He is,as a matter of course,on my side.他当然站在我这边了。

as a matter of fact

in reality;to speak the truth事实上

As a matter of fact, I have never heard of him. 事实上,我从没有听说过他。

He has,as a matter of fact,no real convictions.他实际上并没有真正的信念。

as a result

therefore; consequently因此;结果

As a result he remained unknown and lived away from his family for more than 20 years.结果,他隐姓埋名,远离家人达20多年。

He refused to have medical attention in the early stages of his complaint,and as a result he became seriously ill.他在得病初期拒绝接受治疗,结果病情严重恶化。

as a rule


As a rule, he gets up at five o'clock and does morning exercises in the park.他通常5点起床,在公园里做早操。

When does he come as a rule?通常他什么时候来?

as a whole

all together;not taken separately;in general就整体而言

We should view things as a whole.我们应该全面地看问题。

The speech had to be considered as a whole.应该从整体来考虑这篇讲话。

as/so far as

1.to the extent of就…而论

As far as I know, the building will be completed at the end of the year.据我所知,这幢大楼将在年底完工。

As far as my knowledge is concerned, there is no such word in Chinese.据我所知,汉字中没有这样一个字。

So far as our desire is concerned,we don't want you to go there.就我们的愿望而言,我们不愿你到那儿去。

2.to the distance that 远至

They walked as far as the foot of the hill.他们一直走到山脚下。

as follows

as written or stated next如下;如此

The regulations are as follows.规定如下。

as for

concerning;with regard to至于;就…而言

As for that man, he is not qualified for the job at all.至于那人,他干这项工作根本不称职。

He likes summer, but as for me, I like winter much better.他喜欢夏天,但是对我来说,我则更喜欢冬天。

as good as

1.the same as同…一样

He is as good as dead.他像死了一样。

The wellmaintained TV set looks as good as new.这部保养良好的电视机看上去跟新的一样。


What he did has as good as shown that he is dishonest.他的行为实际上表明他是个不诚实的人。

This means that the dollar is as good as devalued.这意味着美元实际上已经贬值。

as if/though

as it would be if似乎;好像(后面的从句一般用虚拟语气)

He behaves as if he were mad.他的举动好像发了疯似的。

She looks as though she had seen a ghost.她那样子看上去就像见了鬼似的。

He talks as if he knew all about it.他说话的口气好像他全部已经知道了。

as it is

1.really;in reality事实上

We hoped that things would get better,but as it is, they are getting worse.我们本希望情况会好转的,但是事实上,现在情况正在恶化。

He seemed to be around fifty, but as it was, he was over sixty.他看上去只有 50岁左右,但事实上他已经60多岁了。

As it is, he is a noblehearted man with profound thinking.事实上,他是一个心灵高尚,思想深刻的人。

2.without changes or improvements(used after the word it modifies)照原来的样子(位于被修饰词之后)

Leave it as it is.听其自然。

It's good enough as it is.照现在这个样子已经很不错了。

They agree to buy the house just as it is.他们同意照房子原状买下来。

as it were

1.in a manner;as if it really were 宛如;似乎

Her mother is, as it were,her friend.她的母亲好像就是她的朋友。

He is,as it were,a walking dictionary.他仿佛是部活字典。

2.so to speak可以说

Books are,as it were,his life.书可以说就是他的生命。

as/so long as

1.if; provided that只要

As long as we unite and help each other, no one can conquer us.只要我们团结互助,谁也不能征服我们。

You shall never enter this house as long as I live in it.只要我还住在这里,就决不允许你进屋。

2.since;because;considering that 既然;因为;由于

As long as you are going to town anyway, you can do something for me.既然你一定要进城,你就可以帮我办点事。

As long as we've driven this far,we might as well go on.既然我们已经驶得这么远了,就不妨继续往前驶。

as many

the same number as和…一样多的;和…同样数目的

I waited for seven minutes;they seemed to me as many hours.我等候了7分钟,但对我来说,就像等了7个小时。

He made six mistakes in as many paragraphs.他在6段里错了6处。

as much

the same;exactly that同样;那样

Did you lose your way? I thought as much when you were late in coming.你迷路了吗?你来迟了,我就料想你迷路了。

as regards

with reference to;concerning关于

As regards attending the meeting,I haven't decided yet.关于那个会议,我还没有决定是否参加。

He was always secretive as regards his family.关于他的家庭情况,他总是守口如瓶。

as soon as

immediately;the moment一…就…

I'll write to you as soon as I get to Beijing.我一到北京就给你写信。

as such

in that form or kind; as indicated above以那种方式;如上所说

He is a good man, and will be treated as such.他是个好人,会受到善待。

He is a brilliant scholar and is everywhere recognized as such.他是一位有才华的学者,处处都为人们所公认。

She is a child,and must be regarded as such.她是个孩子,必须当成孩子来看待。

as the saying goes

as the saying is俗话说

“All is not gold that glitters,”as the saying goes.俗话说得好,“闪光的并不都是金子。”

as to

1.concerning;with regard to至于(后接名词位于句首)

As to Jack,I believe he wouldn't have said anything like that.至于杰克,我相信他不会那么说的。

As to your final grade,that depends on your final examination.至于你的总成绩,那要根据你的期末考试而定。

2.in connection with关于(后接句子)

They have not decided yet as to who will be in charge of the project.关于谁将负责这项工程,他们还没有作出决定。

He told me to phone him as to when I would leave.至于我什么时候离开,他让我打电话告诉他。

as usual

as always;customarily照常

On Sundays he gats up early as usual.星期天他照常起得很早。

I would go home, as usual, for Christmas.跟往常一样,我将回家过圣诞节。

as well

in addition;also;too也;一样地;依然(位于句尾)

I am going to Paris and my brother is going as well.我要到巴黎去,我弟弟也去。

as well as

in addition to, besides和;同;既…又

He went to the party as well as his sister.他和他妹妹都出席了晚会。

He was kind as well as sensible.他既懂道理又善良。

as yet

so far;up to now到现在;迄今(常用于否定句中)

We have received no answer from him as yet.迄今我们还没有收到他的答复。

She has not come as yet. 她到现在还没来。

ashamed of

feeling shame because of因…感到羞耻或不好意思

You should be ashamed of your behaviour.你应该为自己的行为而感到羞耻。

I'm ashamed of myself for having given you so much trouble.给你添了这么多麻烦,真不好意思。

aside from

excepting;except for除…之外(没有)

Aside from his meagre salary, he has no other resources to fall back on.除了那一点微薄的薪水,他没有别的可靠财源。

Aside from being fun and good exercise,swimming is a very useful skill.除了是乐趣和有益的锻炼以外,游泳还是一种很有用的技能。

It is aside from our present aims to devote too much time to this question.若在这个问题上花费过多的时间,那就偏离了我们当前的目标。

ask about

request information concerning询问情况;打听消息

The director is asking about the two papers you promised to write.主任在询问关于你答应要写的两篇论文的情况。

The reporters have been asking about the missing child all day.记者们整天都在打听那个失踪孩子的消息。

ask after

enquire about sb.'s health 问候;探问(某人的健康)

He asked after his father.他探问父亲的健康情况。

She asked after you and the children.她向你和孩子们问好。

ask for

1.request;ask to be given请求;向…要

The workers are asking for an increase in pay.工人在请求增加工资。

She asked for time to think all this over.她要求给她时间把这一切仔细想一想。

2.demand;ask to see要求(见)

Here's a gentleman asking for the manager.这里有位先生要求见经理。

3.run the risk of sth.招惹;自找(麻烦)

He is foolish to behave in that way;he is asking for trouble.他那样做是愚蠢的,是自找麻烦。

She had been teasing the dog for weeks, and I'm not surprised it bit her—she certainly asked for it.她好几个星期一直在逗弄那条狗,那狗咬了她并不奇怪,这是自作自受。

ask of

request sth. from sb.向…询问;请求

I would like to ask a favour of you.我想请你帮个忙。

It's not too much to ask of you to wash your own clothes.请你把自己的衣服洗一下,这要求并不过份。

ask off

ask for leave请假

You are not allowed to ask off.不准你请假。

assent to

agree to同意;赞同(正式)

The Queen assented to the new law.女王赞同新的法律。

Our teacher will never assent to our playing football in the street.老师决不会同意我们在街上踢足球。

The committee assented to our proposals.委员会同意了我们的提议。

assign to

1.give sb. duties委派;指派

Soon they assigned him to a new post.不久他们把他派到一个新的岗位上去。

He has been assigned to an important post.他已被委派到一个重要的岗位。

The defence of the oil installation had been assigned to my regiment.我团被指派守卫该石油设施。

2.provide;set aside for分配;把…分给

The room is assigned to Mr.Wang.这个房间是分给王先生的。

assist in

help with在…方面帮助

She is very grateful to her husband,who assisted in preparing the book.她非常感激自己的丈夫,因为正是在他的帮助下,这本书才得以问世。

associate with

1.find a connection between; join together in mind把…与…联系起来;联想

I always associate the smell of these flowers with my childhood.闻到这些花香,我就会联想到童年时代。

We naturally associate the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution.我们很自然地把达尔文的名字与进化论联系在一起。

2.keep company with与…交往;与…合作

He won't have his son associate with dishonest boys.他不准儿子同不诚实的男孩交往。

They are ready to associate themselves with us in an enterprise.他们乐于跟我们合作办企业。

assure of

make sb. certain about使…放心;使…确信;向…保证

He assured me of his final success.他使我确信,最后他会取得成功的。

I can assure you of my full support for your plan.我向你保证,一定全力支持你的计划。

The doctor assured the young father of his baby's safety.医生肯定地向这位年轻的父亲说孩子的病是能治好的。

at a disadvantage

in an unfavourable position处境不利

He could not speak English two years ago,which put him at a disadvantage in America. 他两年前不会说英语,这使他当时在美国处于不利地位。

at a distance


The picture looks better at a distance.这幅画远看更好些。

at a loss

1.confused; puzzled; without any idea迷惑不解;不知所措的

He was at a loss what to do.他不知所措。

A good salesman is mever at a loss for words.一个优秀的推销员总是不会词穷的。

2.in a state of uncertainty犹豫不决

She is at a loss whether going out with them or staying at home alone.是同他们一道出去还是一个人留在家里,她拿不定主意。

3.at a price lower than the original cost亏本的

He sold his house at a loss.他亏本出售他的房子。

It can only sell at a loss.这东西只能亏本出售。

at a time

on each occasion一次

They learn 30 words and a passage at a time.他们一次学30个单词和一篇短文。

He checked them off one at a time as they came in.当他们进来时,他对他们逐个检查。

at a/one word


The doctor must be sent for at a word.必须马上去请医生。

at all

1.in any way; thoroughly全然地;在各方面

I don't agree with you at all.我完全不同意你的看法。

There was nothing to worry about at all.完全没有什么可担心的。

2.in the least;to the least extent or degree任何;最轻程度地

Do you feel ill at all?你感到有任何不适吗?

3.for any reason究竟

Do you know at all?你究竟知道不知道?

at all costs

at any cost; regardless of obstacles 无论如何;不顾一切

He will attain his goal at all costs.他将不惜一切代价达到目的。

at all events

certainly; in any case一定;无论如何

At all events I'll go to see her someday.有朝一日,我无论如何会去看她的。

It may rain tomorrow,but we are going home at all events.明天可能下雨,但无论如何我们还是要回家。

at all risks

at any risk甘冒一切危险

They have to explode the bridge at all risks.他们必须冒一切危险炸掉那座桥。

at any price

whatever it may cost无论代价如何

He won't sell these books at any price.无论给多少钱他都不会把这些书卖掉。

at any rate

in any case; whatever happens无论怎样;无论如何

At any rate we'll leave when it stops raining.无论如何,雨停了我们就要动身。

It isn't much of a car, but at any rate it was not expensive.这不是一辆很好的车,但不管怎样它很便宜。

at(the) best

1.at the maximum至多

At best, they can cover only half the journey this week.他们这个星期至多只能走完一半的路程。

2.in the most favourable case充其量

I can give you one hundred dollars at best.我充其量只能给你100美元。

at call

ready for use 随时支取;随时可用

The money de posited in this bank is at call.存在这家银行里的钱可以随时支取。

The taxi is at call.出租车随叫随到。

at ease

1.without worry or nervousness;comfortable安适;自在;自如

His mind was never at ease from the first day he got married.从结婚的第一天起,他心里就没有平静过。

After the doctor's visit, the patient felt more at ease.经医生出诊看过后,病人感觉舒服多了。

2.having facility or readiness才思敏捷

She is quite at ease in speaking English.她英文说得十分流畅。

at fault

in the wrong; mistaken出错

If my memory is not at fault, you are Mr.Smith.要是我没记错的话,你就是史密斯先生。

Who is at fault in the car crash?这次撞车是谁的过错?

at first

at the beginning;originally起初

At first,she was ill at ease,but in a few minutes she felt relaxed.起初她有点不自在,可是几分钟后她就感觉轻松了。

at first glance

taking a quick look at一瞥

He saw at first glance that she was filled with anger.他一眼就看出她在生气。

at first hand

directly 直接地

He got the information at first hand from the ambassador.他是直接从大使那里得到这消息的。

He has been to China to study conditions there at first hand.他曾多到中国直接研究那里的情况。

at first sight

after a first quick look; when first seen乍一看

At first sight, the problem seemed insoluble.乍看起来,这问题似乎无法解决。

He fell in love with her at first sight.他对她一见钟情。

at hand

1.coming soon; almost here即将到来;为期不远

The Midautumn Festival is at hand.中秋节快要到了。

He wished more than ever to have his father at hand.他比任何时候都希望父亲就在他跟前。

2.easy to reach; nearby近在手边;在近处

It is very convenient to have a dictionary at hand when reading. 阅读时手头有一本词典是很方便的。

He lives close at hand.他住得很近。

at heart

1.in reality;basically实际上;基本上

He seems polite, but he's dishonest at heart.他似乎很有礼貌,但实际上是个不诚实的人。

His manners are cold, but he is at heart a kind man.他的言谈举止有些冷淡,但实际上他心地善良。

2.deep down在内心

She has your interests at heart.她常把你的利益放在心上。

She did not at heart want to do it.她心里并不想做那件事。

I am sick at heart.我心中苦闷。

at home

1.in the house;in the place where one lives or comes from在家;在家乡;在国内

There's no one at home.家里没人。

He was very famous at home and abroad.他在国内外都很有名。

Americans abroad are protected by the government like Americans at home.海外的美国人如同在国内一样,受到政府的保护。

2.comfortable; at ease安逸;自在

She feels at home.她觉得很自如,象在家里一样。

Please make yourself at home.请随便一些。

3.familiar; skillful熟悉;精通

Would you be at home driving a truck?你开卡车内行吗?

Tom has read many books about physics and is at home in that subject.汤姆读过很多关于物理学的书,因此他精通这门学科。

at intervals

1.now and then不时地

The music came from the building at intervals.音乐声从楼里不时传来。

2.happening regularly after equal periods of time or appearing at equal distance(时间、距离)间隔

The trees are planted at intervals of six feet.每隔6英尺栽一棵树。

Leaders should come to hear the masses'views at intervals.领导们应常常来听听群众的意见。

at issue

1.under consideration; in dispute 在争论中

The point at issue is who is best qualified for the post.争论之焦点是谁担任这项工作最称职。

2.in disagreement不和;意见不一致

The father is at issue with his son.父子意见不和。

at large

1.free; not confined; at liberty自由地;未被捕;逍遥法外

The criminal is still at large.那个罪犯依然逍遥法外。

It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.在宁静的乡村里有一只危险的野兽依然肆意逍遥,想起来未免令人忐忑不安。

2.as a whole;altogether普遍的;一般的;整体的

The country at large is hoping for political and economic reforms.全国人民普遍希望进行政治和经济改革。

He was elected congressman at large.他被全体选民选为议员。

All peoples at large are for peace.各国民众全都赞成和平。

3.fully; completely详尽地

Please explain the passage at large.请详细地讲解这篇短文。

There is no time to discuss the subject at large at this meeting.这次会上,我们没有时间充分讨论这个问题。

at last

finally; in the end最后;最终

At last they climbed over the mountain.他们终于翻过了这座大山。

at least

anyhow; at the lowest estimate至少;起码

The dictionary costs at least yuan.这本词典至少要花50元。

I had not seen him for at least a week.我至少有一周没看见他了。


when one has free time在空余之时

I am quite at leisure if you want me to do anything for you.你要是需要我帮忙,我完全有空。

Please look through the manuscript at you leisure.请在闲暇的时候把这份稿子看一下。

at length

1.finally; at last最后;终于

He succeeded at length.他终于成功了。

At length there was a step forward in the negotiations.谈判终于有了进展。

He came at length.他终于来了。

2.in great detail详尽地

The two foreign ministers discussed the situation in this area at great length.两位外长详细讨论了这一地区的局势。

The teacher explained the text at length,教师详细地解释了课文。

at liberty

1.at leisure;unoccupied 闲着;无事

I'll be at liberty after midday.我午后有空。

2.free; unconfined不受约束;有行动或处理某事的自由

You are at liberty to use the laboratory.你可以自由地使用这个实验室。

The prisoners were set at liberty.犯人被释放了。


not more than至多

He is at most 30 years old.他至多30岁。

It was a minor offense at most.那顶多也不过是个小错。

at once

1.very soon; immediately立刻

The telegram must be sent at once.电报必须立即发出。

I recognized him at once.我立刻就认出了他。

2.both; equally同样;兼

He is at once a statesman and a writer.他既是一位政治家,也是一位作家。

He was at once happy and sad.他悲喜交集。

The book is at once interesting and instructive.这本书既有趣又有教育意义。

at one time


This kind of wine was very popular at one time, but now it is considered too strong.这种酒曾经很受欢迎,但是现在被认为度数太高了。

At one time we met frequently.曾经有一个时期我们经常会面。

at one's best

in one's best state在最佳状态;在全盛时期

He is at his best with friends.他同朋友们在一起时最开心。

The peach blossoms are at their best now.桃花正在盛开。

She is at her best in the morning.她早上情绪最佳。

at one's elbow

close by; very near at hand在手边;在手旁

Having our own kitchen has one advantage;everything is at our elbow.有一间我们自己的厨房就有好处,每样东西都近在手边。

He always keeps an encyclopedia at his elbow for reference.他手边总是放着一本百科全书,以备参考。

at one's peril

at one's own risk自行冒险

Touch that at your peril. The parcel contains high explosives.你碰它就要自负后果。包裹里装有烈性炸药。

He made the experiment at his peril.他冒险做这个试验。

at one's wit's end

not knowing what to do next;quite at a loss不知所措;智穷技尽

The soldier was at his wit's end when facing the danger.面对危险,那个士兵不知如何是好。

He had approached every friend and acquaintance for help in vain and he was at his wit's end.他曾向每位朋友和熟人求助,但毫无结果,那时他真是一筹莫展。

at peace

in harmony; in a state of friendship or quiet处于和平(和睦)状态;处于平静状态

If only the world were at peace.全世界都和睦相处就好了。

We are fortunately at peace with all the world today.我们今天有幸能和世界各国和平共处。

After taking the medicine, she felt at peace with herself.吃过药之后,她感到平静多了。

at present

now; during this period of time现在

At present he is a professor of physics.他现在是物理学教授。

I can't think of any fit person just at present.我现在一下想不出什么适合的人。

We don't need any more at present.现在我们不再需要什么了。

at random

aimlessly; without any plan胡乱地;漫无目的地

He asked questions at random.他胡乱问些问题。

He took a book at random off the shelf.他随意从书架上拿下一本书。

at rest

1.not moving静止

The sea is at rest.大海很平静。


The girl is never really at rest.那个女孩总是手脚不停。


The question is now at rest.问题现已解决。

at sb.'s command

1.ready to obey sb.听从某人的命令

The dog went for the man at its master's command.主子一声令下,狗就向那人扑去。

2.at sb.'s service受某人支配

She has a large vocabulary at her command.她掌握大量的词汇。

at sb.'s convenience

at the time that doesn't give sb.trouble在某人方便的时候

Please come at your convenience.请在你方便的时候来。

at sb. 's disposal

available to use freely可以自由支配(使用)

After twenty hours of classes each week, the students have a lot of free time at their disposal.每周上20节课之后,学生们有大量自由支配的时间。

Jack put his car at her disposal.杰克的车她可随便使用。

The money is at the disposal of the committee.这笔钱由委员会自由支配。

at sb.'s heels

near;following closely紧跟在…后面

He kept at my heels.他紧紧跟着我。

Famine often follows at the heels of war.战争之后常常跟着饥荒。

at sb.'s mercy

subject to sb.'s power or control 受某人支配或控制

He is now at your mercy.他现在由你控制。

The ship was at the mercy of wind and waves in the storm.在风暴中,那条船任凭风浪吹打。

at sb.'s service

ready for sb.'s use or command听任某人使用;听任某人差遣

I am at your service at any time.我随时为你效劳。

My bike is at your service.我的自行车你随便用好了。

at sea

1.on the open sea在海上

The ship spent 40 days at sea. 这条船在海上航行了40天。

2.lost in mind; not understanding;puzzled;not knowing what to do茫然;迷惑;不知所措

You are still all at sea. He is an outandout scoundrel.你还蒙在鼓里,他是一个十足的流氓。

The job was new to him, and for a few days he was all at sea. 他刚开始干这活,有好几天他都糊里糊涂的。

He is quite at sea as to what measures should be taken to settle the problem.他全然不知该采取什么措施来解决这个问题。

She was quite at sea in regard to that matter.说到那件事,她实在茫然。

at/on sight

as soon as seen or shown一见(就)

He shot the enemy officer at sight.他一看见那个敌军官就把他击毙了。

at stake

at risk; in danger; in a position to be lost or gained胜败未定;处于成败(存亡、输赢)关头;在危险中

The life of the wounded pilot is at stake,受伤的飞行员生死未卜。

He put all his money at stake in this business.他孤注一掷,把钱全部投在这项经营上。

My honor is at stake, so I cannot let the matter rest.这危及我的名誉,所以我不能不管。

The team played hard because the championship was at stake.这支球队打得非常卖力,因为冠军赛已进入决定性的阶段。

at table

having a meal在吃饭

They were at table when I called.我拜访时,他们正在吃饭。

at the beginning

at the starting point of在…开头

They sang a song at the beginning of the meeting.会议开始时他们唱了一首歌。

at the conclusion of

at the end of在…结束时

She went home at the conclusion of the ceremony.典礼一结束她就回家了。

at the cost of

at the expense of以…为代价;以…为牺牲

He succeeded only at the cost of his health.他成功了,但身体却垮了。

He saved the lives of his friends at the cost of his own.他牺牲自己而挽救了朋友的生命。

at the expense of

1.with the loss of; at the sacrifice of失去;牺牲

He devoted his time to football at the expense of his studies.他全然不顾学习,把全部时间都用于踢球。

He became a brilliant scholar,but only at the expense of his health.他成了一个卓越的学者,却牺牲了自己的健康。

Don't try to benefit at the expense of others.不要干损人利已的事。

2.at the cost of花费;支付

We were all entertained at the director's expense.我们全由导演请客。

They built the railroad at the expense of two hundred million dollars.他们花了2亿美元修筑这条铁路。

He has been at the expense of her education.他一直支付她的教育经费。

at the foot of

at the bottom of在…底部(脚下)

A temple stands at the foot of the mountain.山脚下有一座寺庙。

See explanatory notes at the foot of this page.参看本页下端的注解。


and no later最迟;至迟

We must be there by 10 at(the)latest.我们必须最迟10点钟赶到那里。

In a few days at(the)latest I will return.我最多几天就返回。

I will give you a definite answer on Friday at the latest.我最迟在星期五给你确切的答复。

at the moment

1.at the present time; now此刻;目前(用于现在时态中)

I know the address well enough,but I can't think of it at the moment.我清楚地记得这个地址,可是这会儿怎么也想不起来了。


I was busy at the moment.我那时很忙。

I was willing to lend him the book,but I hadn't it with me at the moment.我是愿意借给他那本书的,可是当时书不在我手边。

at/on/upon the point of

at the moment of; just before正在…之时;就在…之际

He told his son the secret at the point of death.他在临死前把秘密告诉了儿子。

I was on the point of asking who he was, when he told me his name.我正要问他是谁时,他把他的名字告诉了我。

at the rate of

1.at the speed of以…的速度

The car was running at the rate of 100 kmph. 汽车以100公里的时速行驶。

2.at a charge or payment fixed according to a standard scale以…的比率;以…的价格

I bought the oranges at the rate of seven jiao a jin.我以7角钱一斤的价格买了这些桔子。

at the right time

at the proper or suitable time在适当的时候

You must learn to do the right thing at the right time.应该学会在适当的时候做适当的事情。

at the risk of

with the danger of; with the possibility of(loss,etc.)冒…之险;不顾…

He was determined to get there even at the risk of his life.他决心到那里去,即使是冒生命危险也在所不惜。

At the risk of being bankrupt, he invested all his money in the company.冒着破产的危险,他把所有的钱都投到公司去了。

at the same time

1.at the same moment; together 同时;一起

I know he is untrustful,but at the same time,I must admit he is a good worker.我知道,他不可信。但是同时我必须承认他是个好工人。

Don't all speak at the same time.大家不要同时说话。

2.in spite of the fact;even though;however尽管如此;虽然;但是

It will cost a lot of money. At the same time,I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful.这将花费好多钱,但是我认为我们需要它而且它一定会有用途的。

at the sight of

on seeing一看到…就

The boy ran towards his mother at the sight of a dog.那个男孩一看见狗就朝母亲跑去。

at times


At times I saw her walking alone by the lake.我有时看到她独自在湖边散步。

At times I make mistakes when I speak English.我说英语有时有错。

at war

in the state of armed struggle在交战中

The two countries were at war for 8 years.这两个国家打了 8年仗。

at will

as one pleases or likes随意地

Gone for ever are the days when imperialism could trample small nations under foot at will.帝国主义任意把小国踩在脚下的日子已一去不复返了。

No one can do anything at will.谁也不能为所欲为。

He comes and goes at will.他来去自由。

at work

working; engaged in在工作;从事于

He is at work on a new book.他在写一本新书。


even in the worst circumstances坏到极点;作为最坏的可能性

We'll lose some money at worst.我们至多损失一些钱罢了。

She keeps cheerful,even when things are at their worst.即使在最糟的情况下,她也保持心情愉快。

attach to

1.fasten or join(one thing to another);be part of粘上;贴上;附属于

Please attach the sample to the letter.请随信附上样品。

Attach the handle to the box.把这个把手装在盒子上。

This hospital is attached to a medical college.这家医院附属于一个医学院。

2.belong to ; be attribute to属于 ;归于

No suspicion can be attached to the accountant.没有理由怀疑这位会计。

The main credit for the success of the test attaches to the thoroughness in their work.这次试验之所以成功,主要归功于他们工作中一丝不苟的精神。

No blame attaches to him for the accident.责任不在他身上。


He attached himself to the group of climbers.他加入了爬山者的行列。

He attached himself to the Party.他入党了。

4.consider to have(importance,etc.)认为有(重要性)

Do you attach much importance to what he says?你认为他说的话重要吗?

5.be appointed to another unit for special duties任命;被派遣到另一单位担任特定任务

Last week he was attached to chief manager.上星期他被任命为总经理。

6.be bound to by love or affection 深爱;依恋

She is deeply attached to her young brother.她深深地爱她的小弟。

He is foolishly attached to old customs.他愚蠢地沿习着旧习俗。

attend on/upon

1.act as a servant for 侍候

The president is attended on by many followers and guards.总统身边有许多随从和卫士。

2.give personal help to照料

Lisa has been attending on her sick mother for years.丽莎多年来一直侍候在生病的母亲身旁。

3.follow as a result是…的必然结果

Success usually attends on one's efforts.成功是努力的结果。

attend to

1.give attention to注意;专心

Please attend to what I'll tell you.请注意我要讲的话。

He attended to his business.他专心于他的事务。

2.give help to ; take care of ;deal with照料;护理;处理

I have a lot of things to attend to.我有许多事情要处理。

Would you please attend to the child when I am off to work?我上班时,你照看一下这孩子,好吗?

attribute to

1.believe sth. to be the result of 认为是…的缘故;归于

Jack attributed his success to hard work.杰克认为自己的成功来自于刻苦努力。

He attributes his good health to careful living.他的健壮的体魄归因于他注意妥善安排生活。

2.believe sth.to have been written by认为…为某人所作

The poem is usually attributed to Li Bai.这首诗通常被认为是李白的作品。

avail oneself of

give oneself the use or advantage of利用

You should avail yourself of every chance to improve your spoken English.你应当利用一切机会提高英语口语水平。

avenge of

repay a crime by punishing报复;复仇

The King was avenged of his father's murder.国王报了杀父之仇。

avenge on

set or take vengeance for为(某人)向(某人)报复

The King avenged his father on his uncle.国王向叔父报了杀父之仇。

average out

1.reach an average达到某一平均数

His taxes may average out at about one quarter of his income.他的税可能平均达到他收入的四分之一左右。

Their working hours average out at 40 per week.他们每周的工作时间平均达到40小时。

2.make or calculate the average of 算出平均数

They averaged out the unmbers and got the result 25.他们算了这些数的平均数,结果是25。

awake to

begin to understand;become watchful about认识;明白

We must awake to the dangers facing our country.我们必须认识到国家所面临的危难。

You must awake to the fact that failure is the mother of success.你必须明白失败是成功之母。

aware of

conscious of知道;意识到

He is not aware of the fact that life is hard.他不知道生活是艰难的。

He was not aware of his having done wrong.他没意识到他做错了。

Presently she became aware of footsteps hurrying after her.过了一会她发觉身后有脚步声匆忙追来。
