中共中央政治局1月28日进行第二十七次集体学习。中共中央在主持学习时强调,全党必须完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,确保“十四五”时期我国发展开好局、起好步。Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has stressed full, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development philosophy to ensure a good start for China's development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025). Xi made the remarks on Jan 28 when addressing the 27th group study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.








The new development philosophy is a systematic theoretical system, which answers a series of theoretical and practical questions about the purpose, motivation, mode and path of development. It also clarifies major political issues including the Party's political stand, value orientation and the mode and path for development.



Having entered a new stage of development, China must pay greater attention to the pursuit of common prosperity, as required for the full, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development philosophy.




concept of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development

促进社会公平正义promote social fairness and justice

