近日可以看到,这副漫画画得非常精细,虽然经历了120多年,图面依然清晰,这是一位当年的公务员弗雷德里克· 罗斯创作,今天小编就来说说关于中世纪风格的漫画叫什么?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!
可以看到,这副漫画画得非常精细,虽然经历了120多年,图面依然清晰,这是一位当年的公务员弗雷德里克· 罗斯创作。
漫画左上写着ANGLING IN TROUBLED WATER(在麻烦不断的水域钓鱼),而地图最显眼的就右上的俄罗斯人物,这位是谁,后面文章会提到,不知你提前猜到没?[呲牙]
“随着 20 世纪的临近,欧洲的政治动荡在这张经典的漫画地图中得到了体现。每个国家都被描绘成一个渔夫,他们的线条都是他们干涉别处的寓言故事,而袋装渔获则更为成功。” 贝顿-威廉姆斯 2006, 219; 贝顿-威廉姆斯 2015, 192。地图上的详细“参考”关键点提供了对每个国家情况的幽默评论。一些细节今天可能会引起共鸣:约翰·布尔抓住了埃及的鳄鱼;由于与德雷福斯的斗争,法国无法抓住它;和俄罗斯沙皇尼古拉二世,他的靴子在土耳其和东欧。
地图上没有美国的名字,但左下角的两条拉紧的鱼线和一个鱼钩表明它已经登陆了菲律宾、古巴和波多黎各。另一方面,“西班牙几乎没有一条腿可以站立,他跪倒在地,看到自己的收入被一个更熟练的竞争对手所吸引,他用 2千万 美元刚刚获得了一个菲律宾鱼的标本,这让他很懊恼。 "
弗雷德里克·罗斯将欧洲政治卡通地图的类型“具体化、形式化和提炼”,但一个多世纪以来,除了他的工作的重要性之外,几乎没有人知道他。多亏了最近的研究,我们现在知道了很多。一般参见蠕虫 2014;巴伦 2016b。罗斯有一份日常工作:他在英国做了 42 年的公务员,退休时成为税务局遗产值班办公室的副主任文员。他用漫画和报纸和期刊的文章来补充他的收入。巴伦 2016b, 16. 他写了两部耸人听闻的小说,一部是关于时尚界的浪漫事件,另一部是关于我们今天所说的连环杀手。蠕虫 2014。他从十几岁开始就是一个忠诚的保守党。
罗斯是“引人注目的制图珍品”的先驱,一位作家说这幅地图“可能是他的杰作”。Harwood 2006, 128。另见 Hill 1978, 46-47;戈斯 1993,334-39。“在麻烦不断的水域钓鱼”“非常受欢迎”;此副本出自“15th thousand”,标题不仅有英文,还有德文、法文和意大利文。然而,因为它印在易碎的纸上,“今天能保存下来的屈指可数”。”
"The political turmoil of Europe as the twentieth century approaches is shown in this classic caricature map. Each country is portrayed as a fisherman, with their lines an allegory for their interference elsewhere, with the more successful with their catch in bags." Baynton-Williams 2006, 219; Baynton-Williams 2015, 192. A detailed "Reference" key on the map provides humorous commentary on the situation of each country. Some details might resonate today: John Bull having caught the crocodile of Egypt; France unable to hold its catch because of the struggle with Dreyfus; and Czar Nicolas II of Russia with his boots on Turkey and Eastern Europe.
The U. S. is nowhere named on the map, but two taut fishing lines and a gaff hook at the lower left show that it has landed the Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico. On the other hand, "Spain, with scarcely a leg to stand upon, is brought to his knees, and has the chagrin to see his own takings hooked by a more skillful competitor, whose $20,000,000 gaff has just secured a specimen of piscis Philippinus."
Frederick Rose "crystallized, formalized and refined" the genre of European political cartoon maps (Barron 2008, 11), but for more than a century almost nothing was known about him apart from the importance of his work. Thanks to determined recent research, we now know quite a bit. See generally Worms 2014; Barron 2016b. Rose had a day job: he was a British civil servant for 42 years, rising to become the Deputy Principal Clerk in the Legacy Duty Office of the Inland Revenue at the time of his retirement. He supplemented his income with caricatures and articles for newspapers and journals. Barron 2016b, 16. He wrote two sensational novels, one about racy romantic affairs among the fashionable, the other about what we today would call a serial killer. Worms 2014. And he was a dedicated Tory from his teenage years, "forever affiliated to the Conservative cause" who maintained "a lifelong engagement with local Conservative political associations and organisations." Barron 2016b, 17. See also ID #2272, "Serio-Comic War Map For The Year 1877" (the "Octopus map").
Rose was a pioneer of "eye-catching cartographic curiosities," and one writer says that this map is "probably his masterpiece." Harwood 2006, 128. See also Hill 1978, 46-47; Goss 1993, 334-39. "Angling in Troubled Waters" was "hugely popular" (Baynton-Williams 2015, 192); this copy is from the "15th Thousand," and is titled not only in English, but in German, French and Italian. However, because it was printed on fragile paper, "very few examples survive today."