
2013年,蒙彼利埃市政府发起了一个名为 “Folie Richter” 的设计竞赛。该竞赛希望通过设计一座塔楼的蓝图,来丰富该城市的建筑遗产。RFP特别强调了对这个大胆的项目的愿景,它必须适应环境,要包括商店和住宅。建筑师Manal Rachdi、Nicolas Laisne 和Dimitri决定拜访日本建筑师藤本壮介(Sou Fujimoto)。即便他们三人都有着不同的表现方法,但他们也都会在大自然中寻找灵感。在白色树塔项目上,这四个愿景是兼容并蓄的。

In 2013, Montpellier city council launched the “Folie Richter” competition. It sought to identify a blueprint for a beacon tower to enrich the city’s architectural heritage. The RFP stressed the desire for a bold project that had to fit into its environment and includes shops and homes. Manal Rachdi, Nicolas Laisné and Dimitri decided to call on the Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto. All three of them seek inspiration in nature even if they express it in very different ways. On the Arbre Blanc, these four visions would be mutually enriching.




To reinvent the tower, the architects focused on the human dimension, creating public spaces at the bottom and top of the building: the ground floor is a glass-walled space opening out onto the street, while on the roof there is a bar open to the public and a common area for residents, so that even the owners of first-floor apartments can enjoy the view. But what sets the project apart is its design. The four architects devised a building inspired by a tree, with balconies that branch off the trunk and shades that sprout out of and protect its fa?ade. The attention paid to its setting, and to local lifestyles, guided the architects throughout the design phase.



这些阳台和凉亭确实改善了居民的户外生活,并和居民之间建立起了一种新型的关系。每套公寓都拥有一个至少面积为7 m²(最大的是35 m²)的户外空间,并拥有多层隐私和布局选项;复式公寓的住户可以从一个阳台移到另一个阳台。为了让所有的公寓都能看到赏心悦目的景色,建筑师们用物理3D模型进行了一系列的空间实验来塑造蓝图。在白色树塔项目上有许多技术创新,其中高达7.5米的悬臂式阳台是世界首创。这些独特的外部空间能够将室内外空间的相连,让居民可以在室内和室外生活,对于一个拥有80%日照的城市来说,这就是一种奢侈!

The many balconies and pergolas really do promote outdoor living and enable a new type of relationship between residents. Each apartment boasts an outdoor space of at least 7m2 (the largest is 35m2), with multiple levels of privacy and layout options; residents of the duplex apartments can move from one balcony to the other. So that all apartments have pleasing views, the architects sculpted the blueprint with a series of spatial experiments using physical 3D models. The many technical innovations of L’Arbre Blanc include the terraces, whose cantilevers, which are up to 7.5 metre-long, constitute a world first. These exceptional outside spaces are fully-fledged living rooms which are connected to the dwellings in such a way as to allow residents to live inside and outside, a luxury for a city bathed in the sunshine 80% of the year!


阳台的比例突显了户外空间,就像折叠起来寻找阳光的树叶一样。这些宽敞的阳台也是解决环境方案的一种方法,这些方案与 “南方生态环境”相适应。它们为立面形成了一个有效的保护罩,提供了必要的遮阳,并能够破坏斜风的影响,让空气能够更和谐地流通。建筑师建造的这座新灯塔就是要进行一次综合用途的开发利用。为了治愈高塔综合症,人们真正关注的是公共空间,包括沿着勒兹河延伸一个景观公园,并且该塔楼会向公众开放。

The proportions of the balconies emphasise this aim to embrace the outdoors, as do the leaves that fold out in search of the sunlight. These generous balconies are also a response to the need for environmental solutions closely tailored to the “ecology of the south”. Forming an effective protective veil for the fa?ade, they provide the necessary shade and break up skew winds to help air circulate more harmoniously. The architects adopted a new take on tower living for this mixed-use development. To cure inaccessible tower syndrome, there was a real focus on public space, including extending a landscaped park along the Lez River and opening the tower up to the public.



The seventeen-storey building is a full participant in city life, aiming first and foremost to be accessible to all the people of Montpellier, with an art gallery on the ground floor and a rooftop bar linked to a panoramic garden. By allowing people to take physical ownership of the tower, it will become an object of pride for the people of Montpellier and a tourist attraction.


∇ 爆炸分析图


∇ 平面图





∇ 立面图





∇ 剖面图


∇ 阳台细节


∇ 户型图




项目名称:L’Arbre Blanc Residential Tower




