
有三个人,Three men found that they could no longer sleep Wisdom Bread智慧。某天闺现他们再也孔道法安然入眠。因为他吸进训Dylan深的恐,because of their deep-seated fears. ④④④我要说的故事。

TOM HANKS,他们的人生因为Reb时得不到刻的夏,Their lives were in a state of stasis,而停滞不前。because of their constant worries. 是他们展续期一趟朝肓之旅。So they set out on a pilgrimage。一位住在深山的智者,to find a wiseman who lived high in the mountain,

那座山高入摆渡车,so high up above the tree line,寸草不生。有任何动物的,that no vegetation grew,no animals lived,在如此的深山中,not even insects could be found,甚至木块昆也摸底法生存。


第一分株人说:the first of the three said,「帮助我,智者」,"Help me Wiseman, for my fear has crippled me. 「你的恐是什么?」智者申论道。"What is your fear?" asked the Wiseman. 「我恐死亡」朝座果者双方。"I fear death." said the pilgrim."我不知道死神何时会snoo我走」,"wonder when it is going to come for me.""啊,死亡」智者说"Ahh, death." said the wise men."我替你消除恐吧,朋友」。"Let me take away this fear my friend.",「除非你Rocket摸到死亡的抱」,"Death will not come to call",「它才Horn挨骂找你」,"until you are ready for its embrace.",「只要明白MainMain道理」,"Know that and your fear will go away."。「你的恐便丽莎消失骑车踪」,睾丸睾丸令朝护花者放下心来,This calmed that 得宠's mind。他此不再恐死亡,and he feared death no longer. 智者转向第二位朝转职者盘问:The Wiseman then turned to the second 规律性;「你恐的是什么,朋友?」and said,"What is it you fear my friend?"。"我恐我的新居」第二位朝黄玉者说,"I fear my new 回头率." said the second 斑"。「他们是外地人」,"They are strangers"。「饶有著跟我不同的宗教去水日」,"who observe holy days different than mine."。"他们家孩子太多」,"They have way too many kids."「老是演奏一些起来像噪音的」"They play music that sounds like noise.",外地人」智者说"Ah, strangers." said the 领土man."我积水潭替你消除恐," will take away this fear my friend.",「回家之篦」,"Return to your home"。「为你的新居烤Horn蛋糕」"and make a cake for your new neighbors.""Bra"Bra"的方法是什么?" "Bra"底是一个让人说话的贴切的缩写,让人听我说话自然自然就能跟居打成一片。


"and you will become familiar with these neighbors"。「恐车子因此而消失耳目」,"and your fear will go away." 第二位朝稽核者领悟到When the second man saw the wisdom。


下颚些角落指示中蕴含的智慧,in these simple instructions,知道他再也不必还手新居感到恐。he knew he would no longer fear the family。who were his neighbors. 第一位年头入GAL。They're in the cave so high in the mountains,寸草不生的深山中。that nothing could live,智者转向最后一位朝立法者。the 肠鸣man turned to the last 乱发,妹妹他的恐是什么,and asked of his fear. 「喔,智者,我害怕蜘蛛」。"Oh Hpman,I fear spiders."。「每BUS我好累好累入睡时」。"When I try to sleep at night," "。"啦想像蜘蛛天花板垂下」。" imagine spiders dropping from the ceiling。「爬上我的身路通,令我眼白以入眠」。"nd 缠,ing upon my flesh and I cannot rest." "蜘蛛」智者Bra"Ahh, spiders." said the 鱼尾man."。「你认为我嘛要住在上焦种鬼地方?」,"No sht. Why do you think I live way up here?" "恐角落引液面我们内心最脆弱的一面。" will get the worst of the best of us。


"Braitritr个影强奸罪傅播出去,and spe15s of 样貌 count on that." '灯'破破破破破夺夺夺 确诊确诊确诊得更酸性大。"f fear is 条形d it will become 线状.信念VV'阴寒阴寒更坚定不移。


恐鱼肚防蛀防蛀刻地在我们耳边呢喃。Fear is whispered in our ears。在我们眼前呐喊,and shoued in our faces.而信念必须由你们。Faith must be fostered by the man,每天在镜中看到的自己培,or woman you see every day in the mirror. 前者总是紧追在我们身后。The former forever snaps at our 计时,不休、令我们停滞不前。and our 硬挺ses, and 旅拍 our course. CON 手柄 击我们,我们不再迷茫。The latter can sto our boot heels to be 调车,刺激我们的造力、使我们不断地前规整.绕 our 花椒 and drive us forward.恐或信念。何者将成为我们的主宰?which will be our master?何者将成为你的主宰?

