How are you doing, guys? You are all right? This is Elliot from ETJ English and what I'm going to be talking to you about today are some minimal pairs.,今天小编就来说说关于英语元音规律?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



How are you doing, guys? You are all right? This is Elliot from ETJ English and what I'm going to be talking to you about today are some minimal pairs.

你们好吗,伙计们?大家好吗?我是来自 ETJ English 频道的埃利奥特,今天我要讲的是一小组音标。

So, we've got two different sounds that we're going to talk about today. And these will really help you with your confidence in pronunciation with British accent and the way you sound when you speak.


Now, I've heard a lot of different ways of these sounds being made and it's these two sounds that people get very very confused with. So, let me go straight into the lesson.


Let's start learning some pronunciation and hopefully, hopefully, I can fix your problems. Now, remember, with pronunciation, everybody has a different accent; everybody sounds different, okay?


But with these sounds, most of my students seem to have a problem with these two particular sounds and they do get said wrong. So, if you already know how to do it, that's great; if you don't, then this video is for you.


So, we're going to compare the /i/ and the /iː/ sound. So, we're going to go straight into this.


Now first of all, I want you to practice the /i/ sound. Now, notice how I am shaping my mouth.


The mouth shape is always important with pronunciation, especially when we have two sounds which are very similar. So that /i/, you notice how I'm creating more of a smile.


It's an unbounded sound which means we create more of a smile when we create this sound, /i/. The tongue goes kind of up, not touching the top but it's near the top of the mouth.


And what we do is we quickly let a sound out. It's a short vowel sound, so it's a quick, /i/, /i/. Now for example, think of words like "it", "with", "sit".


These words are very common words that you're going to need to use. So, make sure you're creating that quick /i/ sound, okay?


Smile slightly, tongue up, it's not rounded at all and our mouth is almost closed really when we make this sound, /i/? Okay, and the sound we're comparing it to is the /iː/ sound, /iː/, okay.


Now, once again this shape is very very similar, the /iː/ sound, the shape is very similar. We're creating a smile. It's a bit more of a smile this time.


We really want to create that /iː/ sound, okay. And we do exactly the same thing: the tongue goes up, /iː/, /iː/.


So once again, for the /iː/ sound, what happens is, so once again, for the /iː/ sound, the tongue goes high. We stretch our lips out and we create more of a smile.


Don't be afraid to smile when it comes up in words, /iː/, okay. For example, if we have a word like "seat", "feet", "beach", you'll notice what's happening is I am creating a smile.


And what you need to do when you first start making the difference between these two sounds is you really need to express and exaggerate that shape. Because that will create the muscle memory to remind you that you need to make that shape.


And eventually that expression will slowly go away and it becomes more normal like it is when I speak. But in the beginning, you have the really force the sounds out to distinguish the difference and remind your body how to do it.


So, what I'd like you to do, first of all, before we start any words, is start with the basics, okay. The basics we want to do is just practice going /i/ and /iː/.


So remember, the tongue is always high, we're creating a smile. One sound is shorter than the other.


So, three times let's say. /i/, /iː/. Do it with me. /i/, /iː/; /i/, /iː/.


Okay, now hopefully, you have that sound right now. If you don't, rewind, try again, keep practicing until you get that shape correct, okay?


Then once you've done that, you can start moving on to putting it in words. These sounds are really common and they're easily mistaken.


So, let's make sure we get them right, okay? So, we're going to be comparing some minimal pairs which are really gonna help you with comparing the two sounds in sentences and in different situations.


So first of all, we have difference between the words "sit" and "seat", "sit" and "seat". So, why don't we try sentence?


"I want to sit in the seat." "I want to sit in the seat."

“I want to sit in the seat.”“I want to sit in the seat.”

Try and get a bit faster every time. Pronunciation is all about repetition.


So keep repeating yourself. "I want to sit in the seat."

所以要一直重复练习。“I want to sit in the seat.”

"I want to sit in the seat." Get faster and faster.

“I want to sit in the seat.”越来越快。

And if you're not seeing any improvement, slow down again, start go back to the sounds again, okay? It takes time, pronunciation.


Let's try the words "chip" and "cheap", "chip" and "cheap". So, what we're going to do is we're going to use a very popular British phrase.


When something isn't very expensive, when it doesn't cost much money, quite often we say, "That was as cheap as chips." "Cheap as chips".

当某样东西不太贵,不花多少钱的时候,我们经常会说“That was as cheap as chips(非常廉价)”。“Cheap as chips”。

So, just try that for me. Repeat after me.


Cheap as chips; cheap as chips; cheap as chips. Try and get faster.


We've got "eat" and "it". Now, these words can come together quite often in one sentence.

这些单词经常在同一个句子里出现。例如,我可以说:“Can I eat it(我能把它吃了吗)?”

For example, I could say, "Can I eat it?" Can I eat it; can I eat it; can I eat it.


And think about intonation there as well. Think about how the intonation goes when we ask questions in English.

想想我们用英语提问时语调的变化。这是一个“是/否”的问题,所以我们要读成“Can I eat it?”,上升语调。

It's a yes/no question, so we would go "Can I eat it?", up, okay? So, we're learning some intonation here as well.


I'm so good to you guys. How about we try a double one?


Let's try two minimal pairs in one sentence. Now, we know we're reaching the big time with this sound, so let's do it.


He's sitting on his seat; he's sitting on his seat; he's sitting on his seat. Try that one a few times.


When you get that right, you should be on the right track. So, let's just try another technique which is where you just repeat them over and over again.


So, what I would like you to do for some practice at home is practice these sentences, but also practice just repeating these words one after another and see whether you make any improvement. So we've got "cheek" and "chick".


Cheek/chick; cheek/chick. "Deep" and "dip".


Deep/dip; deep/dip. And "each" with "itch".


Each/itch; each/itch. And what I want you to do is create some sentences use your grammar, use your vocabulary, and use your imagination to create sentences.

对于这两个音,就像我说的,我的大多数学生都有发音问题,甚至那些说“我发这个音没有问题”的学生,但是当他们和我在 Skype 上上课时,他们会意识到,“哦,是的,我的这个发音有问题。”然后,我们花了一些时间练习它。这非常重要。

Because it also helps you improve your English when you're learning these words with pronunciation. Create your own sentences using these sounds and practice.

如果你想在 Skype 上参加我的一些语音课程,表达课程,英式英语课程,这些课程都提供录音和图像和反馈,那么欢迎你预订我的一个 Skype 课程。你可以订购一个试听课。

So, I really hope this helped you These sounds, like I said, most of my students have a problem with this, and even people say, "I don't have a problem with this sound", but then when they get in a Skype lesson with me, they realize, "Oh, okay, yeah, I do have a problem with this sound."


And then, we spend a while practicing it. It's really important, okay? If you would like my help on skype with some pronunciation lessons, expressions lessons, British English lessons provided with voice recordings and images and feedback, then you're welcome to book a Skype lesson with me.

You can book a trial lesson. There's usually a waiting list, so you would book the trial lesson and then, we would decide a date when we'd both be free for you to start.

Thank you very much for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video, and I will see you all very soon.

Cheers, guys. Thank you. Bye.

