Andrew: "Mom, Grandma's leaving, all right? You have to talk to her."


Bree: "No, I don't. If you heard the things that she said to me-"


Andrew: "Look, I'm sure she was a real bitch, okay? But she's family. That makes her our bitch. Let her say good-bye to dad."


Bree: "She went out of her way to be cruel to me. I don't want her at the funeral."


Danielle (crying): "Mom, if you don't let Grandma come, I will never forgive you."


Andrew: "Did I ask for your help? You know dad would want her there."


Bree: "It's true Rex and I did not have the perfect marriage, but for eighteen years I tried my very best, and for that I am entitled to your respect."


Phyllis: "Of course you are. Of course I respect you."


Bree: "Well, then why did you say those things to me?"


Phyllis: "I guess I thought it would be easier to be angry at you than to be angry with Rex. I mean, what was he thinking, leaving me?"


Bree: "I do want you to come to the funeral."


Phyllis: "Oh, you don't know what that means to me, Bree. Thank you."


Phyllis: "Someone should get my luggage."



Andrew: "Mom, Grandma's leaving, all right? You have to talk to her."

Bree: "No, I don't. If you heard the things that she said to me-"

Andrew: "Look, I'm sure she was a real bitch, okay? But she's family. That makes her our bitch. Let her say good-bye to dad."

Bree: "She went out of her way to be cruel to me. I don't want her at the funeral."

Danielle (crying): "Mom, if you don't let Grandma come, I will never forgive you."

Andrew: "Did I ask for your help? You know dad would want her there."

Bree: "It's true Rex and I did not have the perfect marriage, but for eighteen years I tried my very best, and for that I am entitled to your respect."

Phyllis: "Of course you are. Of course I respect you."

Bree: "Well, then why did you say those things to me?"

Phyllis: "I guess I thought it would be easier to be angry at you than to be angry with Rex. I mean, what was he thinking, leaving me?"

Bree: "I do want you to come to the funeral."

Phyllis: "Oh, you don't know what that means to me, Bree. Thank you."

Phyllis: "Someone should get my luggage."

安德鲁:妈妈,奶奶要走了,你去跟她说说。 布里:不可能的,如果你们听见她都说了些什么 安德鲁:好的,我承认她对你很无情,但不管怎么说他和我们始终是一家人,我们就多担待点。请允许她去见爸爸最后一面。 布里:她对我实在太过分了。我不想在葬礼上见到她。 丹妮尔: 妈妈,你要是不让奶奶参加葬礼,我这辈子也不会原谅你的。 安德鲁: 我叫你帮忙了吗?你知道爸爸肯定想让她去的。 布里:雷克斯和我的婚姻的确不完美,但这18年来,我已尽全力了,仅凭这点,你也应该尊重我。 菲利斯: 这点没错,我当然尊重你。 布里:那你说哪些话是为了什么? 菲利斯:我只是觉得对你生气会更容易一些,我已经不能对雷克斯发脾气了。他怎么能如此残忍,就这么抛下我一走了之。 布里: 我邀请你参加他的葬礼。 菲利斯:这对我来说太重要了。谢谢。谁帮我拿一下行李。
