Britney Spears Calls Out Sister Jamie Lynn Spears in Scathing Instagram Message布兰妮·斯皮尔斯在Insta上严厉地斥责了妹妹杰米·林恩


Britney Spears is speaking out once again.


On Saturday (July 17), the 39-year-old popstar once again called out the fake people who are now showing their support for her amid her conservatorship, this time specifically taking aim at her sister Jamie Lynn Spears and dad Jamie Spears.




On her Instagram, Britney had uploaded a text image that read: “Take me as I am or kiss my ass eat s–t and step out legos.”




Then in the caption, Britney called out her dad for constantly controlling everything she does while performing.




“For those of you who choose to criticize my dancing videos … look I’m not gonna be performing on any stages anytime soon with my dad handling what I wear, say, do, or think ‍♀️ !!!! I’ve done that for the past 13 years,” Britney wrote. “I’d much rather share videos YES from my living room instead of onstage in Vegas where some people were so far gone they couldn’t even shake my hand and I ended up getting a contact high from w**d all the time … which I didn’t mind but it would have been nice to be able to go to the mother f–king spa ‍♀️‍♀️ !!!!”

“对于那些批评我的舞蹈视频的人……听着,要是我爸爸还管着我穿什么、说什么、做什么或想什么,那么,近期我不会在任何舞台上表演的‍♀️ !!!! “我已经在他的监管下做了13年了,”布兰妮写道,“我更愿意在我的客厅里分享视频,而不是在拉斯维加斯的舞台上,那里观众和我相距甚远,他们甚至连我的手都握不到,而我却一直身不由己地服用了大量麻痹类(河蟹)的药物……这我都忍了,但起码能不能让我特么地去一下水疗中心啊‍♀️‍♀️ !!!!”

“And no I’m not gonna put on heavy makeup and try try try on stage again and not be able to do the real deal with remixes of my songs for years and begging to put my new music in my show for MY fans … so I quit !!!!” she continued.



Britney then took aim at her sister Jamie Lynn, 30, specifically referencing the time Jamie Lynn performed a medley of Britney‘s songs at the 2017 Radio Disney Music Awards, despite not supporting her during her conservatorship.





“I don’t like that my sister showed up at an awards show and performed MY SONGS to remixes !!!!! My so-called support system hurt me deeply !!!! This conservatorship killed my dreams,” Britney continued. “So all I have is hope and hope is the only thing in this world that is very hard to kill … yet people still try !!!! I didn’t like the way the documentaries bring up humiliating moments from the past … I’m way past all that and have been for a long time !!!!”







17年迪士尼广播音乐奖上,杰米林恩给姐姐布兰妮颁发了Fisrt Icon Award


布兰妮获Fisrt Icon Award奖

Britney concluded her post by telling her critics to move on and unfollow her if they have a problem with what she posts.


“And for women who say it’s weird the way I still have hope for fairy tales … go f–k yourself !!!!! As I said … hope is all I have right now … you’re lucky I post anything at all … if you don’t like what you see, unfollow me!!!” Britney concluded. “People try to kill hope because hope is one of the most vulnerable and fragile things there is !!!! I’m gonna go read a mother fucking fairy tale now !!!! Psss if you don’t want to see my precious ass dancing in my living room or it’s not up to your standards … go read a f–king book !!!!!”

“对于那些说我仍然对童话充满希望是很奇怪的女人们来说,……你自己去(河蟹)吧 !!!!! 就像我说的…希望是我现在所拥有的一切…我能发任何内容出来就很幸运了…如果你不喜欢你看到的,别粉我!!!”布兰妮总结道,“人们试图扼杀希望,因为希望是最脆弱和易碎的东西之一!!!!我现在要去看特么的童话了!!!!如果你不想看到我可爱的pp在我的客厅里跳舞或者这不符合你的标准…你去特么看本书啊 !!!!!”

Earlier this week, Britney stated in court that she intended to sue her father.

