
  1. outsell (比…)卖得多

Zhang Daqian may not be a household name in the West, but in China -- and the global art market at large -- he is on par with the likes of Warhol and Monet.

  1. household name 家喻户晓
  2. at large 总的来说;大多数;一般;普遍
  3. on par with 与...同等水平;与……平分秋色

A master of classical Chinese painting who later reimagined modern art in his adopted American homeland, Zhang's work spanned traditions from ink landscapes to abstraction. And while the pervasive "Picasso of the East" comparison is misleading stylistically, it nonetheless speaks to his ability to transcend genre -- and the sky-high prices his paintings now command.

  1. classical Chinese painting 中国古典绘画
  2. reimagine 重新想象,重新设想(事件、艺术品等)
  3. span from to 跨越
  4. ink landscape 水墨山水画
  5. abstraction 抽象
  6. while 尽管
  7. pervasive [pərˈveɪsɪv] 遍布的;充斥各处的;弥漫的
  8. comparison 对比
  9. misleading 误导性的
  10. stylistically 风格上
  11. transcend 超越
  12. genre [ˈʒɑːnrə] 体裁;类型
  13. command 应得;博得;值得

In April, almost 40 years after his death, Zhang's 1947 painting "Landscape after Wang Ximeng" became his most expensive work ever to sell at auction, fetching $47 million at Sotheby's in Hong Kong.

  1. auction [ˈɔːkʃn] 拍卖
  2. fetch [fetʃ] 取得;售得,卖得(某价)

It was just the latest in a string of major sales. The artist's work generated more than $354 million at auction in 2016, exceeding any other artist -- dead or alive -- in the world that year, according to an annual ranking produced by the Artprice database. Last year, he finished 6th in that same list, ahead of market heavyweights like Vincent van Gogh and Banksy.

  1. latest 最新的
  2. a string of 一系列
  3. generare 产生
  4. exceed 超过
  5. database 数据库
  6. heavyweight 重量级人物


This may only be the tip of the iceberg, said San Francisco State University art professor Mark Johnson.

  1. the tip of iceberg 冰山一角

"There's been a quick escalation in value as his genius is more widely recognized," said Johnson, who co-curated a 2019 exhibition of Zhang's work at San Francisco's Asian Art Museum, in a phone interview. "I think prices will double soon," he added, saying that "ignorance" about Zhang among Western museums and collectors is keeping prices "relatively low."

  1. escalation [ˌeskəˈleɪʃn] 升级;增加;扩大;逐步上升 ~ in value 升值
  2. recognize 认可
  3. curate 操持(收藏品或展品的)展出;组织(音乐节的)演出
  4. ignorance 无知

"There's no question that Zhang Daqian is one of the most important artists of the 20th century. His work referenced global culture and, at the same time, was deeply embedded in Chinese classical culture," Johnson said, calling him the "first really global Chinese artist."

  1. there is no question 毫无疑问…
  2. reference 参考;参照
  3. be embedded in 嵌入在…里;根植于