Julie:You're not gonna walk me into a wall, are you?


Susan:Of course not, but when you see it for the first time, I want you to get the whole impact. (removing blindfold) Ta-da!


Susan:Okay, now I know it's a little more cramped than we're used to, but we can't stay at Bree's forever.She's gonna be coming back from that spa vacation soon.Besides, it's gonna be fun.


Julie: (sighs) Why are you doing this to me?I get good grades.I don't do drugs. I've never come home pregnant.


Susan:Honey, I am trying my hardest to stand on my own two feet. All right, I've got six book proposals in the works.I'm gonna try to supervise the rebuilding of this house, but you know, I can't do it without your support. And I want you to be proud of me.


Julie: (sighs) Fine.Let's take a Look inside.


Susan:Ohh! that's my girl!


Julie:So... is there anything you should prepare me for?


Susan:No! no. It's all good. Oh! But you should know that your bed doubles as the dining table, and the toilet's in the shower.


Gabrielle:Honey, look. I bought us matching golf outfits for our lessons tomorrow.


Carlos:Yeah, about that—I can't go. I gotta pick up trash on the freeway.


Gabrielle:I'm sorry?


Carlos:I have to do my community service.It's part of my parole, remember?


Gabrielle:Oh, okay, well, I'll just call the country club and cancel our lessons.


Carlos:No, no, no. I can't, I paid already.Might as well go without me.


Gabrielle:I don't wanna go alone.It was your idea in the first place.


Carlos: And I'd love to be there with you, too, if I didn't have to scrape slushies and condoms off Route 57.Look, what's the big deal?Just go take the stupid lesson.


Gabrielle:Fine, if you feel that way about it.


Hey, I'm sorry. I’m just a little on edge today.


Carlos:Oh, would you look at this crap?He has been doing that all day.


Gabrilelle:Ralph has a little crush.So?


Carlos:So can't I get a gardener who isn't trying to sleep with someone in my house?


Gabrielle:You pay six bucks an hour. it's all about the perks, honey.


impact [ˈɪmpækt] n.冲击;冲突;影响

cramped[kræmpt] a.狭窄的;难认的;痉挛的

get good grades取得好成绩

do drugs吸毒

stand on my own two feet自力更生

I've got six book proposals in the works.我现在有六本书的约稿要做

supervise[ˌsupɚˈvaɪz] vt.监督;管理;指导;审阅;审查


matching golf outfits高尔夫情侣装

do my community service做社区义工

parole[pəˈrol] n.誓言;口令;假释

might as well还是…的好,不妨;不如;何妨(含轻微劝告的意思)

sb. be on edge 紧张不安

crush 热恋,迷恋


  • Julie:You're not gonna walk me into a wall, are you?
  • Susan:Of course not, but when you see it for the first time, I want you to get the whole impact. (removing blindfold) Ta-da!
  • Susan:Okay, now I know it's a little more cramped than we're used to, but we can't stay at Bree's forever.She's gonna be coming back from that spa vacation soon.Besides, it's gonna be fun.
  • Julie: (sighs) Why are you doing this to me?I get good grades.I don't do drugs. I've never come home pregnant.
  • Susan:Honey, I am trying my hardest to stand on my own two feet. All right, I've got six book proposals in the works.I'm gonna try to supervise the rebuilding of this house, but you know, I can't do it without your support. And I want you to be proud of me.
  • Julie: (sighs) Fine.Let's take a look inside.
  • Susan:Ohh! that's my girl!
  • Julie:So... is there anything you should prepare me for?
  • Susan:No! no. It's all good. Oh! But you should know that your bed doubles as the dining table, and the toilet's in the shower.
  • Gabrielle:Honey, look. I bought us matching golf outfits for our lessons tomorrow.
  • Carlos:Yeah, about that—I can't go. I gotta pick up trash on the freeway.
  • Gabrielle:I'm sorry?
  • Carlos:I have to do my community service.It's part of my parole, remember?
  • Gabrielle:Oh, okay, well, I'll just call the country club and cancel our lessons.
  • Carlos:No, no, no. I an, I paid already.Might as well go without me.
  • Gabrielle:I don't wanna go alone.It was your idea in the first place.
  • Carlos: And I'd love to be there with you, too, if I didn't have to scrape slushies and condoms off Route 57.Look, what's the big deal?Just go take the stupid lesson.
  • Gabrielle:Fine, if you feel that way about it. Hey, I'm sorry. I’m just a little on edge today.
  • Carlos:Oh, would you look at this crap?He has been doing that all day.
  • Gabrilelle:Ralph has a little crush.So?
  • Carlos:So can't I get a gardener who isn't trying to sleep with someone in my house?
  • Gabrielle:You pay six bucks an hour. it's all about the perks, honey.
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