郑和下西洋(Learn to spread China and Chinese cuIture in EngIish),今天小编就来说说关于郑和船队实力有多强?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!




(Learn to spread China and Chinese cuIture in EngIish)

Zheng He's Voyages

to the Western Seas

On the 11th day of the 7th lunar month of 1405, a huge fleet of 208 ships appeared on the blue seas of the earth. With more than 27,500 people aboard, it was the greatest fleet with the largest crews the world had ever seen. Carrying cargoes of porcelain (瓷器), silk, tea,and numerous other treasures, the fleet navigated the South China Sea, passing through the Strait of Malacca(马六甲海峡), and traversing (横越) the Indian Ocean to arrive at countries on the coasts of Asia and Africa. Over the next 28 years, six more fleets of a similar scale, with crews totalling more than 100,000 people, left China for further voyages to the Western Seas and arrived in more than 30 countries along the way—“Western Seas" being the term used in ancient China to refer to the regions west of the South China Sea.

The commander of the feet was Zheng He (1371-1433), an important offcial in the court of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty. Born to a Muslim family, Zheng He also believed in Buddhism and Mazu (Chinese goddess of the sea). Intelligent and knowledgeable about navigation, he was entrusted by the emperor to direct all seven adventurous missions.

When Emperor Yongle sent Zheng He on the missions to the Western Seas, he expected to show off the prosperity of the Ming Empire as well as to put his ideals into practice, of making friends with and spreading peace to other countries near and far.

Although Zheng He brought a large armed force along on all seven long journeys, only on three occasions during those 28 years did he deploy troops. The first time was to wipe out pirates in the Palembang area (southeast of present-day Sumatra), to restore order and transport routes. The second and third times he used force was in self- defense: against an attack by a king of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), and against a gang of rioters from the Sumatra area. Of the many places that Zheng He's fleets reached, they never occupied an inch of anybody's territory, nor took away the slightest bit of anybody's property, nor left a single soldier on anybody's land.

Following the principⅠe of fair trade,Zheng He's crew bartered(交换) porcelain, silk, tea, and metal utensils with local governments and ordinary citizens for jewelry, spices, medicine, and rare animals. They also introduced to the countries they visited items such as the Chinese calendar, Chinese medical sciences, and technoⅠogies in farming, manufacturing, navigation and shipbuilding.

People in some Asian countries still retain fond memories of Zheng He's visits. One can find commemorative (纪念性的) buildings in these countries, such as the temple named after Zheng He in the Indonesian port city of Semarang. In the Malacca Straits area there can be found a well said to have been dug by Zheng He.

Zheng He's huge fleet was indeed proof of the strength of China at the time. At the same time, the navigator was also fulfilling the emperor's wishes of developing China's international relations


1405年农历7月11日,由208艘船只组成的庞大舰队出现在地球的蓝色海洋上。船上有27500多人,这是世界上有史以来拥有最大船员的最大舰队。运送瓷器, 丝绸、茶叶和许多其他珍品,舰队航行于南中国海,穿过马六甲海峡,横渡到达亚洲和非洲海岸的国家。在接下来的28年里,又有6支规模类似的船队离开中国,前往西洋,船员总数超过10万人,沿途抵达30多个国家——“西洋”是中国古代用来指南海以西地区的术语。






