Tips in Investing in High-Priced Diamond Collection


1) Choose a jeweler as you would choose a doctor. 选择信誉良好的珠宝商


A measure of a jeweler's knowledge is whether he is professionally trained. An educated jeweler will not only explain the 4Cs of diamond quality to you, but will be able to demonstrate the differences between apparently similar stones.


2) Understand the 4Cs of Diamond Quality 了解钻石的4C标准


This basic knowledge will not only unlock the mystery of a diamond's quality, but it will help you understand a diamond's value and price.


Diamond Color In most diamonds, the term actually refers to the absence of color. The less color in the stone, the more desirable and valuable it is. Some of these differences are not visible to the naked eye, but directly impact the overall quality and price of the stone.


Diamond Clarity It measures the amount, size and placement of internal 'inclusions,' and external 'blemishes.' Grades run from 'Flawless,' with virtually no imperfections, to 'Included,' which contain a significant number of imperfections.


Diamond Cut It does not refer to a diamond's shape, but to the proportion and arrangement of its facets and the quality of workmanship. The amount of brilliance, sparkle and fire in a diamond is determined by cut. Grades range from 'Excellent' to 'Poor.'


Diamond Carat It refers to a diamond's weight. Generally speaking, the higher the carat weight, the more expensive the stone. Two diamonds of equal carat weight, however, can have very different quality and price when the other three Cs are considered.


3) Insist On a Diamond Grading Report. 参考钻石分级报告


A diamond grading report from an unbiased, scientific source such as GIA is more than important information, it's proof of what you are purchasing. The differences in diamonds can be so subtle, even a trained jeweler can't recognize them without lab verification.

钻石分级报告应出自于公正、科学的机构比如美国宝石学院(GIA),它可为你购买钻石提供参考依据。钻石的差异很微妙, 没有认证许可,即使是专业的珠宝商也不能分辨一二。

4) Protect the Purchase 保障消费权益


Have your diamond appraised and insured. Appraisers and insurers rely on diamond grading reports to accurately evaluate the value of gems. As an additional measure, consider having your diamond laser-inscribed with its GIA report number, to provide verification if it is ever lost or stolen.

