导航意思: 死亡的


解析: late 只作定语,只用于人而不用于物。

例句: Following his late father's will, he was given the right to take over all businesses.

翻译: 遵照已故父亲的遗嘱,他有权接管所有的企业。

例句: The late master of the estate was named Bill Brown.

翻译: 已故庄园主叫比尔·布朗。


解析: dead 普通用词,指人和物失去生命的。

例句: The dead tree was cut down and burned.

翻译: 那棵枯树被砍倒并烧掉了。

例句: Catherine's dead body lay peacefully on the bed.

翻译: 凯瑟琳的尸体安详地躺在床上。

例句: Often a genius is recognized only after he is dead and gone.

翻译: 天才往往在离开人世之后才得到认可。


解析: deceased 法律术语,指人已死亡的;常用作 the deceased, 尤指新近去世的人。

例句: The deceased left a large sum of money to his grandson.

翻译: 死者给他的孙子留下一大笔钱。

例句: The deceased leaves a widow and three daughters.

翻译: 死者留下妻子和三个女儿。

例句: Many friends of the deceased were present at the funeral.

翻译: 死者的很多朋友都出席了葬礼。

