Unit 78 Keeping a Diary in English


以“Keeping a Diary in English”为题,写一篇120词左右的短文。


Keeping a Diary in English

There are many ways to improve our English writing skills① and keeping a diary in English is one of them.

Keeping a diary in English is not so difficult as some students imagine②. Compared with③other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes less time. In doing it, we often find a lot of pleasure. Because our life is rich and colorful, it is easy for us to choose one or two events④ to write down.

Then how to keep a diary in English? first, we need a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary. Then we should drop down⑤ briefly⑥ in English what we have done and what we have been thinking during the day. We can make it a rule to write the diary before going to bed⑦. It is really helpful to improve our English writing skills.




③compared with:与……相比较


①drop down:记下


③go to bed:上床睡觉



本篇作文提示材料只有一个题目,“Keeping a Diary in English”,这就给大家很大的发挥余地,整篇文章只要围绕“用英语写日记”这个中心展开,从哪些方面着手呢?本文的框架如下文所示:



最后,作者用“Then how to keep a diary in English?”承前启后,自然地过渡到第三段。在这一段,作者告诉大家具体怎么做,并用first, then等词过渡来表达自己的观点。最后一句“It is really helpful to improve our English writing kills”与文章开头遥相呼应。

