








北陵公园位于辽宁省沈阳市,国家AAAA级旅游景区,沈阳名胜古迹之一,是我国古代建筑的精华、汉满蒙民族文化交流的典型,也是沈阳市最大的公园,因位于市区北部而得此名。 北陵公园占地330万平方米,拥有清昭陵、芳秀园、北陵烈士陵园等著名景点,1643年(清崇德八年)清太宗皇太极和孝端文皇后博尔济吉特氏的陵墓昭陵建成,1927年,奉天省政府将清昭陵辟为公园。














Take you to understand the hometown of Shenyang Zhao Mausoleum Park

Zhao Mausoleum Park is located in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. It is a national AAAA level scenic spot and one of the historical sites in Shenyang. It is the essence of ancient architecture in China and the typical cultural exchange between Han, Manchu and Mongolia ethnic groups. Zhao Mausoleum Park covers an area of 3.3 million square meters, with Qing Zhaoling Mausoleum, FangxiuZhao Mausoleumden, BBB1 Martyr's Cemetery and other famous scenic spots, in 1643 (the eighth year of Chongde) Qing Taizong Huang Taiji and Xiao Duanwen Empress Bolzijit's tomb Zhaoling Mausoleum was built, in 1927, the Mukden provincial government will Qing Zhaoling Mausoleum as a park.

It covers an area of 3.3 million square meters

Famous scenic spot

Qing Zhaoling, Fang Xiu Garden, Zhao Mausoleum Martyrs Cemetery

The best season is in all seasons

Geographical environment

The square city is the main part of the cemetery, and its structure is similar to that of Fuling. Zhao Mausoleum has both ancient traditional buildings and modern garden facilities. In the garden, you will feel a lot of emotion when you look back on the past. It is a must for tourists from home and abroad to visit Shenyang.

Clear zhaoling mausoleum in the ancient pine trees towering, there are so many places worth seeing, like straining carry stone, turrets, and the back of the tomb is worth a visit.

The development history

Zhaoling Mausoleum was built from the eighth year of Chongde to the eighth year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, and it was rebuilt and renovated for many times to present its present size. The plane layout of the mausoleum follows the principle of "the front court and the rear court". From south to north, the mausoleum consists of three parts: the front, the middle and the rear. The main buildings are built on the central axis and arranged symmically on both sides, which is modeled after the Ming Dynasty Tombs and has the characteristics of the Manchu Mausoleum.

Zhaoling Mausoleum covers an area of 180,000 square meters and is divided into three major parts. From south to north:

The front part, from the Xia-Ma Steles to the Zhenghong Gate, includes Huabiao, Stone Lion, Stone Archway, Changing Hall and Sayer Hall;

Shenyang Zhao Mausoleum Park natural scenery

In the middle, from Zhenghong Gate to Fangcheng, it includes Huabiao, Shi Xiangsheng, Tablet Tower and sacrificial rooms;

In the rear, there are Fangcheng, Crescent City and Treasure City, which are the main body of the mausoleum.
