
so that和such that的用法与区别(SOvsSUCH)(1)


SO and SUCH can be used to intensify adjectives, adverbs and nouns. And they are very similar in meaning to VERY or REALLY.


With adjectives and adverbs, we use SO.

SO 形容词/副词

★ It was so windy yesterday.

★ 昨天风很大。

★ He said that he had never been so happy.

★ 他说他从未如此开心过。

★ He runs so quickly.

★ 他跑得好快。

★ This man was playing the violin so beautifully.


With nouns or noun phrases, we u se SUCH.

SUCH 名词/名词词组

★ I’ve never seen such a spectacular sight.

★ 我从未见过如此壮观的景象。

★ All such possibilities must be considered.

★ 所有这些可能性都必须考虑到。

★ There are no such things now.

★ 这类事现在已经没有了。

★ Don’t use such horrid language.

★ 不要说脏话。

★ He is in such a bad mood today.

★ 他今天心情很差。

★ It was such a windy day yesterday.

★ 昨天风很大。

★ They are such good parents.

★ 他们是很好的父母。

★ Andy drives so fast.

★ Andy is such a fast driver.

★ 安迪开车很快。

★ He is so generous.

★ He is such a generous person.

★ 他很大方。

★ That’s so unlucky!

★ That’s such back luck.

★ 真不走运。


SO much/many/little/few noun


We use SO MUCH and SO LITTLE before uncountable nouns; We use SO MANY and SO FEW before countable nouns.


★ So much food is wasted every day.

★ 每天有很多食物被浪费掉。

★ I’m under so much pressure at work.

★ 我的工作压力很大。

★ It’s incredible that there has been so little damage after the storm.

★ 这场暴风雨造成的损失如此少,真实不可思议。

★ There are so many people here today.

★ 今天这里的人真多。

★ When I went to Rome, I took so many great pictures.

★ 我去罗马的时候,拍了很多好看的照片。

★ In those days, there were so few doctors in our area.

★ 那些日子,我们这个地区的医生太少了。

★ I’m surprised that so few children turned up today.

★ 今天来的孩子这么少,我很惊讶。



★ He was so angry that he couldn’t speak.

★ 他气得话都说不出来。

★ An ant is so strong that it can lift things heavier than itself.

★ 蚂蚁如此强壮,以至于可以举起比自己更重的东西。

★ The tears were streaming so fast that she could not see.

★ 眼泪哗哗地流下来,她的视线一下子就模糊了。

★ Andy has so little education that he is unable to get a job.

★ 安迪受的教育太少,以至于他找不到工作。

★ There are so many people on the bus that I decided to walk.

★ 公交车上的人如此之多,我决定步行。

★ The child had such a fever that he nearly died.

★ 这孩子烧得如此厉害,差点死去。

★ It was such a beautiful night that I wanted to walk.

★ 夜如此之美,我真想出去走走。

★ It was such a good chance that we mustn’t miss it.

★ 这个机会太好了,我们绝不能错过。

★ He gave me such good advice that I finished the task easily.

★ 他给我的建议如此好,我很轻松地完成了这个任务。

★ It gave him such a shock that his face turned white.

★ 这使他如此震惊,他的脸都白了。

★ It was such a hot day that you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.

★ It was so hot that you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.

★ 天气太热了,都可以在人行道上煎鸡蛋。

★ The teacher is so boring that many students fell asleep.

★ He is such a boring teacher that many students fell asleep.

★ 这位老师太无聊了,很多学生都睡着了。

★ It was such a bad accident that several people got injured.

★ It was so bad an accident that several people got injured.

★ 这次事故很严重,有几个人受伤。


★ So cold is it that the pond has frozen.

★ 天气太冷,池水都结冰了。

★ So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.

★ 光运行速度如此之快,以至于我们很难想象它的速度。

★ Such was the weather that I could not go out.

★ 天气如此这般,我出不了门。

★ Such was his behavior that everyone disliked him.

★ 他的行为如此坏,大家都不喜欢他。


★ There is no such thing as ghosts.

★ 没有鬼这回事。

SUCH A LOT OF something:

★ I’m sorry I’m late. There was such a lot of traffic.

★ 对不起,我迟到了。太堵了。

Let’s practice!

1. It was a great holiday. We had ____ good time.

2. I was surprised that he looked ____ well after this recent operation.

3. He always looks good. He wears ____ nice clothes.

4. I have to go. I didn’t realize it was ____ late.

5. The math lesson is ____ complicated.

6. He is ____ idiot.

7. Andy has ____ few friends.


1. such a 2. so 3. such 4. so 5. so 6. such an 7. so

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