My first Road Trip



【单词】Trip 原型:trip 名词 [trɪp] n. 旅行;摔倒;差错;轻快的步伐 vt. 使跌倒;使失败;使犯错;起锚;竖帆 vi. 绊倒;旅行;轻快地走;失误;结巴

【专有名词】Road [rəʊd] n. 路;道路;途径;方法

My first road trip was horrible.


【单词】trip 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) [trɪp] n. 旅行;摔倒;差错;轻快的步伐 vt. 使跌倒;使失败;使犯错;起锚;竖帆 vi. 绊倒;旅行;轻快地走;失误;结巴

【单词】horrible 形容词 ['hɒrəbl] adj. 可怕的;令人毛骨悚然的;令人讨厌的

When I turned 24 years old, my father lent me his car to go from Los Angeles to Chicago.


【单词】lent 原型:lend 动词过去式 [lend] v. 借给;贷款;借(出)

【专有名词】Los Angeles 地名 [lɔs'ændʒələs] n. 洛杉矶(美国城市)

【专有名词】Chicago 地名 [ʃɪ'kɑːgəʊ, -'kɔː-] n. 芝加哥 Chicagoan

I told my dad that my friend George was going with me, and he was bringing his girlfriend Nancy.


【单词】dad 名词 [dæd] n. 爸爸

【单词】friend 名词 [frend] n. 朋友;支持者;友人 vt. 与 ... 为友

【单词】bringing 原型:bring 动词现在进行式或动名词 [brɪŋ] vt. 带来;促使;引起;劝诱 vi. 产生

【单词】girlfriend 名词 ['ɡɜːlfrend] n. 女朋友;女性朋友

【专有名词】George [dʒɔ:dʒ] n. 乔治(男子名) n. 【英】自动操纵装置 n. 英国最高勋爵勋章上的圣乔治诛龙图

【专有名词】Nancy ['nænsi] n. 南希(女子名;Ann 的昵称)

My dad liked that George was going, because he was a responsible young adult, which made me think that my dad doesn't think of me as an adult.


【短语】make sb. do sth. 让(使得)某人做某事;例句:These tablets make me feel rather sluggish. (吃了)这些药片让我感到困倦无力。

【语法】sth., which ...,是定语从句,which后面的从句用来修饰前面的事物;

【单词】responsible 形容词 [rɪ'spɒnsəbl] adj. 有责任的;负责的;责任重大的;可靠的

【单词】adult 名词 ['ædʌlt] n. 成年人;成年动物 adj. 成年的;理智的;适合成年人的;成熟的

When the day we were scheduled to leave arrived, George's girlfriend didn't arrive at my house until 5 p.m. when we agreed we would meet at 2 p.m.


【单词】scheduled 原型:schedule 动词过去分词 ['ʃedjuːl] n. 时间表,日程;一览表;计划 v. 预定;安排;编制目录

【单词】leave 动词原形 [liːv] v. 委托;离开;留给;遗留;遗赠;听任 n. 许可;准假;告别 vi. 生出叶子

【单词】arrived 原型:arrive 动词过去式 [ə'raɪv] vi. 到达;到来;成功

【单词】arrive 动词原形 [ə'raɪv] vi. 到达;到来;成功

【单词】agreed 原型:agree 动词过去式 [ə'ɡriː] v. 同意;赞成;承认;符合;一致

【单词】meet 动词原形 [miːt] v. 遇见;满足 n. 运动会;集会 adj. 合适的

It wasn't bad.


【单词】bad 副词 [bæd] adj. 坏的;不好的;差的;疼痛的;严重的;有害的;腐败的;低劣的;不利的;不舒服的;不健康的 n. 坏人;坏事 adv. 非常;不好地

I had been waiting for this road trip for a year.


【单词】waiting 原型:wait 动词现在进行式或动名词 [weɪt] v. 等;等待 n. 等待;等候

【单词】trip 名词 [trɪp] n. 旅行;摔倒;差错;轻快的步伐 vt. 使跌倒;使失败;使犯错;起锚;竖帆 vi. 绊倒;旅行;轻快地走;失误;结巴

I could wait a little longer.


【单词】wait 动词原形 [weɪt] v. 等;等待 n. 等待;等候

When Nancy arrived, we packed up her suitcase and hit the road.


【单词】packed 原型:pack 动词过去式 [pæk] n. 一群;一副;包裹;一包 v. 包装;解雇;塞满;收拾行李;佩戴

【单词】suitcase 名词 ['suːtkeɪs] n. 手提箱

【单词】hit 动词过去式 [hɪt] vi. 打(击);袭击;达到 vt. 要求;打(击);碰撞;偶然发现;符合 n. 讽刺;打(击);冲撞;成功

I was friends with both of them, but George was my friend first.


【短语】make friends 表示“交朋友”,后常与with搭配,表示“与……交朋友”。如:We need to encourage our children to make friends with people who will pull them up instead of drag them down.

【单词】friends 原型:friend 名词复数形式 [frend] n. 朋友;支持者;友人 vt. 与 ... 为友

I started getting annoyed with them right away.


【单词】annoyed 原型:annoy 过去分词做形容词 [ə'nɔɪ] v. 使恼怒;使烦恼;骚扰

Even though I had my music playing in the car, I could still hear them in the back kissing and calling each other baby, sweetie, sweetheart, and other nauseating cute names.


【词法】even though是“尽管”的意思,为连词,引导让步状语从句用于引导让步状语从句。如:He went out even though it was raining. 尽管在下雨,他还是出去了。even though与even if很多情况下可以互换,但是还是有一些细微的区别。even though 引导的从句内容往往是真实的,主要用于引出不利用于主句情况的信息,相当于汉语的“尽管”,“虽然”。如上面例句中。而even if 引导的从句是往往是假设性的,相当于汉语的“即使”,“纵然”,如:Even if it rains tomorrow, we won't change our plan. 即使明天下雨,我们也决不改变计划。

【短语】each other 彼此,互相;例句:Twins look the same as each other. 双胞胎看上去长得一样。

【单词】music 名词 ['mjuːzɪk] n. 音乐;美妙的声音;乐谱

【单词】hear 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) [hɪə] v. 得知;倾听;听到;听证

【单词】kissing 原型:kiss 动词现在进行式或动名词 [kɪs] n. 吻;轻触 v. 吻;轻触

【单词】calling 原型:call 动词现在进行式或动名词 [kɔːl] vt. 呼叫;打电话;把 ...称为 n. 打电话;访问;召唤;呼叫;把 ... 看作 vi. 呼叫;(短暂的)拜访

【单词】baby 语气词 ['beɪbi] n. 婴儿;宝贝儿;孩子气的人 adj. 婴儿的;小型的 vt. 溺爱

【单词】sweetie 名词 ['swiːti] n. 情人;爱人;好心人;甜的糕饼类

【单词】sweetheart 形容词 ['swiːthɑːt] n. 心上人;甜心 v. 爱慕 adj. 私下达成的

【单词】nauseating 动词现在进行式或动名词 adj. 使人恶心的 动词nauseate的现在分词.

【单词】cute 形容词 [kjuːt] adj. 可爱的;聪明的,精明的,伶俐的;漂亮的 n. 智取敌方的策略或手段;灵巧

I didn't like it, but what was I going to do?


George took over the wheel after we left California.


【短语】take over 表示“接管;接收”。如:I intend you to take over. 我打算让你来接管。

【单词】wheel 名词 [wiːl] n. 方向盘;车轮;旋转;周期 vi. 旋转;转动;改变方向 vt. 用车运;转动;给 ... 装轮子

【单词】left 原型:leave 动词过去式 [liːv] v. 委托;离开;留给;遗留;遗赠;听任 n. 许可;准假;告别 vi. 生出叶子

【专有名词】California 地名 [ˌkælɪ'fɔːnjə, -'fɔːniːə] n. 加利福尼亚;加州 Californian

He was talking to Nancy the whole time.


【单词】talking 原型:talk 动词现在进行式或动名词 [tɔːk] v. 交谈;商讨;演讲;阐述;劝服 n. 谈话;会谈;讨论;讲话;空谈

When we got near the Grand Canyon, Nancy started talking about how she always wanted to go see it.


【单词】near 介词、从属连词 [nɪə] adj. 近的;近似的;亲近的;吝啬的 adv. 在附近;不久以后;几乎;[罕]吝啬地 prep. 附近;接近;临近;大约;(质量、大小等)相仿;濒临 v. 接近;靠近

【专有名词】Grand [ɡrænd] adj. 重大的;豪华的;宏伟的;壮丽的 n. 大钢琴;一千美元 grandly grander grandest grandness

【专有名词】Canyon ['kænjən] n. 峡谷

That was when George said those seven words I hated the most, "What my baby wants, my baby gets."


【单词】seven 修饰性数量词 ['sevn] num. 七

【单词】hated 原型:hate 动词过去式 [heɪt] v. 憎恨;厌恶;讨厌 n. 憎恨;厌恶

He started going down a road that led to the Grand Canyon without even asking me.


【单词】led 原型:lead 动词过去分词 [liːd] v. 引导;领先;带领;过 ... (的生活);导致 n. 领头位置;主角;榜样;引言;铅

【单词】asking 原型:ask 动词现在进行式或动名词 [ɑːsk] v. 询问;请求;邀请;要求;开价;期待

I started to get really annoyed, but decided not to say anything.


【单词】decided 原型:decide 动词过去式 [dɪ'saɪd] v. 决定;判断;断定

It was really late, but they didn't care.


It turned out the road that led to the Grand Canyon closed after a certain time.


Nancy felt embarrassed, and George started apologizing to me.


【单词】embarrassed 原型:embarrass 过去分词做形容词 [ɪm'bærəs] vt. 使窘迫;使尴尬;使为难 vi. 窘迫

【单词】apologizing 原型:apologize 动词现在进行式或动名词 [ə'pɒlədʒaɪz] vi. 道歉;赔罪

After we got back on the highway, I drove all the way to Chicago.


【单词】highway 名词 ['haɪweɪ] n. 公路;(水陆空)直接航线或路线

【单词】drove 原型:drive 动词过去式 [draɪv] vt. 开车;驱赶;迫使 n. 驾车;驱使;推进力;路;快车道;街;[计]驱动器

George knew that I was bugged, so he tried to keep me company.


【单词】bugged 原型:bug 动词过去分词 [bʌɡ] n. 臭虫;窃听器;[计]漏洞 v. 窃听;打扰;失去(镇定)

He even told Nancy to sit in the back, which she did.


【单词】sit 动词原形 [sɪt] v. 坐;栖息;使就座 n. 坐;栖息

It was a horrible drive.


【语法】此句式为 it be 名词 that从句。其中that从句为句子真正的主语,it为形式主语。如:It's a shame (that) you're sick. 真遗憾你病了。

【单词】drive 名词 [draɪv] vt. 开车;驱赶;迫使 n. 驾车;驱使;推进力;路;快车道;街;[计]驱动器

I couldn't believe I had to drive all the way back to Los Angeles with them.


【用法】have to do sth. 表示“必须”、“不得不”、“只好”、“(被迫)很勉强”去做某事,后面跟动词原形,与情态动词 must 近义但区别在于:have to 表示客观的需要,must 表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。例句:My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night. 我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。(客观上需要做这件事) He said that they must work hard. 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上要做这件事)

【单词】drive 动词原形 [draɪv] vt. 开车;驱赶;迫使 n. 驾车;驱使;推进力;路;快车道;街;[计]驱动器
