

Who are you gonna pick? 你会选谁呢?

I'll pick the red one.我会选红色的那个。

2)随便学了点(pick sth. up)

I picked up a little bit Japanese when I was in Japan. 我在日本的时候随便学了点日语。

Spanish is really hard to pick up. 西班牙语真的很难学!

3)pick on 欺负

Why do you always pick on me? 你为什么老是欺负我?

Jim used to pick on me in high school. 高中的时候Jim老欺负我!

4) pick up 提神

What's your morning pick-me-up? 你早上怎么提神?

I need to drink some coffee to pick myself up.我需要喝点咖啡提提神。

5)pick up 购买(To buy)

I picked up some snacks at the store. 我在商店里买了些零食。

6) pick up 变好了

My luck has picked up! 我终于转运了!

7) pick up the tab=pick up the check 买单

Whenever we go out, I pick up the tab. 无论什么时候约会都是我买单的。

Order whatever you want. He's picking up the tab.随便点,他买单。

8)pick up somebody 接某人

I'll pick you up at the airport. 我会去机场接你。

9) pick up girls 泡妞

Foreign guys like to pick up Chinese girls in clubs. 外国男的喜欢去夜店泡中国女孩。

10)pick at sth 扯,拉

The baby is picking at the bedclothes.婴儿在抓弄被褥。

11)pick at sth 少量的吃

She only picked at her food.她只吃了一点点食物。

He never feels hungry and just picks at his food.他从不觉得饿,吃东西也没胃口。

12)pick at sb 找茬儿,批评

Leave the child alone; you're always picking at her.不要管那孩子,你总是找她的茬。

13)pick sth from sth 从…摘下〔剔去〕; 从…捡起

She picked some flowers from the garden.她从花园里摘了一些鲜花。

You mustn't pick the bananas from others' tree.你不该从别人的树上摘香蕉。

14)pick sb/sth from sb/sth 从…中挑选

Imes picked Rose from all the beautiful girls in the school to be a model.艾姆斯从全校那些美丽的女孩子中选中露丝做模特儿。

15)pick sth⇔off 摘去( take or pluck off)

Don't pick off any of these flowers.这些花一朵也不要采摘。

The insecticide might harm the flowers.Let's pick off the insects by hand.杀虫剂可能会伤害花朵。我们用手把虫捉下来吧。

16)pick sb⇔off 逐个毁掉; 瞄准射死( destroy one at a time)

A sniper behind the bushes picked off three of our men.藏在树丛后面的一个狙击手射死了我方三个人。

17)pick sth⇔out 取出,去掉 carry out sth (from sth)

The child refuses to eat this fruit without first picking out the stones.不把果核取出来,那个小孩就不会吃这水果。

18)pick sb/sth⇔out 挑选,选择; 选拔 choose from〔among〕 others

Let's pick out the bad potatoes from the basket.让我们把坏掉的土豆从篮子里挑出来。

He is going with me to help me pick out a color TV set.他要陪我一起去,帮我选一台彩电。

19)pick sb/sth⇔out 分辨出 distinguish from surrounding persons

The police asked the witness to pick out the murderer from four suspects.警察让目击者从4名嫌疑犯中辨认出谁是杀人犯。

20)pick sth⇔out 了解; 领会 understand

I picked out the meaning of the passage.我领会了这段文章的含义。

Can you pick out the operatic arias quoted in this orchestral passage?你能听出这段管弦乐曲里有歌剧式的咏叹调吗?

21)pick over 挑出来

He picked over the tomatoes, looking for the ripest ones.他把西红柿拿来仔细看,要挑选最熟的。

22)pick over 老谈,老想 keep talking or thinking about

Don't keep picking over our old quarrels; let's be friends again.不要老谈以前争吵的事了,让我们重新做朋友吧!


