
Yashe Studio



Chinese ancient architecture has a long history and rich cultural connotation. It is a bright pearl in the history of human architecture. It carries the ideas and wisdom of Chinese architectural art, religion, folk custom, construction technology and architectural environment.




1. Palace buildings, such as imperial palace, government office, palace, etc;


2. Defensive and defensive buildings, such as city walls, city towers, battlements, village fortresses, passes, the Great Wall, beacon towers, etc;


3. Commemorative and decorative buildings, such as the city tower, the bell tower, the drum tower, the street tower, the sign Fang, the screen wall, etc;


4. Mausoleum buildings, such as stone palaces, stone squares, cliff tombs, altars, and imperial tombs and palaces;


5. Garden buildings, such as imperial gardens, palace gardens, gardens, villas, etc;



6. Sacrificial buildings, such as Confucian Temple (Confucius Temple), Wu Temple (Guandi Temple) Temple, etc;


7. Bridges and water conservancy structures, such as stone bridges, wooden bridges, dikes, ports, wharves, etc;


8. Residential buildings, such as caves, huts, grass temples, residential houses, courtyards, etc;


9. Religious buildings, such as Buddhist temples, nunneries, churches and courtyards, Taoist shrines, temples and temples, Muslim mosques, Christian churches, etc;


10. Entertainment buildings, such as music building, dance building, stage, terrace, grandstand, etc;


After understanding the classification, we will now introduce how scientific and exquisite the ancient buildings in our country are from the aspects of architectural layout, shape hierarchy, structural form, structural type, color application and construction characteristics, all of which embody the wisdom of our ancestors.



This is the most important feature of the architectural structure of ancient Chinese architecture. Because ancient Chinese architecture is mainly a wooden frame structure, that is, the frame of the house is composed of wooden columns and beams. The weight of the roof and eaves is transferred to the columns through the beam frame...



This structure can make the house meet the ever-changing functional requirements of life and production under different climatic conditions. At the same time, because the walls of the house do not bear weight, the doors and windows are set with great flexibility.


In addition, this frame wood structure has formed a unique component of palaces, temples and other high-level buildings in the past, that is, bunches of "brackets" under the eaves. It is composed of bucket shaped wooden blocks and bow shaped crossbars, crisscrossing and picking out layer by layer to form a pedestal with large upper part and small lower part...



According to the ancient documents, from the image of ancient buildings in paintings to the existing ancient buildings, there is a simple organization rule in the plane layout of ancient Chinese buildings, that is, every house, palace, government office, temple and other buildings are composed of several single buildings and some corridors, walls and the like surrounded into a courtyard.


Generally speaking, most courtyards are connected from front to back, which is the product of the ideology of "order from age to age, and distinction between inside and outside" in Chinese feudal society.



The main figures in the family, or those who should be isolated from the outside world (such as the girls of noble families), often live in the courtyard far away from the outer door, which forms the space organization of one courtyard after another.


This courtyard style group and layout is generally designed in a balanced and symmetrical way along the longitudinal axis (also known as the front and rear axis) and the horizontal axis. The more important buildings are located on the vertical axis, and the secondary houses are located on the horizontal axis on the left and right sides of it...



This layout is closely related to the patriarchal clan system and the ritual system in the feudal society of China. It is most convenient to make obvious differences in housing between men and women, senior and junior, male and female, and master and servant according to feudal patriarchal clan system and hierarchical concept.



Compared with European architecture, the artistic effect of this courtyard style group layout in China has its unique artistic charm. Generally speaking, a European building is relatively clear at a glance. However, Chinese ancient buildings, like a long scroll of Chinese paintings, must be gradually unfolded section by section. It is impossible to see all of them at the same time.


Walking into an ancient Chinese building can only go from one courtyard to another. You must walk through all of them before you can see it. The Forbidden City in Beijing is the most outstanding example. People enter from the Tian'anmen Gate and enter another courtyard every time they pass through one gate... The artistic image of the Forbidden City will stay in people's minds.




Craftsmen in ancient China discovered the possibility of using roofs to achieve artistic effects very early. In the Book of Songs, there is a sentence "making wings of the temple", which means that poets three thousand years ago have sung praises of the stretched roof of the ancestral temple.


In the Han Dynasty, there were five basic roof styles in later generations - the "veranda roof" on four sides of the hill, the four, six and eight sides of the hill or the round "Cuojian roof", the "hard mountain top" with two sides of the hill but two gable walls flush with the roof, the "hanging mountain top" with two sides of the hill and the roof projecting out of the gable.



The ancient craftsmen in China made full use of the characteristics of wood structure to create roof folding and roof warping, forming cornices like birds' wings and soft and beautiful curves of various parts of the roof.


At the same time, the ridge ends of the roof ridges are properly carved, and the eaves tiles are also decorated. After the Song Dynasty, a large number of glazed tiles were used to add color and luster to the roof...




The application of setting off buildings is a common artistic treatment technique for senior buildings such as palaces and temples in ancient China. Its function is to set off the main building. The "Que" built in front of the main gate of the palace since the Spring and Autumn Period is the earliest used and artistic setting off building...


The existing Gaoyi Tomb Tower in Ya'an, Sichuan, is a typical work of the Han Dynasty, with its exquisite shape and sculpture. Que in various forms can often be seen in carvings and murals after the Han Dynasty. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Que evolved into the Meridian Gate of the Forbidden City...




The ancient Chinese craftsmen were the most daring and good at using color in architectural decoration. This feature is inseparable from the wood structure system of Chinese architecture. Because the wood cannot last long, Chinese architecture has long adopted the method of painting and tung oil on the wood to protect the wood and strengthen the joint of the wood components with tenon and mortise...


Later, they used red to decorate columns, beams and frames, or painted colorful paintings on the bucket arches and beams. After a long period of practice, Chinese architecture has accumulated rich experience in the use of color. For example, in the palaces and government buildings in the north, it is good at using the contrast and harmony of bright colors.


The main part of the house, that is, the part that can often get sunlight, generally uses warm colors, especially vermilion; The shadow part under the eaves is a cool color matching blue and green. This emphasizes the warmth of the sun and the shade of the shadow, forming a pleasant contrast.



The vermilion doors and windows and the blue and green eaves are often accompanied by gold lines and gold dots, and there are a few red dots between the blue and green, which makes the painted patterns on the buildings more lively and enhances the decorative effect.


Of course, the formation of this color style is also related to the natural environment in the north to a large extent. Because in the flat and vast North China Plain, the color of winter scenery is very monotonous and harsh. In such a natural environment, this bright color brings liveliness and interest to the buildings.



For the same reason, in the south, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful and the trees are evergreen all the year round, the color of buildings is limited by the architectural hierarchy of the feudal society on the one hand, and also because the south is green all the year round and the flowers bloom all the year round...


Some important monumental buildings, such as the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, plus yellow, green or blue glazed tiles, are lined with a layer or even several layers of white marble platforms and railings. Under the clear, cloudless blue sky in North China, its color effect is extremely impressive.



This kind of color makes people feel cool in the relatively hot summer in the south, which is not as easy to be upset as strong colors. It can also be seen from here that, in addition to the two main styles mentioned above, there are also some differences in the use of colors of ancient buildings with different nationalities and regions.

