make [meik] vt. 使得;使,让,布置,准备,整理;安排,制造;制作,制,造,认为;获得;形成;营造,营建,打,今天小编就来说说关于make在中文中是什么意思?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



make [meik]

vt. 使得;使,让,布置,准备,整理;安排,制造;制作,制,造,认为;获得;形成;营造,营建,打

to make sb sad 使役动词:使

she wants to make it big some day 使役动词:使

is to make them laugh 使役动词:使

interesting 使役动词:使

to make sb happy 使役动词:使

they didn't always make it on time 使役动词:使

she didn't make it onto the course 使役动词:使

excellent value 使役动词:使

they want to make all staff feel special 使役动词:让

This story makes her laugh 使役动词:使

you could make some nice curtains with that material vt 制作

this will make a real mess of your work vt 制造,形成

did you make a call to the clinic? vt 打

the best way to disarm【vt. 解除武装;裁军】your critics【评论家】

she'd make a great president vt 为,成为,当

three nines make twenty seven vt 为,成为

the story didn't make the papers vt 为,成为

these dogs seldom make the news vt 为,成为

he wasn't going to make captain vt 为,成为,当

decorative features【特征,特色,特写】 make brickwork more

the make, model, and year of his car n 制造,品牌

make him an offer he can't refuse vt 给

make an appointment with the dentist vt 安排

I tend to make heavy demands on people vt 制造

the sale price and extended warranty【延长保修】make it an

everyone should make time to see this film vt 花

Don`t forget to make your bed vt整理

They will make money and bring us lots of other benefits too vt 赚
