

01 必备短语

1. be fond of “喜爱,爱好” 接名词、代词或动词的-ing 形式。

He’s fond of swimming. 他喜欢游泳。

Are you fond of fresh vegetables. 你喜欢新鲜蔬菜吗?

He is fond of his research work. 他喜爱他的研究工作。

2. hunt for = look for 寻找

I have found the book I was hunting for. 我找到了那本我在找的书。

hunt for a job 找工作

3. in order to/so as to:这两个词组都可引导不定式作目的状语, in order to 可放于句首, so as to 则不能, 其否定形式为 in order not to / so as not to.

He went to Beijing in order / so as to attend an important meeting. 他去北京是为了参加一个重要会议。

In order to be noticed, he shouted and waved to us. 为了让我们注意他, 他朝我们又是叫喊又是挥手。

4. care about

(1) 喜欢,对……有兴趣 = care for

She doesn’t care about money. 她不喜欢钱。

(2)关心 = care for

She thinks only of herself. She doesn’t care about other people. 她只考虑自己。她不关心别人。


These young people care nothing about what old people might say. 这些年轻人根本不在乎老人说的话。

5. such as 意为“诸如……”,“像……”,是用来列举人或事物的。

She teaches three subjects, such as physics and chemistry. 她教三门科目,像物理、化学。

6. make yourself at home 别客气;随便;无拘束

If you get to my house before I do, help yourself to a drink and make yourself at home. 如果你在我之前到我家,自己喝点饮料,随便一点。

7. stay up 不睡;熬夜

(1) I'll be late home, don't stay up for me. 我将回家很晚,不要等我了。

(2) He stayed up reading until 2:00 in the morning. 他熬夜看书直到凌晨两点。

8. come about 引起;发生;产生

(1)How did the accident come about? 这场事故是怎么发生的?

(2)They didn't know how the change had come about. 他们不知道这个变化是怎样产生的。

9. except for 除……之外

(1) except 与 except for 的用法常有区别。

except 多用于引起同类事物中被排除的一项。如:

①He answered all the questions except the last one. 除去最后一个,他回答了所有问题。

②We go there every day except Sunday. 除了星期天,我们天天去那里。

(2)except for 用于引述细节以修正句子的主要意思。如:

①Except for one old lady, the bus was empty. 除去一个老太太,这辆公共汽车全空了。

②Your picture is good except for the colours. 你的画儿很好,只是某些色彩有问题。

(3)但在现代英语中,except for 也用于表示 except 的意思。如上述第一个例子可以是:He answered all the questions except for the last one.

(4)另外,在介词短语之前只能用 except,不能用 except for。

We go to bed before ten, except in the summer. 除了夏季,我们通常十点之前上床睡觉。

10. end up with 以……告终;以……结束

The party ended up with an English song.聚会以一首英文歌结束。

11. more or less 几乎;差不多;大约;大概;大体上

(1)I've more or less succeeded, but they haven't. 我差不多成功了,而他们没有。

(2)Our living condition has more or less improved. 我们的生活水平或多或少提高了。

12. bring in 引进;引来;吸收

(1) We should bring in new technology. 我们应该引进新技术。

(2) He brings in 800 dollars a month. 他一个月挣八百美元。

13. get away(from) 逃离

(1)The thieves got away from the shop with all our money. 小偷带着我们所有的钱从商店逃跑了。

(2)I caught a really big fish but it got away. 我钓到了一条好大的鱼,可是它逃掉了。

14. watch out (for)注意;留心

(1)Watch out! There is a car coming. 小心!汽车来了。

(2)Watch out for the hole in the road. 留神路上的那个坑。

02 基础词汇

1. burst vi.,n. 突然发生,爆裂

They burst out laughing. 他们突然大笑起来。

(搭配) a burst of laughter 突发的笑声

2. consume v. 消耗,耗尽

His old car consumed much gasoline. 他的旧汽车耗油很多。

3. spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出

I spilt the coffee - it spilt all over my book. 我洒了咖啡,溅了我一书。

4. breed n. 种,品种 v. 繁殖,产仔

The islanders are a strong breed of people. 这些岛上的居民是一种体格强壮的人。

Some animals will not breed in cages. 有些动物在笼子里不产崽。

5. budget n. 预算 v. 编预算,作安排

(搭配) a government budget 政府预算

We should learn how to save money by budgeting . 我们应该通过安排开支而节省钱

6. transform v. 转变,变革;变换

She transformed the room by painting it. 她房间刷油漆了使它为之一新。

7. transmit v. 传播,播送;传递

The World Cup final is being transmitted live to over fifty countries. 世界杯决赛现正向五十多 个国家作实况转播。

8.transport vt. 运输,运送 n. 运输,运输工具

The goods were transported by train. 货物是用火车运来的。

9.vanish vi. 消灭,不见

I thought it would rain, but the clouds have vanished and it's a fine day. 我原以为天要下雨的, 可是云消失了,是个好天。

10.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心

Suspicion crept into his mind. 不由得他不产生怀疑。

(搭配) above suspicion 无可置疑

under suspicion 受到怀疑

11.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的

a tender mother 慈母

a tender expression on her face 她脸上温柔的表情

tender flowers 柔弱 的花朵

12. absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的

You are an absolute fool! 你是个十足的傻瓜!

13. brake n. 刹车,制动器 v. 刹住(车)

His brakes failed on a steep hill. 他的车闸在陡峭的山坡失灵了。

14. extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的

What an extraordinary idea! 多么离奇的想法 !

15. agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因

My agent has power to sign my name. 我的代理人有权代我签字。

Rain and sun are the agents which help plants to grow. 雨水和太阳是促使植物成长的因素。

16. appreciate vt. 感谢,赏识,欣赏

I appreciate your help. 我感谢你的帮助。

Do you appreciate good wine? 你会鉴赏好酒吗?

17. tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的

What a tidy room! 多么整洁的房间呀!

18. preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持

The Town Council spent a lot of money to preserve the old castle 。市政委员会花了不少钱来为 修那座古城堡。

You can preserve meat or fish in salt. 你可以用盐保存肉或鱼。

It is one of the duties of the police to preserve public order. 警察的职责之一是维持公共秩序。

19. external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的

External causes become operative through internal causes. 外因通过内因而起作用。

20. adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写 vt. 使适应

She adapted herself quickly to the new climate. 她很快就适应了这种新气候。

03 高频词汇

1. Break

break down (机器、车辆)出故障

break up (关系 )破裂,解散

break out 突然发生,爆炸

break in 强行进入,打断讲话

break off 停顿;结束;脱落

break through 突破

break away 逃脱;背叛

2. Bring

bring about 导致,引起

bring back 使恢复,使想起

bring down 降低、减少;使降落

bring forward 提出(计划等)

bring in 引进,生产

bring out 出版,推出;使显出,生产

bring up 养育,抚养,使成长

3. Call

call at 访问,参观

call back 回电话

call for 要求,呼吁

call forth 唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起

cal in 收回,召集

call off 放弃,取消

call on 拜访,要求

call up 使人想起,征召(入伍)

call out 呼唤,号召

4. Come

come across (偶然)发现;(偶然)碰见

come off发生,举行;成功;脱落,分开

come on来吧,快点;开始;进展;上演

come out出版;(太阳等)出现,显露

come to 总计,达到;恢复知觉

come up to 达到,符合;比得上

come up with提出,想出

come up 走近;发生

5. Carry

carry back 使回想起

carry forward 推进,发扬,弘扬

carry off 成功应对,成功完成

carry on 继续开展,坚持

carry out 贯彻,实施,执行

6. Clear

clear away 把...清除掉

clear off 逃离

clear out 把...清空

clear up 放晴;消除(误会 )

7. Consist

consist in在于;存在于

consist of由......组成

8. Count

count on倚靠,指望

count up算出......的总数,共计

count in 把…计算在内

count out 逐一数出,不把…计算在内

9. Cut

cut across走捷径,抄近路

cut down (on)削减,降低;砍倒

cut in(汽车)抢挡;插嘴,打断

cut off切断,使隔绝;阻断

cut out删除;停止运转

cut up 切碎

10. Draw

draw sb. In 使某人卷入,使某人参与

draw on/upon 利用,吸,抽(烟)

draw up 起草, 拟定

11. Drop

drop by顺便来访

drop in on顺便拜访某人

drop off 减弱,下降;睡着

drop out 退出,离队,退学

12. Get

get across 解释清楚,使人了解

get along (with) 与...相处

get away 逃脱,离开

get down to 开始认真考虑,着手处理

get off 离开,动身(出发), 从......下来;脱下

get rid of 摆脱,除去

get over 克服;(从病中)恢复过来

get through 完成,熬过

get out 离开;外出 (参加社交活动等) ;(消息或信息) 泄露

13. Give

give away泄露(秘密),赠送

give back送还,恢复

give in屈服,让步,投降

give off 放出,释放(气体、热量、气味等)

give out分发,放出

give rise to引起,使发生

give up停止,放弃

give way to对......让步

14. Go

go after追赶,争取,谋求

go ahead开始,先行

go along with陪同前行,随行

go back on 违背

go back to 追溯到

go by(时间)过去;遵守,遵循

go down (价格、水平或数量等) 下降;(太阳) 下山

go up (价格、水平或数量等) 上涨

go over 检查;复习

go on 继续;进行

go off 中断、熄火

go in for 爱好 (某活动)

go through 经历,经受,详细检查

go with 伴随,与......协调

15. Hand

hand down 流传下来,传给,往下传

hand in 交上,递交

hand out分发,散发,发给

hand over 交出,移交

16. Keep

keep away 远离,不接近

keep down 控制,压制,镇压;压低,放低声音)

keep in mind 记住

keep off 不接近,避开

keep on 继续不断,保持

keep up with向......看齐,跟上

keep up 保持,维持,坚持

17. Lay

lay aside 把.......搁置一边;储蓄

lay down 放下,制定

lay off 解雇,

lay out布置,展开

lay over 中途停留

18. Look

look after照顾,照料,照管;注意,关心

look back回顾,回忆

look down on看不起,轻视

look forward to盼望,期待;预期,预料

look for寻找,寻求

look into调查,研究

look on旁观;看待,视作

look out留神,注意

look over 检查

look through 浏览、翻阅

look up查阅;(久别后)拜访

19. Pull

pull down拆毁;拉下,打击

pull in(车)停下,进站,(船)到岸

pull off脱(帽、衣等)

pull on穿,戴

pull out拔出,抽出,取出

pull up 慢慢停下

20. Put

put across/ over 解释清楚,说明

put aside储存,保留

put away放好,收好;储存

put down记下,放下;镇压,平定

put forward提出

put off推迟,推延

put on穿上,戴上;上演

put out熄灭;关(灯)

put up with容忍;忍受

put up 建造,张贴

21. Run

run away with(想像、情感等) 不受 (某人) 控制

run down撞倒;(机器或装置) 运转渐慢;缩减

run into遇到(困难等);撞上;(金额) 高达

run out(of) 用完,耗尽

run through浏览;排练

22. Set

set about 开始,着手

set aside 把...搁置一旁

set down 制定;把...写下来

set off出发,动身

set out陈列,显示;动身;开始

set up创立,建立

23. Take

take after(外貌、性格)与(父母)相像

take away 拿走,从...中扣除

take down拆卸,拆除;记下,写下

take in欺骗;领会,理解,吸收

take off起飞;离开;脱下

take over接收,接管;借用,承袭

take to对......产生好感,养成......习惯

take up开始从事,占去,占据

take on 承担;呈现

24. Turn

turn down 拒绝;关小,调低

turn in上床睡觉;交还,上交

turn out结果是,证明是

turn over仔细考虑;翻转;移交

turn to变成;求助于,借助于

turn up(意外)出现,来到;开大,调大

turn on 启动,打开

turn off 关掉

04 写作模板









for example, for instance, as an example, such as


similarly, likewise, in the same way, equally important,

3. 表 示 对 照 (contrast):

on the contrary, on the other hand, otherwise, in contrast, whereas, conversely, by contrast


although, however, but, admittedly, even though, in spite of


because, because of, as, since, for, owing to, due to, on account of as a result of.

6. 表 示 结 果 (result):

thus, so, consequently, hence, therefore, accordingly, as a result, as a consequence, on that account


chiefly, especially, indeed, in fact, certainly, particularly, actually


first, in the first place, first of all, to begin with, for one thing, above all; second, in the second place, furthermore, moreover, for another, what's more, what's worse, finally


in conclusion, in short, in brief, in summary, on the whole, to sum up, to conclude


Different people have different views on _________ . Some people think that ____________________ , while others argue that ____________.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the ______ opinion. For one thing, I firmly believe _________. For another, ____________________ . Just think of _________, who __________ . Taking all these factors into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that ________ . Only if _______ can we ____________ , just as the saying goes, ___________ .


Nowadays, ________ is\are playing a more and more important role in people’s daily life. However, people’s opinions are still divided on this point. Those who are in favor of _______ claim that it has a lot of advantages. Firstly, __________. Secondly, ___________ . Last but not least, _________. Those who are opposed to _______ hold that there are many disadvantages. In the first place, ________ . In the second place, __________ . Finally, _______ . All in all, we can safely come to the conclusion that the pros outweigh the cons. The past twenty years witnessed the fast development of _______ along with __________ . A brighter future is awaiting us if we make good use of _______ .


Whenever people ______ , they will come across the problem of whether they should ________ or ______ , and it is natural for different opinions to arise. Some people think we should _________ . They say that ________ . Furthermore, _________ . Therefore, we should _______ . But other people think otherwise. They argue that in an age when science and technology develop at a fantastic speed, we should not only ______ but also _____ . Only when we ______ can we keep up with the pace of social development. In my opinion, we should combine _____ with ______ . First, __________ . Second, _______ . Only in this way can we _________ .





乘风破浪 金榜题名

不负努力 不负自己

