


1.Don't put on airs.不要摆架子。

2.Rubber check.空头支票。

3.I don't feel very well.我有点不舒服。

4.She is in the family way.她怀孕了。

5.How did you make out?你做得怎么样了?

6.If you are in a hurry,go yourself.如果你急的话,你就自己去好了。

7.Do as I said.照我的话去做。

8.We are here on business.我们是来办正事的。

9.I belong to myself.我不受别人支配。

10.Thanks for telling me.谢谢你告诉我。

11.Leave me alone.]别管我。

12.Tell me more.多告诉我一些。

13.Everything in order?一切都准备好了吗?

14.Many happy returns.祝你青春永驻。

15.If you say so,that's enough for me.要是你这样说,我就满意了。

16.Money is the root of all evil.钱是万恶之源。

17.I can read your mind.我能了解你的心情。

18.She is a very difficult woman.她是一个很难对付的女人。

19.Make up your mind.快下决心吧。

20.Anything you say.一切都听你的。

21.Take off your coat.把外套脱了吧。

22.It's a piece of cake.这是一件容易的事。

23.Could you do me a favor?你可以帮我一个忙吗?

24.It's my fault.这是我的错误。

25.Don't blame me for it.那件事,别怪我。

26.Give me a hand.帮我一个忙。

27.I'm not sure yet.我还不敢确定。

28.It's too good to be true.简直是太好了。

29.Let's take a break now.让我们休息一下吧。

30.There is nothing to it.没有什么了不起的事。

31.Don't talk nonsense.不要胡说八道。

32.Keep the change.零钱不用找了。

33.Stay out of trouble.不要惹事生非了。

34.She is in trouble.她怀孕了。

35.Don't do this to me.不要这样对待我。

36.I will take care of him.我会对付他的。

37.I'll be happy to do it.我很乐意做。

38.I'll be happy to do it for you.我乐意为你效劳。

39.I have no choice.我别无选择。

40.Be my guest.我请客。

41.I apologize again.我再次向你陪个不是。

42.I'll be there.我会准时到的。

43.Make yourself at home.不要拘束。

44.Take a seat.请坐。

45.Nothing serious.没有什么了不起的事。

46.Cherry girl.处女。

47.Damm fool!蠢材!

48.Damm it!他妈的!

49.Fuck you!操你的!

50.It's my day today.今天运气很好。

51.I am blowed if I know.我要是知道的话,就是王八蛋。

52.You are really something.你真有一手。

53.I'll be with you in a minute.我马上就来。

54.Check in登记住旅馆

55.Check out付账退旅馆

56.apple shiner(apple polisher)马屁精

57.I got a sugar report this morning.今早我收到一封情书。

58.He has an apple head.他是个笨蛋。

59.Don't get me wrong.不要误解我。

60.Like father like son.有其父必有其子。

61.Try my fortune.碰碰运气。

62.Don't get me angry.不要惹我生气。

63.Take it easy.不要紧张。

64.It's not fair.太不公平了。

65.make water小便

66.Window shopping逛街

67.I'll be back in a jiffy,我马上就回来。

68.I'll do it in a jiffy.我马上去做。

69.Go to hell!滚蛋!该死!

70.What the hell are you doing?你到底在搞什么名堂?

71.Business in business.公事公办。

72.Give him a bueak.给他一个自新机会。

73.I am on the beach.我已失业了。

74.None of your business.少管闲事。

75.You shall have it for nothing.你获得免费赠送。

76.Hold me tight.把我抱紧。

77.Take your time.慢慢来。

78.Make a scene.出洋相。

79.We are all set.我们已准备好了。

80.Don't make a scene.不要出洋相。

81.Let's go Dutch.我们各自付账。

82.Let me foot the bill.我来付账。

83.Bottoms up干杯

84.Let's have a snack.我们去宵夜。

85.May I drink to your health.祝你健康。

86.You are kidding.你在开玩笑。

87.Long time no see.好久不见。

88.Where are you from?你是哪里人?

89.I'm flattered.你太过奖了。

90.Pick me up at five.5点钟来接我。

91.So long.再见。

92.No time to stop and chat.没有时间跟你聊天了。

93.What kind of food do you like?你喜欢吃什么菜?

94.What are you looking at me for?你瞪着我干什么?

95.It's my turn to treat you.这回该我请你客。

96.So long. I'll be seeing you.再见,后会有期。

97.I'm at your disposal anytime.我随时听候你的差遣。

98.I'm telling you for the last time.我最后一次警告你。

99.Can I speak to you a moment?我可否跟你谈一下呢?

100.I don't know what to say.我不知道该怎么说才好。

101.I don't mean to offend you.我不是故意冒犯你的。

102.How much do I owe you?我一共要付多少钱?

103.I can never thank you enough.我不知道该怎样感激你才好。

104.I don't know what's the matter with me.我自己也不知道怎么搞的。

105.I know it is a bad time for you.我知道你现在的心情不好。

106.How is business?生意如何?

107.So so.马马虎虎。

108.box lunch(lunch box)盒饭

109.Drat it!讨厌!畜生!

110.Drat you!你这畜生!

111.Blast it!该死!

112.Nobody's perfect.哪有人不犯错误的。

113.Sleeping pill.安眠药。

114.Been waiting long?等很久了吗?

115.Don't be so childish!别太孩子气了。

116.I can do what I please!我爱怎样做就怎样做,你管不着!

117.I don't want to make a scene.我才不愿意出洋相。

118.Nothing to it,I can fix it myself!没有什么了不起,我也做得来。

119.I don't think he is so hot.我不相信他有那么棒。

120.Mr. Right is hard to spot.意中人难找。

121.What does it have to do with you?这个跟你有什么关系?

122.What on earth are you doing?你究竟在做什么?

123.How can I ever thank you?我该怎样谢你才好呢?

124.Will you stop treating me like a child?请你不要把我当小孩看待,好吗?

125.Do you give refunds on empties?空瓶子可以退钱吗?

126.I took care of the check.我已付过账了。

127.I like whisky on the rocks.我喜欢喝威士忌加冰块。

128.How have you been?你近来好吗?

129.I'm so glad that you could come.你能光临,我非常高兴。

130.May I have your name?请问尊姓大名?

131.Take care of yourself.请多保重。

132.You are welcome.不必客气。

133.It's very kind of you to say so.谢谢你的夸奖。

134.What is your occupation?你是干哪一行的?

135.You think too much of me.你把我估计得太高了。

136.So far so good.目前尚好。

137.Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让你久等了。

138.It's my pleasure to know you.认识阁下,深感荣幸。

139.Pleasure is mine.是我的荣幸。

140.Come up and see me sometime.有空儿请来玩。

141.You get the point.你说对了。

142.May I take your order?请问点些什么?

143.air sick晕机

144.sea sick晕船

145.I'm going to be upset!我要生气了!

146.We have something in common.我们有许多相同之处。

147.He is a crook.他是个骗子。

148.That is not fair.那是不公平的。

149.That is very interesting.那真有趣。

150.That is so!原来如此!

151.That is too bad!那太可惜了!

152.Is that so?真有那回事吗?

153.I'm through!我完了!

154.I'll see.我考虑一下。

155.Are you all right?你没有问题吧?

156.I'm together.我没有问题。

157.Sorry for being late.抱歉来迟了。

158.You're crazy!你疯了!

159.You're tense.你太紧张了。

160.You O.K.?你没事吧?你还好吗?

161.He is something.你实在了不起。

162.No comment.无可奉告。

163.Go celebrate.我们好好庆祝一下。


165.Behave yourself!放规矩些!

166.It is secondhand.这是二流货。

167.Get with it!迁就一点吧!

168.Let's have a chat.我们聊聊天吧。

169.What is going on?怎么一回事?

170.What is wrong with me?我做错什么事了?

171.Did you have lunch?你吃过午饭了没有?

172.I just finished.我刚吃过。


175.He's been after me to go!他一直在逼我走!

176.We did it in on time.我们很快就做好了。

177.His heart's in the right place.他的心肠不错。

178.My wife goes through my pockets at night.我太太每晚都搜我的口袋。

179.So and so某某

180.Tell me when.我随时奉陪。

181.He is a sponge.他是海量。

182.He doesn't say much.他沉默寡言。

183.He talks too much.他很罗嗦。

184.He is devoted to me.他对我忠心耿耿。

185.Let's change the subject.让我们换个话题吧。

186.Let's take a vote.我们来表决一下吧。

187.There's no one like you.没人比得上你。

188.Go ahead!请便吧!

189.How did it go?结果如何?(后来呢?)

190.How is she getting along?她近况如何?

191.How about a second round?再干一杯如何?

192.What are you selling?你在搞什么名堂?

193.Don't make long speeches.长话短说吧。

194.Don't pull my leg!不要扯我的后腿了。

195.Don't be so fussy.别这样吹毛求疵了。

196.What's the fare?多少钱?

197.What is a better suggestion?还有什么更好的办法?

198.What do they know?他们懂得什么?

199.What is the difference?这有什么关系?

200.Who in the world is that fellow?那个家伙究竟是谁?

201.Who in the world are you?你究竟是谁?

202.I want you to mean it.= I want you to say what you mean.我要你说出真心话。

203.You have gone a little too far this time.你这次有点太过份了。

204.He is a man of ideas.他是个点子很多的人。

205.I'm not in the mood to go.我没有心情去。

206.He is an apple polisher.他是个马屁精。

207.Are you through?你说完了没有?

208.As far as I know.就我所知道。

209.Are you trying to kill me?你想杀我吗?

210.I'm at the end of my resources.我现在是山穷水尽。

211.What are we going to do now?我们现在该怎么办?

212.Sorry,I'm late,been waiting long?抱歉,我迟到了,你久等了吗?

213.He is a bookworm.他是个书呆子。

214.I'm behind you.我支持你。

215.Beware of the dog!谨防恶犬!

216.Beware of pickpockets!谨防扒手!

217.He is a big bore.他是个讨厌鬼。

218.He is a big chees他是个大老板

219.Big talk is easy.吹牛是件容易的事。

220.I will talk to you later.以后再跟你聊。

221.I feel blue today.我今天心情不好。

222.You are too smart for me.你太厉害了,我不是你的对手。

223.I'm sick and tired of him.我对他已讨厌极了。

224.It means nothing to me.我一点儿都不在乎。

225.He's my sworn brother.他是我的结拜兄弟。

226.Don't give me sweet talk.不要给我说些甜言蜜语了。

227.It must be an inside job.一定有卧底。(内奸)

228.This is a very good plan,I'm all for it.这是个好计划,我完全同意。

229.It's never wise to put all your eggs in one basket.孤注一掷,绝不是一件聪明的事。

230.On the job training.在职培训。

231.On the job = on duty值班

232.I'm on the job.我在值班。

233.VIP=Very important person要人(贵宾)

234.The plan is still up in the air.这个计划仍未决定。

235.It's up to you.随你的便(由你决定)。

236.It has to be done.应该做的事。

237.Top man上司

238.To my knowledge=so far as I know.据我所知。

239.Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮忙。

240.I know you better than yourself.我把你看透了。

241.How is your business?生意如何?

242.How is everything?近况如何?

243.Give me a hand.帮我一个忙。

244.Give me a chance.给我一次机会。

245.I don't know who did this,but I'll get to the bottom of it.我不知道谁干的,但是我要查个究竟。

246.Next time I am going to teach him a lesson.下一次我要给他一个教训。

247.The joke has gone too far.玩笑开得太大了。

248.Let us stop it , the joke has gone too far.让我们停止吧,这个玩笑开得太大了。

249.Take your time and do a good job.慢慢地把工作做好。

250.please bring me up-to-date.请你告诉我最新的消息。

252.You had better put your feet on the ground.你最好要脚踏实地。

253.Mr.Right is hard to spot.如意郎君不好找。

254.I'm on my way.我立刻就去。

255.I'm at your disposal=I'm at your service.我随时听候你指使。

256.I'm busy on another line.我正在忙着听另一个电话。

257.I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.真抱歉,使你久等了。

258.Are you free now?你现在有空吗?

259.Yes,I'm free.是的,我有空。

260.Would you do me a favor?请你帮我一个忙,好吗?

261.It's very kind of you.你真好。

262.Merry Christmas.祝你圣诞快乐。

263.Happy New Year.祝你新年快乐。

264.Happy birthday.祝你生日快乐。

265.I wish you very happiness.祝你快乐。

266.Happy landing.祝你一路顺风。

267.Everything looks so beautiful.一切看起来都很美。

268.Please write it down here.请写在这里。

269.Many happy returns of the day!祝你青春永驻。

270.Best wishes for a happy and prosperous future.祝你快乐和前途光明。

271.Make yourself comfortable.请不要拘束。

272.Please help yourself.请随便用(餐)。

273.Which would you like?你喜欢哪一个?

274.That is enough.我吃饱了。

275.Take your choice!你自己挑吧!

276.It is a pleasure to help you.帮助你是我的荣幸。

277.You are welcome.不必客气。

278.Not at all.没有什么(不客气)

279.Thank you very much for your kindness.谢谢你的好意。

280.Please remember me to your family.请替我向你的家人问好。

281.Please give my regards to your parents.请代我向你的双亲问好。

282.Why do you kill time every day?你为何每天消磨时光?

283.What do you want,kid?孩子,你需要什么?

284.Be sure to keep in touch with me while you are away.你离开后,要与我确保联系。

285.You can get promoted as long as you keep your nose clean.只要你避开麻烦,你就能升级。

286.How could I say no?我怎能拒绝?

287.How dare you say that?你怎敢那么说?

288.How can you be so sure?你怎能如此肯定呢?

289.It doesn't matter.没有关系。

290.Never mind.没有关系(不必介意)。

291.It's for me to apologize,not for you.该道歉的是我,不是你。

292.Hope to see you again.希望再见到你。

293.So long.Good luck to you.再见,祝你好运。

294.What the matter with you?你有什么不对劲?

295.Shall I help you?要不要我帮忙?

296.When will you be free?你什么时候有空?

297.Please be careful!请小心点!

298.You must live according to your income.你必须要量入为出。

299.Where have you been?你曾到过哪些地方?

300.It is none of your business,get along with you.少管闲事,你滚开。

300.It is none of your business,get along with you.少管闲事,你滚开。

301.Get going,you are in my way.滚开,你挡了我的去路。

302.Go ahead.请便。

303.He is good for nothing.他是个无用的人。

304.Good for you.对你有好处。

305.He made a slip of the tongue.他说溜了嘴。

306.On the contrary.相反地。

307.It's impossible.不可能的。

308.Don't bother me.不要烦我。

309.Am I in your way?我妨碍了你吗?

310.I haven't seen you for a long time.我很久没有见到你了。

311.Are you as busy as before?你跟以前一样忙碌吗?

312.You are always in such a hurry?你总是这样忙吗?

313.I have been looking forward to seeing you.我一直盼望见到你。

314.I am so glad to see you.看见你我非常高兴。

315.You're been had.你被骗了。

316.It's a pleasure to know you.认识阁下,至感荣幸。

317.You're putting me on.你在寻我开心。

318.You set me up!你害惨我了!

319.You are trying my patience.你不要惹我发火。

320.You got a big mouth.你太多嘴了。

321.Love is stronger than hate.爱可胜过一切。

322.It's a waste of time.简直是浪费时间。

323.No problem.没有问题。

324.What do you do for a living?你是干什么的?

325.May I bother you for a moment?我可以打扰你一会儿吗?

326.May I trouble you for a light?我可以麻烦你一会儿吗?

327.What can I do for you?我能为你效劳吗?

328.What do you want me to do?你需要我做些什么?

329.It'll be a great pleasure to do anything for you.为你效劳将是我的最大荣幸。

330.Your comments and directions are welcome.欢迎你的批评和指导。

331.I would appreciate your comments.请你多多批评。

332.How much is this?这个多少钱?

333.How much is that?那个多少钱?

334.It is very expensive.太贵了。

335.How can I get there?我该怎样走?

336.It's time for me to be off.我该走了。

337.Keep to your own affairs.你不要多管闲事。

338.Have a good time.祝你快乐。

339.Have a nice trip.祝你旅途愉快。

340.I have a long way to go.我要向你告辞了。

341.I will do my best.我将尽力而为。

342.Say it slowly,please.请你慢慢说。

343.Why are you in such a hurry?你为什么这样忙碌?

344.Take a break.休息一会儿。

345.Please give me an example.请举个例子吧。

346.What is the difference?有什么关系?

347.You are stupid.你是个笨蛋。

348.Of course.当然。

349.Of course not.当然不是。

351.You had better make sure.你最好搞清楚点。

352.Anybody home?有人在家吗?

353.You mad at me?你生我的气吗?

354.I am happy for you.我为你高兴。

355.Red-light district.红灯区。

356.She's impossible!她真是不讲理。

357.I'll get him by the neck.我会捉住他。

358.I'm pretty sure that he can never get there.我确信他无法完成目标。

359.Let's put our heads together,friends!朋友们!我们共同研究(集思广益)。

360.He got in bad among his friends.他在朋友中人缘不好。

361.He is a real trouble maker.他真是个捣蛋鬼。

362.How can I reach you?我怎样和你联络?

363.Just as I thought.正如我所料到的。

364.I will be happy to do it for you.我乐意为你效劳。

365.How did your job go?你的工作进度如何?

366.I don't buy your story.我不相信你的鬼话。

367.No man is good enough for her.她目中无人。

368.Don't hang up,please.请别挂断(电话)。

369.I think it's so.我想就是这样的。

370.There is no such thing.没有这回事。

371.I'm coming right away.我立刻就来。

372.You are just the man I have been looking for.你正是我要寻找的那个人。

373.Let's do it this way.我们就这样办吧。

374.What's to be done about it?关于这件事,该怎么办?

375.It's my turn to treat you.这次该轮到我来请客。

376.You set me up!你把我整惨了!

377.Some for you,and some for me.一些给你,一些给我。

378.It makes no difference to me.我无所谓。

379.He's a man of few words.他是个沉默寡言的人。

380.I'm at your disposal anytime.我愿意随时为你效劳。

381.This is a matter of life and death.这是一个很重要的问题。

382.You'd better play ball with me.你最好是跟我合作。

383.What do you do in your spare time?你在空闲时,有何消遣?

384.Don't be so courteous.不必这样客气。

385.Let me do it myself.让我自己来做。

386.Nothing special.没有什么特别事情。

387.Please come anytime.请随时光临。

388.Don't get me wrong!别误会我的意思!

389.I hope it's so.我希望就是这样的。

390.I think it's so.我想就是这样的。

391.What kind of business are you in?你做的是什么生意?

392.You really have great ability and great skill.你真是多才多艺。

393.What does it have to do with you?这个跟你有什么关系?

394.May I ask who is calling?请问你贵姓?

395.Is it far from here on foot?从此地去,走路远不远?

396.Not far,it will take you about ten minutes.不太远,大约10分钟就到。

397.I took care of the check.我已付过账了。

398.Would you like to leave a message for him?你要给他留话吗?

399.He is the man on the way up.他现在是春风得意时。

400.Make up your mind.快决定吧。

401.I'll be there.我准时到达那里。

402.Tell me more.多告诉我一些。

403.You have my blessing.我祝福你。

404.What is the difference do you think?你认为有什么不同?

405.You don't look your age.你看起来,不像那么大年纪。

406.Are you kidding me?你在开我的玩笑吗?

407.So far so good.到目前为止还好。

408.No man is good enough for her.她目中无人。

409.What's behind you?你到底有什么心事?

410.Are you ever homesick?你经常想家吗?

411.Make water(Pass water.I have to do a No.1.I have to take a leak.小便。

412.Go ahead.继续。

413.What is wrong?怎么啦。

414.Please give my best(best regards,kindest regards)to your family.请替我向你家人问好。

415.Take a seat,please.请坐。

416.Don't lose heart.别沮丧。

417.The same old game.还是老一套。

418.My patience is exhausted.我已到了无法容忍的地步了。

419.I have no patience with you.我对你已无法容忍了。

420.Much too early.来得太早了。

421.Excuse me a minute.对不起,我失陪了。

422.It's all nonsense.这全是胡说。

423.Don't be afraid.不要害怕。

424.Don't be silly.别傻了。

425.Don't be worried.不要伤脑筋。

426.What's he like?他长得怎样?

427.It's closing time.要打烊了。

428.How could you be so stupid?你怎能会如此笨?

429.How can you do such a thing?你怎能做这种事情?

430.You can't do that to me.你不能那样对待我。

431.You got the nerve to do that to me.你那样对待我,简直是神经病。

432.Is that so?是真地吗?

433.That's so.原来如此。

434.That's too bad.那太可惜了。

435.I'm crazy about her.我爱上了她。

436.What shall I do?我该怎么办?

437.I will never forget your kindness.我绝不会忘恩负义的。

438.I'll be happy if I can be of service to you.能为阁下服务,本人非常高兴。

439.I didn't expect to meet you here.没想到会在此地遇见你。

440.I will be in touch.我会跟你联络。

441.Don't boast.少吹牛。

442.I happened to be there.我正好在那里。

443.Not necessary.不必了。

444.You are kidding(joking)?你在开玩笑吗?

445.No kidding.没有开玩笑。

446.Stop bothering me.别烦我。

447.Get out(Go away).滚出去/走开。

448.He's gone.他已去世了。

449.We'll make up for your loss.我们会补偿你的损失的。

450.What are you looking at me for?你看着我干什么?

451.Don't do this to me.不要这样对我。

452.You can't make me agree with you.你不能使我同意你。

453.My idea is different from yours.我的想法跟你的不同。

454.Nobody will believe that.那件事没有人会相信的。

455.We sing the same song.我们是志同道合。

456.I want to speak to you alone.我要单独跟你谈一谈。

457.In my opinion,this is a good idea.我认为这是一个好办法。

458.I wish I could do something.我希望我能帮点忙。

459.I will see that I can do.我看看能帮上什么忙。

460.There is no doubt about it.这件事情是毫无疑问的。

461.How much do I owe you?我该付你多少钱?

462.I know how you think.我知道你在打什么主意。

463.I don't mean to offend you.我不是故意冒犯你的。

464.Did I say something wrong?我说错了什么话?

465.I don't know what to say.我不知道该怎么说才好。

466.I am always taking without giving.我总是占你的便宜。

467.I know it's a hard time for you.我知道你心情不好。

468.No need to thank me.用着谢我。

469.I hope all goes well.我希望一切都顺利进行。

470.Now I come to think of it.现在我想起来了。

471.He is free from blame.他没有过失。

472.Do I have any choice?我有选择的余地吗?

473.Who is to blame for this?此事该怪谁?

474.You are to blame for the accident.对外意外事件,你应受责。

475.Would you speak a little louder?请你说大声一点儿好吗?

476.Will you speak more slowly?请你说慢一些好吗?

477.He has gone home.他已回家去了。

478.May I have him call you back?要不要叫他回你电话?

479.All of us are very fine.我们大家都很好。

480.Please keep quiet.请大家肃静。

481.At least I think so.至少,我认为是如此。

482.Please explain this expression.请你把这个词句解释一下。

483.Don't ask questions about other people's private affairs.有关别人的私事,最好不要问。

484.What is the weather forecast today?今天气象预报怎样?

485.The visibility is rather low.能见度很低。

486.How is that possible?那件事怎么可能?

487.Is it possible?有可能吗?

488.Nothing gives me so much pleasure.再没有什么能使我如此的高兴。

489.Nothing could make me happier.没有什么令我更高兴的。

490.Looks like it's going to be fine.看起来天气将会转睛。

491.The weatherman says it is going to be fair today.气象预报说,今天天气会转晴。

492.I'm afraid it's going to rain today.恐怕今天会下雨。

493.I'm very pleased at the news.我对这个消息感到非常高兴。

494.I know nothing about this.关于这件事,我毫不知情。

495.Excuse me,I didn't do it on purpose.对不起,我不是故意的。

496.Excuse me,I will be back in a second.对不起,我立刻就回来。

497.I'm sorry about that.关于那件事,本人至感抱歉。

498.I'm sorry for what I did.对我所做的,至感歉意。

499.I'm ready to do anything to make up for the loss.对于这次损失,本人准备作任何补偿。

500.I am blessed if I know.我知道才怪呢。

