正文翻译China’s Chang’e 5 lunar lander finds water on the moon, but not as much as they hoped嫦娥五号为“月球有水”再添“实锤”我们离“移民月球”还有多远?


评论翻译South China Morning PostSoil samples collected by China’s Chang’e 5 lunar lander have determined that much of the water on the surface of the moon likely comes from within the moon itself, not solar winds as previously hypothesised. The discovery comes from the first-ever water survey conducted on the surface of the moon and is an important step in China’s ambitions to build a moon base by 2027. But while Chinese scientists discovered water, they found far less of it than initially predicted – a minuscule 30 grams per tonne of soil.中国嫦娥5号月球着陆器采集的土壤样本已经确定:月球表面的大部分水可能来自月球本身,而不是来自之前假设的太阳风。这一发现来自首次在月球表面进行的水资源调查,是中国于2027年之前建立月球基地的雄心壮志中迈出的重要一步。尽管中国科学家发现了水,但他们发现的水远远少于最初的预测——每吨土壤只有30克。vityismReminds me of the silent sea. And yes, I know that they found water years ago让我想起寂静的大海。是的,我知道他们几年前发现了水。problem?Lunar water ?月球有水?原创翻译:龙腾网 ltaaa 转载请注明出处KThat's interesting I would've assumed water was brought to the moon the same way it was to earth via ice asteroids.这很有趣,我会假设地球上的水是通过冰态小行星以同样的方式带到地球的。Captain SplatterApparently the planet's water came from within. And not comets. Although they did help.显然,地球上的水来自内部,而不是来自彗星—尽管彗星带来部分水。原创翻译:龙腾网 ltaaa 转载请注明出处dipak vasavaSCMP(this news channel) always showing us Important news and without Anchor..Music sextion also unique for every news..《南华早报》(这个新闻频道)总是向我们播放重要新闻,并且不用主播。每一条新闻对应的背景音乐也都是独一无二的。George MartinusThat's why I've been following and updating my current affairs knowledge from it since 3 years ago.It's just a simple video . Plus a music to make it more interesting.这就是为什么我从3年前就开始关注并接受其向我提供的时事知识的原因。这只是一个纯粹的视频。再加上一首音乐,让它更有趣。Martell888Will the American allow China to set up the "First" moon base? This is getting interesting as the Chinese are showing extraordinarily strong momentum to do just that.美国会允许中国建立“第一个”月球基地吗?随着中国在这方面表现出异常强劲的势头,这一点变得越来越有趣。Golden TatooWell America was the first to land and was leading in space exploration. The question was more so asking, “Will America take a step back from space exploration while other superpower countries keep pushing forward?”美国是第一个(在月球)登陆的国家,在太空探索方面处于领先地位。更应该问的是,“当其他超级大国继续推进太空探索时,美国是否会后退一步?”Star@Golden Tatoo Russia/USSR was the first to go to space, USA first to land on moon, China the first build a base on the moon,,,,Canada the first to land on mars俄罗斯/苏联是第一个进入太空的国家,美国是第一个登陆月球的国家,中国是第一个在月球上建立基地的国家,加拿大是第一个登陆火星的国家Polynesian warrior@Golden Tatoo America is the first nation to land on moon using Hollywood studios美国是第一个利用好莱坞电影公司登陆月球的国家。Basu Vivek@Golden Tatoo My country India will send human space mission next year ??我的国家印度明年将发射载人航天任务。Thunder HouseAttacks Taiwan OO台湾Time@Thunder House Ah, do you see that happening on news? I don't see it happening. It's assumptions mate. I'll be happy to be on the front line to help people if there is a war. But unfortunately, blowing your fantasies away, there is no war, so quit spreading rumors.啊,你在新闻上看到了吗?我认为这种事不会发生。这是假设,伙计。如果发生战争,我很乐意站在第一线帮助人们。但不幸的是,你的幻想破灭了,没有战争,所以别再散布谣言了。DavidDo they own the moon or what?月球或那啥是他们的吗?Taquito Layton@Star ussr landed first苏联首先登陆才是。Jay JayThey don't own the moon just because they stepped onto it. Otherwise , we can just say USSR owned the whole outer space.他们不能因为踏上月球就拥有它。否则,我们可以说苏联拥有整个外层空间。Daniel AvilaI purchased the moon on e-bay and will charge rent for whoever stays there...我在e-bay上买下了月亮,并且会向住在那里的人收取租金Michael LiuAmerica is not as strong as you thought,they cannot do any significant infrastructure for decades美国没有你想象的那么强大,他们几十年都无法建设任何重要的基础设施X - ForceWhy are people so jingoistic? None one chose what country they were born in. The vast majority of leaders in the governments of virtually all nations on Earth honestly don't care at all about their people, or any people anywhere .. only their own personal power and wealth. never-ending pursuit to fulfill insatiable greed.The advancement of science, including space exploration, should be for the benefit of all humankind. It's ridiculous to be "proud" of a country, in the same way it's ridiculous to be proud of some racial ancestry .. how are people going to be proud of something they had nothing to do with? Who among us decided to be born a certain race in a certain place at a specific time? Or to be born into a rich family or a poor one?Real human advancement will only come the day we grow-up and mature as a species, and abandon these tribalistic and often cultish tendencies. We need to put away these childish notions which drive us towards division and destruction. Right now, our technology has far outpaced our cultural / societal maturation, and that is a recipe for disaster.It doesn't have to be this way.为什么人们如此沙文主义?没有人(可以)选择他们在哪个国家出生。事实上,地球上几乎所有国家政府的绝大多数领导人都毫不关心自己的人民,也不关心任何地方的人民。只关心他们自己的权力和财富。永无止境的追求—满足贪得无厌的欲望。包括空间探索在内的先进科学应该造福于全人类。为一个国家感到“自豪”是荒谬的,同样地,为某些种族血统感到自豪也是荒谬的。人们怎么会为与他们自己无关的事情感到骄傲呢?我们中间谁能决定在特定的时间在特定的地方出生在特定的种族?或者选择在一个富裕的家庭或者一个贫穷的家庭出生呢?真正的人类进步只有在我们作为一个物种成长和成熟的那一天才会到来,并抛弃这些部落主义和通常的崇拜倾向。我们需要摒弃这些驱使我们走向分裂和毁灭的幼稚观念。目前,我们的技术已经远远超过了我们的文化/社会成熟度,这是灾难的根源。事情本不必是这样的。
