
标题:Prudery in MoroccoGet two roomsHoteliers are backing Moroccans who want to legalise sex before marriage摩洛哥的谈性色变订两个房间摩洛哥人婚前性行为合法化酒店经营者支持No marriage certificate, no room key没有结婚证,没有房间钥匙Paragraph 1:IT IS BAD enough that the pandemic cut the number of foreign tourists by 80%; to make matters even worse, Morocco’s ban on extramarital sex is stifling the domestic market in hotel beds. 这场新冠大流行使外国游客减少了80%,这已经够糟糕的了;更糟糕的是,摩洛哥对婚外性行为的禁令正在扼杀国内酒店市场。Unmarried couples caught in the same room are liable to jail terms of up to a year under Article 490 of the penal code. 根据《刑法典》第490条,在同一房间被捕的未婚夫妇将被判处一年以下的监禁。Each week the police check hotel records to uphold the law. 警方每周都会检查酒店记录以维护法律。Receptionists-turned-private detectives require verification of marriage certificates before handing over the keys. 酒店前台变成私家侦探,他们在交钥匙前要求核实结婚证。“I get more calls from unmarried couples wanting to stay than anyone else,” says Meryem Zniber, who runs a resort in the Rif mountains. “I could fill my hotel 100% if only they’d lift the law.”梅里姆·兹尼伯在里夫山经营着一家度假酒店,他说:“我接到的想要留下来的未婚夫妇的电话比任何人都多。只要他们解除法律,我的酒店就可以100%住满。”


Paragraph 2:Hopes of change rose after the Islamist party heading the government crashed in elections in September, losing 90% of its seats. 9月,执政的伊斯兰党派在选举中失败,失去了90%的席位,改变的希望增加。For a decade its leaders had squelched any policy deemed haram, or contrary to Islamic law. 十年来,其领导人一直压制任何被视为违反伊斯兰法律的行为。Aziz Akhannouch, the new prime minister, sounds more liberal. His government recently said it would review the entire penal code. 新总理阿齐兹·阿克汉努奇听起来更自由。他的政府最近表示将审查整个刑法。But he has left out of his coalition the only party that publicly calls for Article 490 to be repealed.但他把唯一一个公开要求废除的第490条排除在外。Paragraph 3:The interior ministry is a big obstacle. 内政部是一大障碍。“They fear turning hotels into brothels,” says a former minister. 一位前部长说:“他们害怕把旅馆变成妓院。”Others say the main concern is pecuniary: officials do not want to lose the bribes they extort from hotels and unmarried couples who canoodle in them.另一些人说,主要的担忧是金钱上的:guan员们不想失去他们从酒店和未婚夫妇那里索要或贿赂的钱财。Paragraph 4:Travel websites suggest workarounds. 旅游网站上有人建议一些解决办法。One proposes donning a wedding ring. “The offer of an additional payment may carry some weight,” it adds. 有人提议戴结婚戒指。又补充道:“额外付款的提议可能会带来一些影响。”Another suggests “the two-room method: rent single rooms, then scurry across the corridor after dark”. 另一个建议是“两室法:租单人房,天黑后匆匆穿过走廊”。But others have tired of the expense and the hypocrisy. 但其他人已经厌倦了这种花费和虚伪。Hashtag campaigns—“Love is not a Crime” and “Stop490”—proliferate online.“#爱不是犯罪”和“#Stop490”这两个标签广告在网上大量传播。Paragraph 5:Conservatives urge young Moroccans to respect tradition. 保守派敦促摩洛哥年轻人尊重传统。Youngsters retort that the precursor to Article 490 was introduced by France in 1953, near the end of the colonial era. 年轻人反驳说,第490条的前身是1953年法国在殖民时代末期引入的。And they point to other Muslim countries that are shaking off old mores. 他们还指出,其他穆斯林国家正在摆脱旧习俗。The United Arab Emirates decriminalised extramarital sex a year ago. 阿拉伯联合酋长国一年前将婚外性行为合法化。Saudis say their hotels have stopped asking couples to show marriage certificates. 沙特人说,他们的酒店已经停止要求夫妇出示结婚证书。Morocco’s latest hashtag campaign implores “Vote4Love”.摩洛哥最新的标签运动恳求“#为爱投票”。(恭喜读完,本篇英语词汇量406左右)原文出自:2021年11月13日《The Economist》Middle East & Africa版块。精读笔记来源于:自由英语之路本文翻译整理:Irene本文编辑校对:Irene仅供个人英语学习交流使用。

【重点句子】(2个)But others have tired of the expense and the hypocrisy. 但其他人已经厌倦了这种花费和虚伪。And they point to other Muslim countries that are shaking off old mores. 他们还指出,其他穆斯林国家正在摆脱旧习俗。【重点词汇】(12个)prudery/ˈpruːdəri/the attitude or behaviour of people who seem very easily shocked by things connected with sex.n. 假正经的行为;谈性色变的态度(或行为);(对性问题的)大惊小怪stifle /ˈstaɪfəl/v. 扼杀,抑制be liable to易于…的;有…倾向的;应负有责任,应遵守…penal code刑法典lift/lɪft/v. 解除,撤销(熟词新义:常见意思是“电梯”)squelch /skwɛltʃ/v. 消除;镇压;压碎haram/ˈhɑːˌrɑːm/anything that is forbidden by Islamic law .n.伊斯兰法律所禁之事brothel /ˈbrɒθəl/n. 妓院extort from向……敲诈scurry/ˈskʌri/v. 急赶;碎步急跑hypocrisy/hɪˈpɒkrəsi/ n. 虚伪,伪善precursor/priːˈkɜːsə(r)/n. 先驱,前身【重点词根】(1 3个)hypocrisy=hypo次等 cris分辨 y词根hypo- 表示“下面,次等”,如:hypocrite/ˈhɪpəkrɪt/ n. 伪君子, 伪善者hypoderm/ˈhaɪpəˌdɜːm/ n. 皮下组织;下皮hypoplasia/ˌhaɪpəʊˈplæzɪə/ n. 发育不全;细胞减生




